Archived Hows your backroom/truck team doing?

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Well our Backroom this week is a total shit wreck.

Lose two of your best TMs (one on time off, me on presentation) and boom, you can hardly walk anywhere without bumping into something

And a visit? Yup, we failed miserably on that

just think of the joy if they actually talked to one of us lowly TMs and we told them the truth of what is really going on………
That aisle seems ridiculously long. What letter do you go to?
We have one like that at my store and it goes from A-W and then it just turns into another aisle number and goes from A-G.
I actually got my backroom mostly cleaned up tonight.

IIRC it goes from 901 A-K and 902 A-P on the right with 903 A-T on the left.

Our longest aisle goes up to S, but most of the aisles are nine sections long. Our letters go back and forth, so one side is all odd letters and the other side is all even letters.
I actually got my backroom mostly cleaned up tonight.

Our longest aisle goes up to S, but most of the aisles are nine sections long. Our letters go back and forth, so one side is all odd letters and the other side is all even letters.

That's how our main stockroom aisles work, but the satellites are different for whatever reason.
So its the 9th and our logistics team (its not 100% them but mostly) and we have already overspent 500+ hours in payroll. Cut cut cut!!!
Push all was supposed to be quicker than sorting the truck out. Never seen it work quite how they advertised though.
Yeah the push all has been a total fiasco. If the flow team leader feels like the team won't have time, it's just not pushed. The seasonal products aren't sorted to pallets and the Exec doesn't know what is what in the back room
I'm a BRTL/INSTOCKS TL and I was PATL/PTL before and honestly can't stand the whip cracking in the backroom as well as the everyone has an opinion due to their expertise in logistics. I challenge almost everything that comes back to my backroom and creates more workload for my team. The expectation is already above and beyond realistic but to add extra and say Sooooooo coming clean tonight???? Ummmmm are you going to pull a PDA out of your ass and jump in with backstocking???? The flow team for the most part thinks their job involves rocket science yet can't read a schematic to save their life and plano thinks they are the end all the end all since they fill the floor but fail to see the 5 flats of plano stage they left for others to work...sorry needed a bitch session 🙂
I'm a BRTL/INSTOCKS TL and I was PATL/PTL before and honestly can't stand the whip cracking in the backroom as well as the everyone has an opinion due to their expertise in logistics. I challenge almost everything that comes back to my backroom and creates more workload for my team. The expectation is already above and beyond realistic but to add extra and say Sooooooo coming clean tonight???? Ummmmm are you going to pull a PDA out of your ass and jump in with backstocking???? The flow team for the most part thinks their job involves rocket science yet can't read a schematic to save their life and plano thinks they are the end all the end all since they fill the floor but fail to see the 5 flats of plano stage they left for others to work...sorry needed a bitch session 🙂

Sooooo question... Our store uses mydevices everywhere but the backroom due to the fact they don't work! We've had pull and backstocking errors when using the mydevices...I've banned them from my backroom but when I ask when will it be fixed since we only have 10 PDA'S I get the "Its Global" response. Anyone else have this issue ?
Y'know, I've read on here some people saying that they use myDevices for backstocking but I've never seen anyone in my store even try. I've seen the Logistics ETL run back to his office to grab a PDA to help out with the backstock, even while he had a myDevice on his hip.
due to not having enough equipment when flow us asked to help in backroom, we usually use a my device. Everyone knows it and we've been doing it for months. Never heard about any problems. Asants
I have no issues yet with pulling & stowing yet on a my device.
I haven't had to in what, six months? But I believe some of the save problems with housing totals are still happening. Example:
I backstock thirty apples with a my device. Backroom pulls five, ten, six, and nine on cafs with a pda. When I go to backstock the next day my mydevice still thinks there are thirty located. No pulls since I backstocked. Not quite sure because they aren't coming clean on backstock, but I never heard it was completely fixed.
I actually prefer backstocking with a myDevice, because the "take" function makes it easy to move stuff around. We have a brtm who is terrible at backstocking, so it's nice to be able to scan an item, hit "take," scan the location, put in then number I'm taking, and then just scan a new location to immediately backstock it in a better spot.

The PDA seems so inefficient when trying to pull something. I'm in STO, then have to get out, go back to the "all applications" page, scroll down two pages, and get to SUBT...seriously?!

I don't understand why when you do "item search" on the PDA there isn't an option to pull it from the location. It'll tell me where it's located in the back, but it won't let me take it from the location unless I get out of that, go to SUBT, scan the item, and then subtract it?! That makes no sense whatsoever.

Or maybe I'm missing something really obvious...please tell me I'm missing something really obvious!
I actually prefer backstocking with a myDevice, because the "take" function makes it easy to move stuff around. We have a brtm who is terrible at backstocking, so it's nice to be able to scan an item, hit "take," scan the location, put in then number I'm taking, and then just scan a new location to immediately backstock it in a better spot.

The PDA seems so inefficient when trying to pull something. I'm in STO, then have to get out, go back to the "all applications" page, scroll down two pages, and get to SUBT...seriously?!

I don't understand why when you do "item search" on the PDA there isn't an option to pull it from the location. It'll tell me where it's located in the back, but it won't let me take it from the location unless I get out of that, go to SUBT, scan the item, and then subtract it?! That makes no sense whatsoever.

Or maybe I'm missing something really obvious...please tell me I'm missing something really obvious!

It wasn't programmed that way. Simple really.
The PDA seems so inefficient when trying to pull something. I'm in STO, then have to get out, go back to the "all applications" page, scroll down two pages, and get to SUBT...seriously?!

I hate this too. Not only does it take half an eternity to get to SUBT, but the app is real buggy too. I much prefer pulling items with a MyDevice.
I'm a BRTL/INSTOCKS TL and I was PATL/PTL before and honestly can't stand the whip cracking in the backroom as well as the everyone has an opinion due to their expertise in logistics. I challenge almost everything that comes back to my backroom and creates more workload for my team. The expectation is already above and beyond realistic but to add extra and say Sooooooo coming clean tonight???? Ummmmm are you going to pull a PDA out of your ass and jump in with backstocking???? The flow team for the most part thinks their job involves rocket science yet can't read a schematic to save their life and plano thinks they are the end all the end all since they fill the floor but fail to see the 5 flats of plano stage they left for others to work...sorry needed a bitch session 🙂
Since when is it's Flow's job to push out Plano's bullshit?
As far as unloading the truck in good time without damaging items, flow team is great at my store... the only problem is that 80% of them are abysmal at the rest of the process, don't care enough to change, disrespect their TL, and think actually doing their job and being in store during their shift is optional. (We literally had the most notorious screw-up of our flow team go unaccounted for for 5 hours on the clock, just to be found at the McDonalds up the road, busted by another flow TM who happened to also work at said McDonalds. Notorious screw-up dude still has his job.)
In the words the Clarkson "It's not gone well."

4 ½ hrs pushing and backstocking the truck today cause the STL gutted overnight hours. They overspent so this time they are getting cut. And we get punished for it.
As far as unloading the truck in good time without damaging items, flow team is great at my store... the only problem is that 80% of them are abysmal at the rest of the process, don't care enough to change, disrespect their TL, and think actually doing their job and being in store during their shift is optional. (We literally had the most notorious screw-up of our flow team go unaccounted for for 5 hours on the clock, just to be found at the McDonalds up the road, busted by another flow TM who happened to also work at said McDonalds. Notorious screw-up dude still has his job.)

Huh. Pretty ballsy. Makes you wonder what else he is doing.

Wonder if AP is building a case.
I don't know why sales floor brings it back just to zone wrong product in the empty spot next to if

Because of bad training, that's why. This is a reoccurring issue in most stores, but it comes from different teams. At my store it's flow, at your store it's sales floor. It really just depends on which ETLs/TLs suck ass in the building. My ETL-LOG hardly holds his BR and flow TL's accountable for anything. Plus they use their own shitty long time favorites as trainers, so they pass down their shittiness to the whole team, and no one realizes the root of the problem.
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