Honestly, I'd almost rather have no raise than a dime an hour. Which will work out well for me, because I expect to get no raise (multiple call-ins, one NCNS in 7 months). Ten cents would seem nicer as a one-time bonus of, what is that anyway? $150-200/YEAR?! Tops. So, roughly a week's pay.
Bet if they decided you could trade your raise for one week off paid at your average weekly rate, they would cut their raises by at least 60% without losing money. Probably more. And yet, workers would be more satisfied.
BUT: (and I'm counting on Commie to weigh in on this) That would be bad in the long run?
I think most people who have to pay their bills on a week to basis are going to want the raise.
But you are right in a way.
When Bush did a stimulus they sent out checks with big notes on them saying this is your stimulus check from the president.
Obama did a bigger stimulus but it was a small amount in every paycheck.
For the economy as a whole the second way is more effective.
People are more likely to spend it and it does more than the one time payment.
But people remember the one time check and only noticed the amount on their paycheck when it went away.
Then they screamed about how their taxes went up.
Uh, no they just went back to what you were supposed to be paying all along.