The point of huddles is to communicate things to the team about upcoming events, results from surveys/metrics that point out where areas need improvement, etc.
Making each person offer reconizition is pointless though. I already know what I did yesterday. Just cos I jump in and help out with other work centers on the fly through the day if they need it doesn't mean you need to point it out to everyone. I just want to do my job and my coworkers shouldn't feel compelled to mention I did my job and give fake praise for it.
There are table talkers, notices posted on boards in TM area, etc. I like the idea of huddles in theory, but its such a waste of time. It should be short, simple and to point -- team swarms and does whatever for 10 mins instead of bsing. I'm biased because it really helps to have 25 pairs of eyes shortdating and checking Consumeables for outdates on freshness Friday.
So I don't mind helping electronics out during huddle to zone to pog the audio CDs/movies aisles. Quid pro quo.
Everything I need is on workbench and it's redundant to hear it repeated 5 times by 5 different tls/etls at huddle. I got **** to do people.