Archived Lack of Devices + Pointless Huddles = Major Time Suckage

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Aug 19, 2019
Wow, things have really changed since I worked at Target years ago. Things didn't seem as rushed and chaotic as they are now. What happened over the last decade to get it to this point?!

I'm not sure if this is normal, but the store that I work at doesn't have nearly enough devices for all of the team members. I guess the protocol is that TMs are supposed to give up there devices to those who need it for pulls and back stocking, but seriously, who wants to do this when you have 100 items to replenish the aisle with, and you don't know where all the items are?! You end up staring at the bay for like 30 seconds trying to locate the item, which is difficult when half the pegs are empty.

When I come in in the mornings, it's like a huge cluster**** trying to get a device. I hate having to ask my fellow TMs and make it harder on them. When I have no device, I have to run to the aisle scanner to locate an item location, or ask someone nearby lucky enough to have a device. Then, of course, management complains because it takes longer, and saying I need to go faster. Well sorry Spot, but that ain't gonna happen. I'll go as fast as I can but I'm not going to run around like a chicken with my head cut off, and risk falling or doing something stupid, because corporate can't pull it together and get us more devices. If they don't like it, well, I'm very sorry, but I could be going twice the speed if I just had a device.

Then, there are the pointless huddles, where management drags us from our job, which we are under deadline to complete, to give us a 15 min lecture on whatever the topic of the day is, I guess, but then still expect us to get done in a timely manner.

I have just completed my first week at Target, and I do love the job, but the way they run the show is just chaotic. My manager complained to me today saying that because I wasn't faster with my Go Backs, that now it's going to screw up her payroll because someone will have to finish what I didn't complete. Oh well, I'm sorry, but if there were more devices I could have done the work in a timely manner no problem. Instead, I wasted time running to the scanner every time I couldn't find a location. Half the pegs were empty, so I had to do it by code rather than visually -- not to mention there were over 50 GoBack items up front when I came in this morning.

Normally, I take pride in my work, but it's really hard to do when you're being pulled in 30 different directions, then questioned as to why you're not going faster.

I'm going to give it another week, but if things continue like this, I'm not sure I'll want to stay. I am not going to rush around and stress just because Target doesn't want to fork out the money to pay for employees or devices. I'm going to go as fast as I can, and if they don't like it, they can get rid of me. Things are run so chaotically, and it seems management doesn't understand the word "efficiency," but are for the most part masters in the art of time suckage.

It's too bad too because the job is a blast and I enjoy the work.
I feel your pain OP. Huddles are a waste of time here, same shit repeated daily. Management favors ass kissers and has their own little favorites circle who they never say a word to but the ones who are busting their ass off never get appreciation or even a fake thank you. Do what you can in the time given. It is their job to provide you with equipment to get the work done for them and they are failing to do so. The competent workers get write ups for petty shit so they can't get promoted while ass kissers get to do whatever the fuck they want take 45 minute breaks etc. Trust me, I no longer give a fuck. I just work my shift, when asked to stay extra, nope I can't. My days I cared are over. The way they treat workers is like modern day slavery. I advise you to look around and find something better.
I agree that huddles are almost always a waste of time. The few times we do have one, it's generally to announce something to all of us at the same time. The last one was to do the bias training (mentioned in another thread).
As to devices, there should be someone at your store whose job it is to make sure they're getting signed out and returned, and that defective ones are sent for repair. We almost always have enough lately, and we're supposed to be getting a few more ahead of 4th quarter. So I wonder if your store doesn't have a bunch that need to go for repair, are in transit somewhere, or have been lost. Or stolen - I recently learned that a person can sell one for hundreds of dollars, which was a shock to me, but there you go.
Do what you can in the time given. It is their job to provide you with equipment to get the work done for them and they are failing to do so. The competent workers get write ups for petty shit so they can't get promoted while ass kissers get to do whatever the fuck they want take 45 minute breaks etc. Trust me, I no longer give a fuck.

I hear you. The thing is, though, I am not real concerned about promotions or raises or anything. I am just working this job for a few months until I am fully recovered from a back injury, then I have another job lined up in my field. It's pretty much just about keeping steadily employed for a few months, and not longevity. Pay raises or promotions aren't an issue. I just want to do my job right and earn my keep, but these issues are just keeping productivity down and I end up not being able to finish the job by the time I have to clock out.
I hear you. The thing is, though, I am not real concerned about promotions or raises or anything. I am just working this job for a few months until I am fully recovered from a back injury, then I have another job lined up in my field. It's pretty much just about keeping steadily employed for a few months, and not longevity. Pay raises or promotions aren't an issue. I just want to do my job right and earn my keep, but these issues are just keeping productivity down and I end up not being able to finish the job by the time I have to clock out.
Agree, that's why just do what you can in the time you are given. If they are not happy with the results, oh well. Not your problem. It's their lack of providing equipment for you to do the job why you are slacking and constant negativity from leaders driving productivity down. Do what you can.
That's pretty much my attitude. I'm not going to rush around like crazy, especially not for $13/hr. I really don't care if they get rid of me or not
That's pretty much my attitude. I'm not going to rush around like crazy, especially not for $13/hr. I really don't care if they get rid of me or not

Keep at it, even with the one day a week, lol. I'm not going to do their job (me leaving) for them. Make 'em sack up and lay you off/whatever they're calling firing these days
Agree, that's why just do what you can in the time you are given. If they are not happy with the results, oh well. Not your problem. It's their lack of providing equipment for you to do the job why you are slacking and constant negativity from leaders driving productivity down. Do what you can.
This has been my mentality since a few months after being hired last year in November. It keeps me stress free. In my store it can take 4 hours before a mydevice is available with several people waiting for one. But typically when I arrive and don’t get a device I go to my TL and say “hey there weren’t any devices should I just push?”. Then he either gives me his device, tells me to push while he finds me one, or already had someone else do my pulls. So far it’s been fine but if I’m ever spoken to about why I’m starting my pulls late then I’ll just tell them “because I’m not being provided with the equipment to do my job”.
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