Archived How do you guys wear your equipment?

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Walkie clipped to front right pocket, MyDevice holster clipped to front left pocket. No belt because the one belt I own is currently MIA. Pens and box cutter (inside a plastic toothbrush holder so it doesn't cut my leg open) in front right pocket. Back in the PDA days, I would only use a holster if I had an LPDA; a regular PDA would just be permanently attached to my hand (after sanitizing the handle - see below).

None of you guys will admit to carrying the PDA stuffed down the back of your pants into the crack of your butt?

I always hated when TMs would do that. "Do you know where that's been??" 😱

I hate polos. I don't know how you guys do it.

Always a polo. It allows me to look nice-ish without dressing nice. 😀 My only alternative is a ratty t-shirt because I hate shopping for clothes.

Oh, and my name tag is always on the left side because I'm right-handed.
Always a polo. It allows me to look nice-ish without dressing nice. 😀 My only alternative is a ratty t-shirt because I hate shopping for clothes.

Oh, and my name tag is always on the left side because I'm right-handed.

I just get a nice T-Shirt and hope it works. My name tag is always on my left because I'm left-handed.
Walkied on my left pocket, sharpie for QMOS on my right pocket with a MyDevice. Pen in my ponytail so it doesn't fall out of my pocket/have some snatch it.
I wear my walkie on my butt usually. When I get an iPod (rare) I leave it in my cart under stuff orr I clip the holster on the bottom of my z rack. Those things are too heavy.
I hate carrying extra stuff so I usually just skip the mydevice and I use my phone and the target app if someone asks me a location of something in a nearby area that idk. I know where like 99% of the stuff in my usual departments go. And I know the important stuff for when people ask about other areas... I know where the shopkins are lol.
I know where the shopkins are lol.

I KNOW WHERE OUR SHOPKINS ARE!! Oh wait, we don't have any. Ever. So rather, I know where they go.

For me, it's

Left Side:
-Notepad in front pocket
-Sometimes have electronics keys on the belt loop
-Personal phone in rear pocket

Right Side:
-Electronics keys above front pocket
-Walkie on belt
-Mydevice on belt w/closed box cutter that is always removed (box cutters are gold in my store.)
-Pens in front pocket

I usually have somewhere around where I happen to be working my Clipboard Of Largely Useless Information™ which contains among other Largely Useless Information™ some myDevice reports and Cartwheel stuff.
My Device/Holster + Box cutter, left pocket. Right pocket walkie. Back belt loop keys. Occasional phone, right/left leg pocket.
Walkie-right front pocket
Mydevice/lpda-on belt back right side
Pen, sharpie, box cutter, Chapstick, stack of great team cards-right front pocket
Personal phone-right front pocket
Electronics keys-right back pocket or clipped to right front belt loop

Cart pouch has all the other goodies: notepad, assorted pens, orange tool, black tool, grey dots, headphones, cough drops, more great team cards, spare canoe clips, flip label holder, and post-it notes.
Slightly off topic but on the topic of gear, anyone seen TM's get a walkie earpiece? There's one or two Salesfloor TM's at my store with them and I'm wondering is Spot provided them or they brought their own.

As for gear, I'm new so I haven't had much experimentation time but so far I've decided I'll probably run as follows:

Left Side:
- Personal keys in front if not left in a locker.
- Name tag.
- When the time comes, probably a myDevice on the belt.

Right Side:
- Walkie on the belt, as I have a habit of resting my right hand on it and reaching across with the left.
- Personal cell phone in front pocket.
- Wallet in the back pocket.
- Two pens in a drop-leg style cell phone pocket, (I wear Dickies work pants) and a Moleskine pocket notebook.
Slightly off topic but on the topic of gear, anyone seen TM's get a walkie earpiece? There's one or two Salesfloor TM's at my store with them and I'm wondering is Spot provided them or they brought their own.

As for gear, I'm new so I haven't had much experimentation time but so far I've decided I'll probably run as follows:

Left Side:
- Personal keys in front if not left in a locker.
- Name tag.
- When the time comes, probably a myDevice on the belt.

Right Side:
- Walkie on the belt, as I have a habit of resting my right hand on it and reaching across with the left.
- Personal cell phone in front pocket.
- Wallet in the back pocket.
- Two pens in a drop-leg style cell phone pocket, (I wear Dickies work pants) and a Moleskine pocket notebook.
Spot provides the earpieces, if they are available.
None of you guys will admit to carrying the PDA stuffed down the back of your pants into the crack of your butt?
The handle of mine goes in my left back pocket if I carry one. I don't do what you mentioned, that's just gross, lol.
Slightly off topic but on the topic of gear, anyone seen TM's get a walkie earpiece? There's one or two Salesfloor TM's at my store with them and I'm wondering is Spot provided them or they brought their own.

Ask your HRTM. At my store, that's who handles the ordering. My store will ONLY issue an earpiece to a GSA/GSTL, TL or above, AP, and electronics TMs, at the STLs directive. At the TM's orientation, it is "issued" to them with the implied contract of "use this until you leave and give it back when you quit" although that rarely happens. The downside to this is our guests have caught on to "earpiece = supervisor" even though some TMs get them, so I will constantly get badgered because people assume I am a supervisor.
None of you guys will admit to carrying the PDA stuffed down the back of your pants into the crack of your butt?
If I happen to have a PDA but no holster, I'll loosen my belt by one and tuck the handle through the back of my belt.
For the 9200/similar PDAs, I hate using a holster as they slow me down. If I have to keep it real close to me, I lodge it between my belt and pants at the right sight. Other then that, I normally carry it in my right hand or between my forearm and torso. Of course, this has led to me forgetting where I placed it down if I get distracted. On the salesfloor, I'm more cautious.

I don't use those silver sheathed blades as they have destroyed too many of my khakis over the years. I use a safer, logistics blade+lock which I keep in my back pocket.

The walkie I normally keep on my right hip.

My personal + equipment keys, I try to keep in my left pocket. Never leave keys exposed as they can lead to incidents.
If I see a PDA left unattended, I grab it and make the font super small.

I'm a BRTM so I don't use a holster.

I wear cargo pants everyday (3 pairs) so...

Left back pocket: Wallet, comb
Right back pocket: box cutter
Left thigh pocket: MyDevice
Left front pocket: Walkie (if there's no clip)
Middle back belt: Walkie (if there's a clip)
Right belt loop: keys (equipment, flexible fulfillment, electronics)

I leave my keys and glasses in receiving. I'm now the dedicated ShipFromStore TM so I really don't misplace my PDA anymore since I need it all the time.
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Walkie clipped on left front pocket, GSTL keys in front right pocket, MyDevice at magnet key in holster on back right pocket. The only thing I hate about that damned magnet key is getting stuck to everything if I get too close.
Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to not forget to bring my equipment keys when I come in, but also not keep them attached to my awkward car key?
I put my baler key on a separate ring and carabiner that I clipped to a front belt loop.

Front right: box cutter, car keys, name tag if I'm not wearing it
Back right: wallet
Back left: electronics keys, S3 key in pocket, keys hanging out.
Front left: phone

I never use a holster for my PDA.
If I have a mydevice it's in an LPDA holster, clipped to my belt on the right side. My box cutter gets moved into the mesh pouch.
Walkie (when I have one) is usually clipped in the corner of my right pocket.
Walkie: clipped to left hip pocket. This is at the perfect height to grab it when my arm is at it's natural resting position.

LPDA/iPod: clipped to left belt. I'm right hand dominant, so I hold the device with my left hand and operate/tap screen with my right hand.

Pistol PDA: Battery side slid into right hip pocket. I don't use the belt holster for it because it's always in the way. As with the walkie, the pistol grip to the PDA is right where my hand/arm is when naturally resting at my side. When needed, I can twirl the PDA out of my pocket old west style faster than fudging it out of the belt holster.
Walkie HAS to be on my front left pocket. Phone and wallet in front right. I don't use a MyDevice/PDA holster because fuck that.
Mydevice on right hip, walkie clipped to back right pocket, GSTL keys shoved inside either one of my back pockets...I try to shove them in whichever one my phone isn't in because I don't like the S3 magnet being next to my phone. It does make it in the same pocket as my phone sometimes though, and nothing bad has ever happened. I still have this idea that it's going to majorly fuck my phone up though.
I keep my mydevice in its holster on my front right hip attached to my belt.
In the holster I also carry a box cutter.
I also keep my walkie on my right hip.
Locker key goes in my left front pocket with whatever random stuff I find that day.
Phone goes in my butt pocket on the right.
Name tag is always on the right.
PDA is always in my hand. Always.

I've found that clipping stuff to my belt doesn't make my khakis sag (which makes my butt look bad lol)

If I change something up I feel so lost and confused the rest of the day.
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