Archived How do you report vendors for not doing their job?

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Nov 26, 2017
So we have BDS and SBT vendors that don't do shit and rarely come to the store when they say there going to. We had electronics transition last week and they never showed up. I had to do 80% of their work because they have stuff piling up in my area and just sitting there untouched for months.

Who do I speak to about this?
Don't they work by commission? I mean, I think our grocery vendors get their money by the stuff they are able to get in the store and others get their money by how many of their stuff sells.
I recently was also very frustrated with BDS this time. He comes in and just does whatever, he took several cameras off the boat because they were "clearance" and dumped them onto the new electronics team member who didn't know what to do with them. Now I have to add them back onto the boat because he wasnt supposed to take them off in the first place.
Don't they work by commission? I mean, I think our grocery vendors get their money by the stuff they are able to get in the store and others get their money by how many of their stuff sells.
That goes to the account rep's commission... But the merchandisers who actually do the work of setting/maintaining the product don't see any of that :(
When it comes to grocery vendors just mark them red consistently. Anything else submit a mysupport including all of the details. Sometimes you can find contact numbers via workbench and the boxes they send. We had 4 boxes of reading glasses that were sitting in receiving forever so I called the number on the box and left a message. Since then I haven't had any issues.
As far as BDS, that is your PMTs responsibility. Problem with that is that their reps are usually untrained with little experience and PMTs have no way of marking green/red or giving feedback since their MTLs (their version of a DTL) rarely come in and if they do it’s after PMT hours.

Your PMT should have the BDS reps phone number and get your issues resolved. If BDS wants to play their no show fuck-fuck games then I have my STL badger the DTL about BDS which usually results in the rep showing up with an apology and everything they need to fix the problem with in a day.

I could start an entire thread on BDS alone and what they do, what they don’t do, why camera pucks are always on back order, and why it takes 3 months to get a simple display.
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The lady who handled the Excell stuff at my store used to throw the blind bags she was supposed to take with her on a random endcap for us to pick up. I complained to a couple of LoDs and I only saw her twice after that, I think she got fired.
Have your receiver call their rep, and let them know that if they don’t come he will refuse the shipment next time until they take care of the merchandise sitting in the back.
We have ICU reading glasses in our Receiving area. Vendor came in but we had no display to set them up on so back to the shelf they went. That was about a month ago. Guests keep asking if we have reading glass so we are losing sales. What can be done to get the vendor to order displays and get his product in the store?
When it comes to grocery vendors just mark them red consistently. Anything else submit a mysupport including all of the details. Sometimes you can find contact numbers via workbench and the boxes they send. We had 4 boxes of reading glasses that were sitting in receiving forever so I called the number on the box and left a message. Since then I haven't had any issues.
Vendors have been told NUMEROUS times to sign in and take a vendor badge. Yet weekly Pepsi, Coke & Davis come in dont sign in and dont take a badge. Fed up with telling them so marked them Red on scorecard. It’s not like this is new policy. Recommendations to get their attention. Have put up signs in Bold lettering that theu MUST sign in. Still they dont.
We have ICU reading glasses in our Receiving area. Vendor came in but we had no display to set them up on so back to the shelf they went. That was about a month ago. Guests keep asking if we have reading glass so we are losing sales. What can be done to get the vendor to order displays and get his product in the store?
Our ICU reading glasses are on a sidecap in Stationery (greeting cards). Not sure who put them there, but they sell. We also have a back end by pharmacy with the others (Foster Grant?).
I am not sure why our TL’s don't get them out on floor rather than sitting in boxes.
I will try and suggest them just getting them out to sell
So we have BDS and SBT vendors that don't do shit and rarely come to the store when they say there going to. We had electronics transition last week and they never showed up. I had to do 80% of their work because they have stuff piling up in my area and just sitting there untouched for months.

Who do I speak to about this?
Google the company website and call the 800# that’s listed.
The Pepsi vendor is starting to harsh my mellow big time. We always sell out of Pepsi sixpacks when they go on sale and I get to hear about it from little old ladies who drag me halfway across the store to demand rain checks. It's always the sixpack bottles of regular Pepsi, never the 12 pack cans or any other PepsiCo brand soda. I find it really really hard to believe that Pepsi ever runs out of Pepsi. Get good.
I recently was also very frustrated with BDS this time. He comes in and just does whatever, he took several cameras off the boat because they were "clearance" and dumped them onto the new electronics team member who didn't know what to do with them. Now I have to add them back onto the boat because he wasnt supposed to take them off in the first place.

This would be strange if your camera POG hadnt dropped in yet. Had it? Unless he is able to set the camera boat according to the new plano, he shouldn't even be partially setting up the cameras (there is no money if the entire project isnt done. no incentive to do half now and half later). So the only reason he would drop the clearance and setup the new layout is if he can snap a picture showing it is %100 done. If he can do that then those clearance cameras are done.. box them up and stick them on the clearance shelf. One thing you need to also realize..the cameras are no longer yours. BDS maintains it.. if it is correct or incorrect you do not have authority to change it any longer. You can complain, but it is his responsibility and he needs to take pictures showing its status when he visits.

I am pretty close with my BDS guy and he is pretty decent. He isn't the most tech savey but handles most alone and I lend him a hand every now and then since it is my department too and I want everything running %100. If a display needs repair parts he puts in the order for them, but just like signing some parts just never come. Hes chill, makes the note of it every visit, and reports back to his bosses that x display has been waiting on parts for y weeks.
Nabisco is the worst at my store. They've had product sitting in our fire aisle for a month now.
This would be strange if your camera POG hadnt dropped in yet. Had it? Unless he is able to set the camera boat according to the new plano, he shouldn't even be partially setting up the cameras (there is no money if the entire project isnt done. no incentive to do half now and half later). So the only reason he would drop the clearance and setup the new layout is if he can snap a picture showing it is %100 done. If he can do that then those clearance cameras are done.. box them up and stick them on the clearance shelf. One thing you need to also realize..the cameras are no longer yours. BDS maintains it.. if it is correct or incorrect you do not have authority to change it any longer. You can complain, but it is his responsibility and he needs to take pictures showing its status when he visits.

I am pretty close with my BDS guy and he is pretty decent. He isn't the most tech savey but handles most alone and I lend him a hand every now and then since it is my department too and I want everything running %100. If a display needs repair parts he puts in the order for them, but just like signing some parts just never come. Hes chill, makes the note of it every visit, and reports back to his bosses that x display has been waiting on parts for y weeks.

Last I remembered, clearance camera displays are suppose to be flexed onto the corner post at the boat, not boxed up on a clearance endcap.
Do you box up your clearence TVs or do you flex them into the wall when you set it? Stick it in the endcap and have pricing mark that sob down, get rid of it.

Oh and be super glad you no longer need to spend the time or sweat taking down the camera when someone finally wants it.
We have ICU reading glasses in our Receiving area. Vendor came in but we had no display to set them up on so back to the shelf they went. That was about a month ago. Guests keep asking if we have reading glass so we are losing sales. What can be done to get the vendor to order displays and get his product in the store?

I believe the ICU display is a Target fixture although I might be wrong. I would call the number on the box and ask them what you need to do and see what they say. If they aren't any help either submit a mysupport or ask your STL and let them know about the loss of sales. They might be able to send it further up the chain. Another option could be to get with your PMT and have them ask their PMBP or on yammer.
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