Archived How do you know your getting fired?

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Apr 23, 2015
Im about 2 weeks shy of my 90 day mark. Today something weird happened. I work on flow and was scheduled 6am-10am. Well 9am rolls around(we take break at this time) and our TL tells my buddy to go home than looks at me and tell me to go home. We were about done with middle and had toys and sporting goods still which we were 30min-45min ahead of schedule. I just think its weird as I have never been sent home before. I'm always staying late etc. I was told I would get my hours back from being sent home early. AM I just over reacting? Worry too much? Would I be told I'd get my hours back If I was getting fired? I'm paranoid I'm sure.
They probably had to cut hours. If you're really concerned, talk to your TL about it.
Well that's who sent me home. I clocked out went to my car and just had to go back and ask him what happened. Without giving to much Info away he said the truck on Wednesday will be bigger and was saving payroll for It and I would get my hours back. Something In my head just make me think he could be lying to get me out of the store lol. I'm just wondering If I was In any kind of trouble would I have atleast been pulled aside and talked about the problem?
Well that's who sent me home. I clocked out went to my car and just had to go back and ask him what happened. Without giving to much Info away he said the truck on Wednesday will be bigger and was saving payroll for It and I would get my hours back. Something In my head just make me think he could be lying to get me out of the store lol. I'm just wondering If I was In any kind of trouble would I have atleast been pulled aside and talked about the problem?

I promise you, what he said makes perfect sense. It happens all the time.
You're psyching yourself out to feel bad for no reason. Relax.
You're psyching yourself out to feel bad for no reason. Relax.
Hopefully I am. Would a TL tell me about getting my hours back and stuff If I was getting fired just to get me out of the store so he wouldn't have to deal with me since I did surprise him by coming up to him.
To answer your question of how do you know you're getting fired: If you suck.

And I mean really suck. Don't finish your work consistently every day, show up late multiple times a week, rude to the guests kind of suck.

If you work hard, and they know you work hard, I wouldn't worry about it at all
If they're making good times and the truck doesn't really need too many people to finish pushing they send people from flow early home all the time to save payroll. It's not something to worry about, and it's essentially something to expect/get used to unfortunately.
If they're making good times and the truck doesn't really need too many people to finish pushing they send people from flow early home all the time to save payroll. It's not something to worry about, and it's essentially something to expect/get used to unfortunately.
Yea true. You think If I was In any kind of trouble would I have atleast been told and than when I go to work next been called Into the office?
Yea true. You think If I was In any kind of trouble would I have atleast been told and than when I go to work next been called Into the office?
That's the other thing. While being under your 90 days is a gray area, they're not going to fire anybody without talking to them about it multiple times first
Yeah like everyone else has said, this is a normal flow thing. Doesn't happen all the time (at least at my store). If it keeps happening and you don't want to lose too many hours, look into getting crosstrained in something that happens after trucks. Then you're more likely to just start that workcenter earlier instead of clocking out.
If you're fired you'll know it. They'll take you into a private room, Donald Trump will come out and go...

But no in all honesty unless you're legitimately participating in criminal activity or purposely trying to get fired than you're ok.
They do take you to a private room to fire you though. But in this case they wanted to save hours.
You are worrying over nothing. They wanted to save hours. Unless you did something really dangerous or against protocol you should be fine. 🙂
They just cut your hours dude. I had one of the TLs come up to me and tell me to go home an hour early. I was cool with it though.
Thanks everyone for the Input. I work tomorrow morning and will update with the outcome. I don't usually have anxiety but the way the situation came about just didn't sit well with me. My wife kinda ruined It for me when I said I went back In to talk to him about It when he told me about the truck size and getting hours back was probably an escape for him to avoid me getting furious Infront of everyone If I were to be getting fired soon. LOL.
If they're having a lot of private talks with you and it's about how you can improve your daily performance.. That would be the time I would start worrying about getting fired.
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