Archived How do you guys wear your equipment?

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I put it all on my belt basically. And I arrange them in order of importance. Mydevice on the front then walkie then tape measure. My orange tool and screwdrivers float in different pockets depending. And boxcutter goes in the little mesh pocket in the mydevice holster
My walkie clips to the V on my polo (I go in coolers a lot and I'm bad at hearing things)
There's always a pen behind my left ear
Box cutter, red permanent, 4 highlighters in my right pocket
My daily grid, field book, and any pieces of paper someone hands me go into my back-left pocket.
MyDevice is holstered (and I only use LPDA holsters) behind my right hip.
I usually have a small LED flashlight in the utility pocket of my pants (comes in handy when looking for dates)
Keys clip onto the front right belt loop.

If I'm missing anything, I tend to freak out a bit.
Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to not forget to bring my equipment keys when I come in, but also not keep them attached to my awkward car key?
Find a random closet/drawer/shelf in the store (maybe in the fixture room) & stash them there before you leave for the day. They just stay in the store. You never forget them at home.
MyDevice on right side belt
Right front pocket is jolly ranchers, pen, and highlighter
Left front pocket is chapstick and walkie
Back left pocket is cell phone
Back right pocket is weekly ad, daily store grid, and GSTL key.
If I'm wearing girl pants, MyDevice in one back pocket, phone in another, walkie clipped to my belt loop.
If I'm wearing guy pants, I have 7 different pockets for EVERYTHING
I've been backroom trained for 7 years. For the last year I've done backroom shifts about twice a week.

Im guessing afternoon shifts.

Not sure in your store but in my store, it's a safety risk. When you work early morning back room pulling auto fills, backstock pallets, and then backstock items from the store, we move fast and the holster gets in the way.
Walkie clipped on my left pocket, mydevice in holster clipped on my right pocket.

Side note: That's one of the things I like about mydevices most. It's portable and always on you. PDAs were bulky and LPDAs were inconvenient to type on.
Im guessing afternoon shifts.

Not sure in your store but in my store, it's a safety risk. When you work early morning back room pulling auto fills, backstock pallets, and then backstock items from the store, we move fast and the holster gets in the way.
How is it a safety risk to have both hands free when climbing ladders?

All BR TMs at my store use holsters, including the opening team.

Need to make yourself small to squeeze through some tubs or not get run over by a pallet flying down the hall? Just turn to your side...
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