Archived I hate it when...

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I fucking hate when people ask if I have iPhones in stock.

Of course I do. This isn't a carrier store. But for Pete's sake be more specific.

G-d bless those who call in with, "do you have any gold 128 gig 6 pluses for Sprint?"

We don't and we never will but you made finding that out way easier.
Hola! New here, but just had to add to this thread. I've only been a TM (cashier) for about 5 weeks now but there seems to be a common theme of things I hate when...

1. It's been mentioned before but when guests take the bag off the rack before I'm done packing it! A couple of nights ago, I actually did put a little bass in my voice and let the guest know that I WASN'T DONE PACKING THAT BAG. They reach over and make things more complicated because the bag won't slide off the rack. Because ya shouldn't be reaching over to take your bag!

2. When a guest wants their gallon of milk bagged. It is SO MUCH easier to carry milk by its handle, seriously. Try it!

3. Someone who completely ignores you when you greet them. I actually make a face that they don't see because they're working hard to avoid looking at me.

4. Look at my username. Seriously - it is SO rude to come to the register while you're holding a conversation. And because you can't do two things at once, you've now given me an R! I pride myself on keeping my average over 95. Now I have to work that much harder, thanks!
4. Look at my username. Seriously - it is SO rude to come to the register while you're holding a conversation. And because you can't do two things at once, you've now given me an R! I pride myself on keeping my average over 95. Now I have to work that much harder, thanks!
Omg, @OffYaPhone ! I believe all of us in Starbucks have your back on this one for sure! These guests suck!
I forgot that target gives people bags in other places. Here in California the wonderful legislature has banned all plastic bags and mandated charging ten cents per bag for paper, so no one ever gets bags here; they all bring in HUGE reusable bags. It makes it kind of difficult to determine whether the "guest's" bag was empty when she entered or if she stuffed $1000 worth of clothing and cosmetics in there.
I like mine bagged so the condensation doesn't get all over my seats.

I have heard horror stories about how the milk spilled in their car and the horrid smell that persisted for weeks afterward.

So I don't feel as wasteful anymore when I bag someone's milk or even bleach.

Off topic, I was chatting with a guest about her purchase of white vinegar and bleach and she didn't know it was dangerous to mix the two. Granted, she said she might clean with one first and then the other later, but it still seems like a bad idea.
I have heard horror stories about how the milk spilled in their car and the horrid smell that persisted for weeks afterward.

So I don't feel as wasteful anymore when I bag someone's milk or even bleach.

Off topic, I was chatting with a guest about her purchase of white vinegar and bleach and she didn't know it was dangerous to mix the two. Granted, she said she might clean with one first and then the other later, but it still seems like a bad idea.

Or how people should never mix Dawn dish soap with bleach.
The fumes that come off that mix in a area that doesn't have ventilation could kill you.
I have heard horror stories about how the milk spilled in their car and the horrid smell that persisted for weeks afterward.

So I don't feel as wasteful anymore when I bag someone's milk or even bleach.

Off topic, I was chatting with a guest about her purchase of white vinegar and bleach and she didn't know it was dangerous to mix the two. Granted, she said she might clean with one first and then the other later, but it still seems like a bad idea.
I thought that it was bleach and ammonia that is dangerous to combine. I never knew about white vinegar and bleach.
Or how people should never mix Dawn dish soap with bleach.
The fumes that come off that mix in a area that doesn't have ventilation could kill you.

Learn something new every day. I generally avoid mixing bleach with anything (or really any two non-water chemicals) but it's good to know specifics.
So this is a lie???

That's just mean.
I have a picture in my mind of a church social where they would actually set that up.
Darwin Awards all round.

Just in case anyone is wondering about the actual chemistry.

Mixing bleach and ammonia is extremely dangerous, since toxic vapors will be produced. The primary toxic chemicalformed by the reaction is chloramine vapor, with a potential for hydrazine formation. Here's a look at the chemical reactions involved in mixing bleach and ammonia, as well as some first aid advice if you accidentally become exposed to a bleach and ammonia mixture.
Chemicals Involved
Note that each and every one of these chemicals is toxic, except for the water and salt.
  • NH3 = ammonia

  • HCl = hydrochloric acid
  • NaOCl = sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
  • Cl = chlorine
  • Cl2 = chlorine gas
  • NH2Cl = chloramine
  • N2H4 = hydrazine
  • NaCl = sodium chloride or salt
  • H2O = water
Likely Chemical Reactions from Mixing Bleach and Ammonia
The bleach decomposes to form hydrochloric acid, which reacts with ammonia to form toxic chloramine fumes:
First the hydrochloric acid is formed:

NaOCl → NaOH + HOCl

HOCl → HCl + O

And then the ammonia and chlorine gas react to form chloramine, which is released as a vapor:

NaOCl + 2HCl → Cl2 + NaCl + H2O

2NH3 + Cl2 → 2NH2Cl

If ammonia is present in excess (which it may or may not be, depending on your mixture), toxic and potentially explosive liquid hydrazine may be formed. While impure hydrazine tends not to explode, it's still toxic, plus it can boil and spray hot toxic liquid.

2NH3 + NaOCl → N2H4 + NaCl + H2O
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I like mine bagged so the condensation doesn't get all over my seats.
I'll give you that. I tend to put my groceries in my trunk or I put the milk on the floor and surround it with other bags.

I too have learned something new in here. What I've gleaned from this lesson is to just bag bleach and ammonia by itself. lol
I found this article about my original statement about mixing vinegar and bleach:

Mixing bleach and vinegar is a bad idea. Toxic chlorine gas is released, which essentially serves as a way to wage chemical warfare on yourself. Many people mix bleach and vinegar, knowing it's dangerous, but either underestimating the risk or else hoping for increased cleaning power. Here's what you should know about mixing bleach and vinegar, before you try it.

Why People Mix Bleach and Vinegar
If mixing bleach and vinegar releases toxic chlorine gas, then why do people do it? There are two answers to this question. The first answer is that vinegar lowers the pH of bleach, making it a better disinfectant. I'll explain how that works in a bit. The second answer to 'why people mix bleach and vinegar' is that people don't know any better or underestimate the risk. They hear mixing the chemicals makes them better cleaners and disinfectants, but don't realize it isn't going to make enough of a difference to justify the considerable health hazard.

Chlorine bleach contains sodium hypochlorite or NaOCl. Because bleach is sodium hypochlorite in water, the sodium hypochlorite in bleach actually exists as hypochlorous acid:

NaOCl + H2O ↔ HOCl + Na+ + OH-

Hypochlorous acid is a strong oxidizer. This is what makes it so good at bleaching and disinfection. If you mix bleach with an acid, chlorine gas will be produced. For example, if you mix bleach with toilet bowl cleaner, which containshydrochloric acid:

HOCl + HCl ↔ H2O + Cl2

Chlorine gas attacks mucous membranes, such as your eyes, throat, and lungs and can kill you, so causing that reaction isn't in your best interest. If you mix bleach with another acid, such as the acetic acid found in vinegar, you get essentially the same result:

2HOCl + 2HAc ↔ Cl2 + 2H2O + 2Ac- (Ac : CH3COO)

There is an equilibrium between the chlorine species that is influenced by pH. When the pH is lowered, as by adding toilet bowl cleaner or vinegar, the ratio of chlorine gas in increased. When the pH is raised, the ratio of hypochlorite ion is increased. Hypochlorite ion is a less efficient oxidizer than hypochlorous acid, so some people will intentionally lower the pH of bleach to increase the oxidizing power of the chemical, even though chlorine gas is produced as a result.

What You Should Do Instead

Don't poison yourself! Rather than increasing the activity of the bleach by adding vinegar to it, just buy fresh bleach! Chlorine bleach has a shelf life. This is particularly true if your bleach has been hanging around for several months. It's far safer for you to buy fresh bleach than to risk releasing a chemical weapon on yourself by mixing bleach with another chemical. You can use bleach andvinegar for cleaning, just make sure you rinse before switching products.
This is exactly what happened to a coworker of mine who mixed vinegar and bleach in a closed environment (previous job) she had to go to the hospital, she had chemical burns throughout her lungs and mucous membranes.
I'm in electronics, and I hate the damn things. That's why it's so satisfying when one goes off and I get to smash it with a hammer.

i had one go off on a keurig machine i was trying to tie, i managed to get the string back in to where it shut up and i threw it in the compactor lol
I hate it when guests complain on me. I am a nice guy and there is always one bad seed in the bunch who feels out on of those surveys and says I was rude to them ( me rude what?) because I didn't wait on them in a timely fashion in electronics and said I'll be right with you and somehow they said it was rude and somehow they said I handed their credit card to them rudely ( really?)Honestly........ I loathe the survey scores. Yes there are some pleasant ones but then you get some not so pleasant ones just like the one I mentioned.
I hate it when I get to work and THEN find out the truck was cancelled. Sometimes I stay, sometimes I go home.
I hate it when I get to work and THEN find out the truck was cancelled. Sometimes I stay, sometimes I go home.
As long as I can afford it, I like when that happens.

Help pull and push the autofills, 2 hours later I am heading home for a nap.
I hate preemptive recognition. Its always for something that I haven't done yet or only half-finished with and probably won't be able to complete.

I also hate when the same people are at every huddle yet the LOD still feels the need to explain, in detail, the lame contest that's been brought up every huddle for two weeks now.
This is exactly what happened to a coworker of mine who mixed vinegar and bleach in a closed environment (previous job) she had to go to the hospital, she had chemical burns throughout her lungs and mucous membranes.
Be careful in the trailer unloaders !
IHIW a guest comes in looking for an item we don't sell in the store and then proceeds to say "Well I saw it in the store a year ago..."
We have people who SWEAR something (usually shampoo or q-tips) was "right here by pharmacy last time I bought it." Ummm....I've been here a few years and it hasn't been "right here by pharmacy" since I started....
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