Archived Hows your backroom/truck team doing?

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So what's with "push all" ? Push to the piece is best practice or did I miss that memo too ?

It means pushing the entire truck instead of backstocking what the system thinks won't fit on the floor. It's really not efficient because it means more work for the flow team.
So here's a random everyone's flow team made to feel like the store would cave in if it weren't for them yet they move at the speed of a damn turtle and forever stock like they can't read a pik label or shelf label. Is it just me?
Nope, not you. Our Flow Team has (God, how I hate this term) no sense of urgency. And, the overstock on the floor is mind numbing. I regularly bring back twice as much as I take out to push. I have shown the problem to the ETLs and their response is "we'll communicate that to the ETL-Log." Yeah, that will be effective, the Flow Team can't stand that dough boy.
So here's a random everyone's flow team made to feel like the store would cave in if it weren't for them yet they move at the speed of a damn turtle and forever stock like they can't read a pik label or shelf label. Is it just me?

Nope, not you. Our Flow Team has (God, how I hate this term) no sense of urgency. And, the overstock on the floor is mind numbing. I regularly bring back twice as much as I take out to push. I have shown the problem to the ETLs and their response is "we'll communicate that to the ETL-Log." Yeah, that will be effective, the Flow Team can't stand that dough boy.

speed and accuracy.

accuracy and speed

grammatically pretty much he same. but to the flow team guess what the only thing and I do mean the only bloody thing they want from them is speed. as in if you are not sweating you're going to slow, speed. TPTB do not give a fig about accuracy and only a fast pass by about safety. there is no other concern to the flow process than how fast they can get it done.

you need to do x, y and z but you need to be fast about it……… and safe. but you only have half the time to get it done and it all must be done.

the paper work says it should take six hours to get the truck done. I want it done in four. You have all heard that or have had it done to you whether you've known it or not. the faster flow gets done the more hours can be used to do the much more important work on the sales floor. or ya know the LODs sitting in Starbucks talking about the latest Snapchat Felicia sent them.

so if you find jacked up aisles remember this the faster you go the less you get yelled at and no one like getting yelled at. You want a more accurate push then well let your team do their jobs properly and stop yammering so about getting it done fast.
speed and accuracy.

accuracy and speed

grammatically pretty much he same. but to the flow team guess what the only thing and I do mean the only bloody thing they want from them is speed. as in if you are not sweating you're going to slow, speed. TPTB do not give a fig about accuracy and only a fast pass by about safety. there is no other concern to the flow process than how fast they can get it done.

you need to do x, y and z but you need to be fast about it……… and safe. but you only have half the time to get it done and it all must be done.

the paper work says it should take six hours to get the truck done. I want it done in four. You have all heard that or have had it done to you whether you've known it or not. the faster flow gets done the more hours can be used to do the much more important work on the sales floor. or ya know the LODs sitting in Starbucks talking about the latest Snapchat Felicia sent them.

so if you find jacked up aisles remember this the faster you go the less you get yelled at and no one like getting yelled at. You want a more accurate push then well let your team do their jobs properly and stop yammering so about getting it done fast.
I wish we yelled about anything. Not speed, accuracy, not anything. The one time they decided to it was the new guy who is special needs. So that was dumb.

I get more annoyed by the broken/crushed crap they leave on the D focal across from market every time. How many days before you check because you know you've missed it all week?
Wouldn't scanning the truck be more effective with the SFQ system? The on-hands should theoretically be more accurate now, especially considering we can edit the capacity on the floor to be accurate. I'm told our store is too low volume to actually scan the truck but I'm not sure why sales would dictate how we efficiently push a truck considering we don't flex out product anyway.
Speed got it...accuracy got it but in our building we've got speed demons who are safety hazards. I'll take accuracy over "sense of urgency" because if you think about it accuracy over time leaves you in a better place than bat shit crazy speed and having to fix it. Just sayin
Our flow team are getting the trucks "pushed" but not very well. They are constantly bringing things back that should had gone out etc. When, I bring it up to the log srtl he says well I will talk to them about it Yet, he never does. . However, I have gotten to the point I don't say anything about it . Why? Because from the time the truck team clocks in he ( srtl log) is yelling at them to hurr y up and get it done. I realize that there has to be some speed in the flow process but what good is speed without accuracy? I have heard the srtl log more than once brag about how fast the flow team is pushing a truck...yeah well I guess they are when most of its going to the back room ( whether it needs to or not) Our backroom ( which I am part of ) is struggling, We just cant seem to come clean with backstock. Most of this is due to poor scheduling. Once upon a time non truck days were used to catch up on bs, do special projects, empty location reports, Item Merge report and backstock the freezer and coolers. Now, we are lucky if on non truck days we are scheduled more than 6 hours. ONE person, has to pull the autofills, price changes, do the audits then pull the 11 cafs. So, there isn't time to do the special projects and or catch up on bs. . I don't mind working hard and busting my ass...but some days it seems like you cant win for losing .
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Our flow Team overpushes. As s brtm I don't care because that means less bs for me. I don't know why sales floor brings it back just to zone wrong product in the empty spot next to if

Cleared off the rear seasonal flat so I could set signs tomorrow. They pushed the untouched truck push, price change, salesplanner, etc. It's now fucking full of vehicles. If it's still there in the morning I'm tempted to tweet pics to the dtl who visited this morning while it was almost empty...

Burner account.
Our flow Team overpushes. As s brtm I don't care because that means less bs for me. I don't know why sales floor brings it back just to zone wrong product in the empty spot next to if


We bring the crap back so we can pull the right stuff out that they backstocked when they over pushed the first item.

We bring the crap back so we can pull the right stuff out that they backstocked when they over pushed the first item.

Lol @ sales floor filling the floor. All they do in my store is zone, and help guest. I understand bringing back overstock but not when you just flex another wrong item in the spot. The spot is empty, either let flow fill it, or leave it empty. It cant sell from the back.
Lol @ sales floor filling the floor. All they do in my store is zone, and help guest. I understand bringing back overstock but not when you just flex another wrong item in the spot. The spot is empty, either let flow fill it, or leave it empty. It cant sell from the back.

Oh so In Stocks who cleans that up everyday and I so enjoy bringing carts and flats of over/backstock back and pulling twice as much that is sitting in the back.

It also won't sell if the guest can't find it cause flow put it in the wrong spot.
Cleared off the rear seasonal flat so I could set signs tomorrow. They pushed the untouched truck push, price change, salesplanner, etc. It's now fucking full of vehicles. If it's still there in the morning I'm tempted to tweet pics to the dtl who visited this morning while it was almost empty...
This was the struggle our receiver and I had with the ETL-LOG all through November and December.

Finally get a few docks cleared to receive merchandise and give vendors a place to work? Nah, it's just more space to fill with truck freight and trash cages.

Have a 53' UPS trailer dedicated to outgoing SFS orders? Nah, it's now extra storage space for truck freight/backstock/random shit. It can't be that hard to stage the outgoing packages somewhere else and then empty the entire trailer to put the packages in there at the end of the day.
Oh so In Stocks who cleans that up everyday and I so enjoy bringing carts and flats of over/backstock back and pulling twice as much that is sitting in the back.

It also won't sell if the guest can't find it cause flow put it in the wrong spot.
When I say over push, I mean when a tm can fit 10 boxes of cereal on a shelf and puts the other on top, or sideways next to it. Not something like totally pushing a case in the wrong section just to get rid of it
This was the struggle our receiver and I had with the ETL-LOG all through November and December.

Finally get a few docks cleared to receive merchandise and give vendors a place to work? Nah, it's just more space to fill with truck freight and trash cages.

Have a 53' UPS trailer dedicated to outgoing SFS orders? Nah, it's now extra storage space for truck freight/backstock/random shit. It can't be that hard to stage the outgoing packages somewhere else and then empty the entire trailer to put the packages in there at the end of the day.
I'm expecting to come back from first break to him having shoved my digging pallets in the trailer even though he was told to not put then in for me. But steel is backed up so "he needs the space".
Not well, apparently.


What you see before you are 11 vehicles of Infant backstock. We also had 6 vehicles of Womens/Boys/Girls backstock, 2 of which were hanging, and 5 carts of shoe backstock. I didn't even bother counting the number of vehicles we had stuffed inside of the Electronics stockroom. It's like a bomb went off. The only things that get a pass are the shoes, because there was a reset yesterday, but still... Also, this picture was taken when I first got into the inftant stockroom after my lunch, and we had had someone there backstocking all day and there were still this much left over.
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Well our Backroom this week is a total shit wreck.

Lose two of your best TMs (one on time off, me on presentation) and boom, you can hardly walk anywhere without bumping into something

And a visit? Yup, we failed miserably on that
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