Archived How does store numbering work?

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My store is 10××
The store 2 miles down the road is 18xx

Just means a lot of stores were built in between. Also my store is the first store in our group
There’s a store in my state that’s a very low 2 digit number even though Target didn’t even expand into the state until the late 80s/early 90s
What about Target Canada? Did they add those numbers in or were they named differently?
It’s sequential. There’s targets near each other on maps that have more than a 2k difference in store numbers, and then stores where the numbers are only a couple apart but like 500 miles from each other. And the target Canada stores (R.I.P.) inflated a lot of the newer store numbers.
Not sure what’s so hard to understand about this.. it’s sequential by the time of opening. Stores can be close by physically and have large gaps in store number due to being built at different times.

Say T1234 is built in a large town. After 5 years of business, the store is extremely profitable, moves merchandise, crushes sales, and the local guests prove there is a demand for Target, so the company decides to build a locaion on the other side of town. Just because it’s nearby doesnt mean it gets to be T1235. It’s all in order of construction/opening, and will get the next number on the list.
Perfect example, I was wondering why it wasn’t being comprehended 😒
As HardlinesGuy said, nothing complicated about it.

The number of the store is the number of the store, by the number of when the store was established.

It's quite simple and, not meaning to be rude but why is this a thread?

If you have 10,000 pieces of chocolate and you send each to a different place each piece of chocolate still has a sequential number SO chocolate #553 might end up a few miles away from chocolate #1004

Store number indicates when store was built and nothing more.
Why is this a thread? Because it made zero sense to me. Everyone says they are being built at separate times, okay, but renumbering would seem to make more sense as whoever has to look at the map doesn't have to bounce all over finding numbers. Also what makes more sense to me is consolidating, not building a million little Targets and having to pay for multiple business licenses, permits, utilities, taxes, etc. Still I got my question answered.
Why is this a thread? Because it made zero sense to me. Everyone says they are being built at separate times, okay, but renumbering would seem to make more sense as whoever has to look at the map doesn't have to bounce all over finding numbers. Also what makes more sense to me is consolidating, not building a million little Targets and having to pay for multiple business licenses, permits, utilities, taxes, etc. Still I got my question answered.
I feel like numbering is important & constant renumbering is too much of a hassle. You would have to reset myDevice passcodes at least 30 of them, reset door passcodes, how non-merch gets to stores. A store’s number is its unique identity like your name.
Why is this a thread? Because it made zero sense to me. Everyone says they are being built at separate times, okay, but renumbering would seem to make more sense as whoever has to look at the map doesn't have to bounce all over finding numbers. Also what makes more sense to me is consolidating, not building a million little Targets and having to pay for multiple business licenses, permits, utilities, taxes, etc. Still I got my question answered.
Another reason to keep their original numbers

If I need to travel to another store, say store 1509 (random number), in a district that has 1500-1510, it's a lot easier to mix up when shooting out communication than it would be if 1509 is a part of a district with 10 completely different numbers. One small typo and I could be telling my store/other stores that I'm going somewhere completely different from where I'm actually going

This way, I'm going to support 1509, and everyone knows exactly what store I'm talking about because the other stores in the area are 366, 2809, 1204, 3018, 1776 and so on

Also, if you renumber one store to be in order, you'd end up via butterfly effect having to rename the entire company every time a new store is built lol
I have been at 600 and 700 stores. And then at a 1700.

A sister store to my 600 store was numbered in the 140s before it closed. It was one of the first handful of stores in the state built back in the 70s.
Somewhat related, there’s a long list of “Cancelled Stores” on Workbench. I believe they’re numbered as well. Needless to say spot definitely had some big expansion plans at one point.
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