Archived How much will hours drop after Christmas?

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This is what I see. The exclusions are guest service in January, Plano in January, any sftm who can help set endcaps, pricing and signing.

Lowest amount of hours I got last year was 38.5 as a PA (However, I think this depends on the store, and how many PAs said store has)

With the cuts to the number of TLs/GSTLs I think GSA's are fairly immune to hour cuts as well
As a FF team member currently getting 36+ hour weeks, next week I'm getting five. So take that a a sign I guess. When I was a cashier I learned Guest Service so I definitely didn't see too much of a drop off however, so like others have said definitely get cross trained.
Ouch! This is why I'm glad our extra FFTMs are POG and floater logistics TMs. They go back to their normal jobs and the rest of the FF team gets their normal hours back. I've still got 40 next week (though it includes a random backroom shift).
At my store, a lot of seasonals are the ones who lost a whole bunch of hours, but I'm cross-trained and am getting hours from both that helps I guess.
Our flow team goes from being scheduled 8 hours per day and working 10, to scheduled 5 hours per day and working 8. So they generally still end up with 40 hours, but no more OT.

Yeah that is one reason why hours constantly have to be cut is because flow alway overspends payroll. The flow team at my store can't get out on time or do their job right!
I was hired in September and my hours have always been between 27-40 hours/week. How much do hours drop down after the holidays? I am a cashier/guest service desk/signing. After my 90 days, I can ask to be cross trained, will that help with hours?
It will all depend on your store volume, holiday sales, and available payroll.

I worked high volume stores and never saw hours drop. And when I worked low volume stores, post holidays was minimally covered so I saw only a couple shifts a week and I was scrapping to pick up shifts.
I am only sort of worried about my hours. Only myself and three other TM's are trained/trusted enough to close and open guest service. The only bothersome bit is there is a GSA who cannot do cash office for some reason so she opens GS almost every weekday. I'm kind of bitter about it because she goes to school full time and works another part time job (in addition to the 32+ she gets at Target) 😵 while the rest of us girls have kids and families to worry about.
oh I know! I was always a bit bitter about how much the hours got cut. all the "leaders" including GSAs barely get their hours touched but you know what I also have to be able to take care of myself and pay my bills, its not just them!
Yeah in about three weeks I'll be given 3 days off every week for a month or two. Fortunately, I've banked a lot of vacation hours that I will use to keep me up to my average hours. I usually get extra hours in February after a cashier or two quits and they need people to cover. This will be our first slow season with self check out... I don't expect hours to be that great for cashiers.
If you are on specialty teams things get busy first quarter though.
For plano there are so many major resets that your brain bleeds.
Pricing has to get on top of all the seasonal that was left.

If you are cross trained into those teams you can pick up hours.
Almost everyone in the backroom has had their hours gutted. This week we are all working 5-6 days, well over 30 hours. Next week most guys only have 2-3 days and less than 20 hours. Most of the backroom team has been there 6 months or less, and haven't had a chance to be cross-trained anywhere else.
Some of our backroom team members went from 40+ hours to 8 hours.
That's rough. We hired 4 new guys in the last few weeks, so I guess the hours we do have are just being spread pretty thin. I'm on my way out anyway, so I can get by until I secure a job elsewhere.
oh I know! I was always a bit bitter about how much the hours got cut. all the "leaders" including GSAs barely get their hours touched but you know what I also have to be able to take care of myself and pay my bills, its not just them!

Always keeping 5 days a week and never dropping below 30 hours no matter how much hours got gutted is the only perk to being a GSA. I promise you that extra 50 cents/hour and lack of recognition isn't cutting it for them. It's the only thing that makes that position semi bearable.
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