Archived How did you get here?

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I fond it on Topix, found the original site by accident, don't really remember what I was looking for at the time...
I stumbled across the old site by Googling a question about a Target policy. I registered, read around and forgot about it until the other day. Decided to go check it out again and saw it was down and found the link to this on that Yahoo answers page.
When the original site went down, I headed over to Topix & read about this new site!

Thanks for the hard work to get a site up & running. It is very much appreciated!
Awright, you guys! Show yourselves! I can hear you lurking! (the floorboards are creaking)

I'm here, just not as much as the other site. Hardlinesmaster had my personal email and gave me the heads up about this one. I'll be around, I'm just not sure how much I like the idea of this site just up and taking over, using all the same graphics and basic setup of the other one. Don't get me wrong, I thought about making a new forum myself before this one popped up, but I think I would have changed a few things to give respect to the other site's creators. No offense to this site's admin, it just feels a little weird.
Google + yahoo answers was the way I got here... Which led me to going from a lurker to a member.
Yahoo answers for me too. I personally like the set up being a lot like the other board because I know my way around! Thanks for bringing the board back to life.
I was doing a search for the 9200 PDAs which took me to the thread talking about the new PDAs and various stages of testing of new equipment and then the rest is history. The best place to find out just about everything and ask questions!
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