Archived How do you become a TL?

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You don't NEED to know everything to be GSA (just Cashier + Desk really), but it does help a LOT.

I did Cashier/CO/Service desk/photo/carts/Food Ave, so was pretty well rounded and could deal with pretty much whatever came my way.

GSA is THE stepping stone to get out of Front End into a TL spot.
If you want to get out of Cashier, the GSA / GSTL / ETL-GE route is probably not for you. Even GSA's and GSTL's get scheduled as a Cashier or have to fill in when a cashier calls off. I would look to join another work center. Depending on what you found boring about cashier could give us a idea on what would be a better fit. For example:

Market - Defiantly good for people who are self-motivated and can work alone on occasion. I have also found that Market people have a extreme will power. It takes a lot to not crack open that Archer salsa and have your own fiesta in the produce cooler.

Softlines - I @#*!ing LOVE touching clothes. I want to kiss it, and love it, and squeeze it.....

Hardlines - Really good for liars. "Yes mam I can help you look at all these microwaves and tell you about them!" "I have personally tried every single one and let me tell you that this $299.99 Emerson Super Microwave is the best in the business." " This one could microwave a burrito in ten seconds while warming up that frozen dinner you cried over for being so alone"

Electronics- Awesome job for liars / beginning salesmen / "nerds" - " For @#*!s sake Wizard, I put spider-wrap on everything just like you asked! I don't know how that guy walked out with 8 Bluray players and the whole shipper of Madden!" ..... *Cue Video* ..." Okay, there is the Elec TM....and there he is flirting with the Target Mobile girl while that guy walks out with non-spider-wrap'd blue ray players"

Backroom / Logistics - These people scare me. I really just don't know what they do except yell at each other and unload boxes. I tried to help with a truck once and got yelled at. So I opened a Internal on him! That will teach him to not let me into their club or secret Fantasy Football League!!! ...🙁

Food Ave - ..... "Really like free popcorn"

AP - "No, you don't get to tackle or taze people" This should turn you off right away.
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