Archived How much will hours drop after Christmas?

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In my store May and June were the worst when it came about low hours. I don't know why. February was not bad at all.
I know my store was understaffed before they hired seasonal, and they had permanent positions to fill with the seasonal positions. Because of this, I don't think any one quite remembers if I was hired to be seasonal or permanent, though I suppose it should be in a file some where, and I don't think they are going to let me go even if I was just hired seasonal. But I'm the only new person hired that was trained in electronics (that's still around). Does this help my odds of keeping my hours up since I'm already getting electronics shifts and hardlines shifts? I also have full availability, have come in when they have called me, and have taken people's shifts on the swap shift board.
I just laugh internally at all the people who quit during 4th quarter because they have too many hours.
I just checked my schedule online and the new after the holidays schedule is out. My hours are down to 25 🙁. I have always had 27-40 from Sept when I was hired up until now. My 90 days are over next week and I will ask if I can cross train. When do hours pick up again? March?
Call outs won't be replaced very often. Some will still put up shifts on the swap board, but those will dry up, too.
How are Flow/BR hours reduced?

Right now we get 3-4 trucks a week, and Flow works freight from 6am-11am...ish. I do unload, work a bit of Flow, and then head to BR around 10am and stay there until the end of my shift (2:30) doing backstock.

With cashiers I understand where the hours "go"...there aren't enough guests to warrant all the extra help. But what changes about Flow/BR that results in reduced hours?

I've been in my store since June but didn't start BR until October, and before that I didn't have a super firm grasp on the daily happenings, so I can't really remember the details of how things were pre-holiday season.

I'm getting pretty burnt out and need to start figuring out what my next step is in terms of finding a better paying job, so the drop in hours is definitely a welcomed happening, but I just can't fathom what would change enough to warrant ~10+ hours falling off my schedule.
How are Flow/BR hours reduced?

Right now we get 3-4 trucks a week, and Flow works freight from 6am-11am...ish. I do unload, work a bit of Flow, and then head to BR around 10am and stay there until the end of my shift (2:30) doing backstock.

With cashiers I understand where the hours "go"...there aren't enough guests to warrant all the extra help. But what changes about Flow/BR that results in reduced hours?

I've been in my store since June but didn't start BR until October, and before that I didn't have a super firm grasp on the daily happenings, so I can't really remember the details of how things were pre-holiday season.

I'm getting pretty burnt out and need to start figuring out what my next step is in terms of finding a better paying job, so the drop in hours is definitely a welcomed happening, but I just can't fathom what would change enough to warrant ~10+ hours falling off my schedule.

The trucks get smaller because people aren't buying as much stuff.
Some of the other team members hours have been dropped as low as 12 hours 😕, I will take my 25 hours and stop complaining because it could be worse.
How are Flow/BR hours reduced?

Right now we get 3-4 trucks a week, and Flow works freight from 6am-11am...ish. I do unload, work a bit of Flow, and then head to BR around 10am and stay there until the end of my shift (2:30) doing backstock.

With cashiers I understand where the hours "go"...there aren't enough guests to warrant all the extra help. But what changes about Flow/BR that results in reduced hours?

I've been in my store since June but didn't start BR until October, and before that I didn't have a super firm grasp on the daily happenings, so I can't really remember the details of how things were pre-holiday season.

I'm getting pretty burnt out and need to start figuring out what my next step is in terms of finding a better paying job, so the drop in hours is definitely a welcomed happening, but I just can't fathom what would change enough to warrant ~10+ hours falling off my schedule.
Our flow team goes from being scheduled 8 hours per day and working 10, to scheduled 5 hours per day and working 8. So they generally still end up with 40 hours, but no more OT.
I have zero worries about having hours.

I am only sort of worried about my hours. Only myself and three other TM's are trained/trusted enough to close and open guest service. The only bothersome bit is there is a GSA who cannot do cash office for some reason so she opens GS almost every weekday. I'm kind of bitter about it because she goes to school full time and works another part time job (in addition to the 32+ she gets at Target) 😵 while the rest of us girls have kids and families to worry about.
Flow at my store goes from getting almost 40 during holidays, to getting between 8-15 hours. I honestly do not know how the flow team even survives at my store. For most of the year they get less than 15 hours a week. Trucks get so small and we have about 15-20 flow team members during the off-season and usually only takes a couple hours to get the truck done.
I noticed a difference on the week of New Year's eve but it's honestly okay I need a breather to be honest. Holidays are stressing me out alot this year especially this year....... I know they'll drop even more and soon after I get over my holiday depression I will be sad over the lack of hours but for now I am okay.
We only had two mid/closers for backroom all year so we did great on hours. We currently have 3 but the early morning backroom team is so fucked up that I think their gonna steal one of us mid/closers and go back to the 2 backroom members.
Last year, as a cashier I went from getting around 25 hours a week, down to 9 at my lowest, and then hovered around 18 until March. This year, on the newest schedule, I'm down to 23 from 37, working in Photo. We're over staffed on GSAs, so they're getting all my photo hours. Not that I'll really mind a few weeks with less hours, working full time, on top of school full time has me majorly burned out.
As a FF team member currently getting 36+ hour weeks, next week I'm getting five. So take that a a sign I guess. When I was a cashier I learned Guest Service so I definitely didn't see too much of a drop off however, so like others have said definitely get cross trained.
January sees a huge dip but its generally manageable due to a lot of linen sales, gym equipment sales, yadda yadda. February is when it typically starts to become brutal, with march being the worst. April is when it starts to slowly pick up again.
I just saw my new schedule going into January, 10 hours chopped off.
I'm now working 28 hours, which is what I was doing when I first started working here anyways so I'm not complaining.
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Cross Train + Open Availability.

Not only for hours now, but they can land you certain roles, that won't get the "Hours-bat" come the slow parts of the year, and you won't even have to worry... So long as when u land one of those roles you don't bitch about how little help their is when other TMs hours get cut.
January sees a huge dip but its generally manageable due to a lot of linen sales, gym equipment sales, yadda yadda. February is when it typically starts to become brutal, with march being the worst. April is when it starts to slowly pick up again.
This is what I see. The exclusions are guest service in January, Plano in January, any sftm who can help set endcaps, pricing and signing.
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