I just got COMPLETELY screwed over by HR and my store. Holy crap. I think I'm gonna lose it

To original poster don’t stress just put shifts on swap shift board, ask coworkers to take your shifts, and partner with HR let them know they may know of peeps looking for hours. In the future always check to make sure request is approved, don’t assume it will get approved. The earliest you can put in a request the better. I’ve done 6 months in advance.
A few weeks ago, I went on the computer at the store to schedule time off from July 18th to July 24th. I will be going on vacation with my family on that date. It's been long planed. I thought everything was gonna be good. However, I checked my schedule this morning and saw that I'm scheduled for four shifts that week. That's f*cking bullsh*t. I went on the computer today and saw that my request for time off was auto-denied.

I went and talked to the STL (right now we don't have an HR because she quit) and she told me I'm responsible for all of those shifts because I didn't tell anybody that I wanted time off. I told her that I've been working at Target for 4 years and if I ever wanted time off all I had to do was go on the computer and request it there. Nobody told me I also had to let a TL know about it until now. She basically said "Too bad you still have to work those shifts"

So basically my options are cancelling my vacation, cancelling the flight, cancelling the hotel reservations, and telling my family I can't go because the store messed up, or calling out 4 days in a row which will surely get me fired.

F*ck Target. F*cking assholes
I learned my lesson years ago about this. Even though you request it and probably deserve it it will get auto denied unless you actually tell your TL. So every time I request and than tell my TL. This is ridiculous but what more can I expect
Idk we must have had an ETL who didn't give a shit because things got auto-denied all the time. I learned early on to put my request in and go to my ETL and tell him I did and tell him to approve it LOL.
I always put in my requests as soon as know I need the time off. I’ve done it 6 months in advance before. Only once in 10 years did a leader deny my request. I’ve had auto deny maybe 3 times just because I put in request late.
At my store they don't accept/deny requests until the week that the schedule is made, so putting it in early would just result in it pending for weeks/months, and it'd still get auto-denied if they didn't go in to approve it that week.
At my store they don't accept/deny requests until the week that the schedule is made, so putting it in early would just result in it pending for weeks/months, and it'd still get auto-denied if they didn't go in to approve it that week.
That seems so unfair! How can you plan ahead? I have been auto denied for putting in requests too early and also when an ETL "forgot to check".
At my store they don't accept/deny requests until the week that the schedule is made, so putting it in early would just result in it pending for weeks/months, and it'd still get auto-denied if they didn't go in to approve it that week.
Must be a case of ASANTS because I’ve never had a problem getting requests approved early.
Auto-deny happens at noon on Tuesday's for the schedule being written that week. It happens automatically if no leader either approves or deny's a request before that time weekly. Most HR's set it up to where only the ETL gets the request in their mytime self service box. The problem with that is ETL's have no reason to use MyTime Self Service since they are salary for them personally so most never even log into it! A good ETL will have a routine of checking for requests at least weekly. At my store the TL's and ETL's are set up to get requests from their direct reports and the closing lead and HR gets all. This gives multiple leaders of the work center an opportunity to approve. If the ETL or TL doesn't see the request HR and sometimes the closing lead will follow up with those leaders to inform them of the request and approve/deny for them before noon Tuesday of the schedule week.

I personally think it's disrespectful to the team member and lowers store moral for anything to go into auto-deny. It's like the store leadership and HR didn't have a moment at all to login and check for requests. It's a diservice to the team member. If I were working at HQ in the HR department I would create an auto-deny metric and hold stores accountable to approving or denying all requests. An email being automatically sent to impacted leaders would also help too!

In the future it's best to not only submit the time off in the system but to also let your direct TL and ETL know that you submitted the request saying you will be out of town or whatever the situation might be. You don't have to detail your personal life but I've found over the years the more information you provide the more of a chance it will be approved. The reason here is a lot of team members will put in back to back fridays or weekend requests off and weekends are peak times. Target can't approve every single request off as it needs to meet the business need. To the original poster - I'm sorry this happened to you. Please know it was not personal... the leaders in your store just didn't check for requests that week. Try to get your shifts covered. If not just callout each day. Even if you callout all 4 days in a row it can only be considered one "event". You will not be fired for this as long as you callout. Worst case your TL might have a coaching conversation with you about the recent negative trend in reliability, which could lead to a corrective action if you kept calling out or had many lates after you return.

Enjoy your vacation! ❤
I have been working for Target for almost 20 years. I usually get my vacation approved without having to tell an ETL or TL (that would really suck for me since I don’t even see them because they work in the daytime). I think I got one autodenied because I put in the request a week before they are about to post the schedule where I wanted to take a dayoff (this autodenial made sense to me since I passed the two weeks deadline).
A few weeks ago, I went on the computer at the store to schedule time off from July 18th to July 24th. I will be going on vacation with my family on that date. It's been long planed. I thought everything was gonna be good. However, I checked my schedule this morning and saw that I'm scheduled for four shifts that week. That's f*cking bullsh*t. I went on the computer today and saw that my request for time off was auto-denied.

I went and talked to the STL (right now we don't have an HR because she quit) and she told me I'm responsible for all of those shifts because I didn't tell anybody that I wanted time off. I told her that I've been working at Target for 4 years and if I ever wanted time off all I had to do was go on the computer and request it there. Nobody told me I also had to let a TL know about it until now. She basically said "Too bad you still have to work those shifts"

So basically my options are cancelling my vacation, cancelling the flight, cancelling the hotel reservations, and telling my family I can't go because the store messed up, or calling out 4 days in a row which will surely get me fired.

F*ck Target. F*cking assholes
Welcome to management of Target man, A lot of them are stupid.
Meanwhile Brian Cornell says "Be sure to take time for yourself and well being" Do ya think he knows what a hypocrite he is or is he just clueless about what really happens in his company...
Hypocrisy is a huge normalized problem with people of all ages this day in agez
At my store they don't accept/deny requests until the week that the schedule is made, so putting it in early would just result in it pending for weeks/months, and it'd still get auto-denied if they didn't go in to approve it that week.

That doesn't work when you have to plan a trip out weeks or months in advance. No way in hell am I waiting until a couple weeks before a schedule is written to try and plan out a multi state road trip, much less a international one. That shit is done months in advance.
That doesn't work when you have to plan a trip out weeks or months in advance. No way in hell am I waiting until a couple weeks before a schedule is written to try and plan out a multi state road trip, much less a international one. That shit is done months in advance.
I've been in this world (retail) long enough to know that in a big company like this, you won't get fired for requesting the time, and then calling off every day of the trip if they deny it. You'll get on a final, sure, but not fired, so just don't do it again for awhile.

This is why I approve 99% of the requests that come across my desk. The only ones I won't are people who are both new and requesting things like Black Friday.
I've been in this world (retail) long enough to know that in a big company like this, you won't get fired for requesting the time, and then calling off every day of the trip if they deny it. You'll get on a final, sure, but not fired, so just don't do it again for awhile.

This is why I approve 99% of the requests that come across my desk. The only ones I won't are people who are both new and requesting things like Black Friday.

Well kinda of hard to be at work when you are a couple thousand miles away so they are going to have to figure it out.
A few weeks ago, I went on the computer at the store to schedule time off from July 18th to July 24th. I will be going on vacation with my family on that date. It's been long planed. I thought everything was gonna be good. However, I checked my schedule this morning and saw that I'm scheduled for four shifts that week. That's f*cking bullsh*t. I went on the computer today and saw that my request for time off was auto-denied.

I went and talked to the STL (right now we don't have an HR because she quit) and she told me I'm responsible for all of those shifts because I didn't tell anybody that I wanted time off. I told her that I've been working at Target for 4 years and if I ever wanted time off all I had to do was go on the computer and request it there. Nobody told me I also had to let a TL know about it until now. She basically said "Too bad you still have to work those shifts"

So basically my options are cancelling my vacation, cancelling the flight, cancelling the hotel reservations, and telling my family I can't go because the store messed up, or calling out 4 days in a row which will surely get me fired.

F*ck Target. F*cking assholes

When was it auto-denied? What date?

If it was the day the schedule generated then that's kind of shitty.

If it was before that, it's still shitty but you should have checked it.

As an aside, just call out and tell them when you call you're calling out because you requested off and they denied you. Just to rub it in.

I never understood the whole "Request" part. In my eyes it isn't a request. I won't be here, I'm telling you now weeks in advance, so you can figure it out, if you don't want to do that well, not my problem.
:/ sorry your managers suck. Our Store Director checks rewuests daily and apptoves them if thry are reasonable. However, when I rewuest I always check each day im thete to ensure its approved. If it isnt in a day or two I either mention it to my tl or etl or leave sticky notes foe like everyone. Im veey demandinf becauae i rarely ask foe time off.
This is partially your fault for not checking on it. And their fault for not paying attention to the requeats. Go on your vacation. See if someone will take your shifts if not call out. Dont sacrifice self care for spot. When you return take your slaps on the wrist ans be more vigilant ans inaiatant about time off in the future. Worse comes to worse you may be on a corrective but most likely wont get fired. If need be just tell them its for mental health its technically allowed ans I have a few tms that have called out for over a week for that. (Granted they legit had breakdowna but still)
When was it auto-denied? What date?

If it was the day the schedule generated then that's kind of shitty.

If it was before that, it's still shitty but you should have checked it.

As an aside, just call out and tell them when you call you're calling out because you requested off and they denied you. Just to rub it in.

I never understood the whole "Request" part. In my eyes it isn't a request. I won't be here, I'm telling you now weeks in advance, so you can figure it out, if you don't want to do that well, not my problem.
It’s a request because your asking if you can have time off? You can’t say I’m taking off figure it out.
It’s a request because your asking if you can have time off? You can’t say I’m taking off figure it out.

Any reasonable adult will recognize that your job cannot tell you when you can and can't be at work. Retail is one of the few places that has a "request" off system. The overwhelming majority of places as long as you're telling them in advance, that's just what it is, you telling them.

Moreover why should you give a shit if they approve or deny it? Do you get to approve or deny your schedule? Tell them you won't be there in advance, and if they deny it then tell them to figure it out, because you won't be there. They only get away with that stupid shit because people go with it.
I love my target store leadership they always approved my time off requests I’m still young so I needed it to enjoy my youth.
Any reasonable adult will recognize that your job cannot tell you when you can and can't be at work. Retail is one of the few places that has a "request" off system. The overwhelming majority of places as long as you're telling them in advance, that's just what it is, you telling them.

Moreover why should you give a shit if they approve or deny it? Do you get to approve or deny your schedule? Tell them you won't be there in advance, and if they deny it then tell them to figure it out, because you won't be there. They only get away with that stupid shit because people go with it.
Yeaaaah, that's not how it works. As my MIL always says, it's their shoe store. In other words, they call the shots. You work for them, not the other way around.

When you put time off requests into the system, it clearly states that there is no guarantee your request will be approved. Of course, reasonable companies will honor most time off requests and work with their employees, but they are under no obligation to do so.
Yeaaaah, that's not how it works. As my MIL always says, it's their shoe store. In other words, they call the shots. You work for them, not the other way around.

When you put time off requests into the system, it clearly states that there is no guarantee your request will be approved. Of course, reasonable companies will honor most time off requests and work with their employees, but they are under no obligation to do so.

You're missing my point here.

They have minimal power. They cannot force you to come.

The power they have over you is they can fire/retailiate against you if you choose not to come in on denied days.

If everyone just...didn't show up on those days after requesting off, they would quickly switch from "you cover your own shifts" to "thank you for telling us we will sort that out"

They have power in this situation because they allowed to.

I had a few time off requests denied in my time, and I did exactly what I said. I told them they're free to deny it as I'm free to not show up, and if they deny it, it doesn't change the fact that I won't be there. It's a problem for them, not for me.
You're missing my point here.

They have minimal power. They cannot force you to come.

The power they have over you is they can fire/retailiate against you if you choose not to come in on denied days.

If everyone just...didn't show up on those days after requesting off, they would quickly switch from "you cover your own shifts" to "thank you for telling us we will sort that out"

They have power in this situation because they allowed to.

I had a few time off requests denied in my time, and I did exactly what I said. I told them they're free to deny it as I'm free to not show up, and if they deny it, it doesn't change the fact that I won't be there. It's a problem for them, not for me.
That is a pretty big power. It all depends on where you are in your life and how much you need the job.

Decades ago when my sister's request for time off to take a vacation was denied, she just quit because she didn't gaf because she was teenager and that job was not going to be her life's work. When I was getting married and put in for three weeks off for the wedding and honeymoon, my store manager waited until the very last minute to approve it. Did not matter to me because I was not going to be there whether it was approved or not. But I didn't have that attitude for every time off request, and I did have some denied or was asked to reschedule because of business conflicts, other people asking for time off, etc.
Any reasonable adult will recognize that your job cannot tell you when you can and can't be at work. Retail is one of the few places that has a "request" off system. The overwhelming majority of places as long as you're telling them in advance, that's just what it is, you telling them.

Moreover why should you give a shit if they approve or deny it? Do you get to approve or deny your schedule? Tell them you won't be there in advance, and if they deny it then tell them to figure it out, because you won't be there. They only get away with that stupid shit because people go with it.
If you tell them figure it out, they might get someone to replace you permanently. I personally only had a request denied once.
I literally put in for time off today and as my lead was walking by told them: "hey I'm doing this". They said "cool I'll go into my office and approve it."
I've certainly left my requests to chance before and gotten them approved, but it's not so hard to catch a lead at a computer/heading to a computer and to tell them to look at it real quick.

I even watched them do it since I went upstairs shortly after to give them something and it's legit one log in and a single click to approve. Took like 2 seconds and half of that was me explaining that I'd accidentally put in for the pay and then the time off so it populated weirdly in the system lol.
Yeaaaah, that's not how it works. As my MIL always says, it's their shoe store. In other words, they call the shots. You work for them, not the other way around.

When you put time off requests into the system, it clearly states that there is no guarantee your request will be approved. Of course, reasonable companies will honor most time off requests and work with their employees, but they are under no obligation to do so.
The problem is that the OP submitted the request in time but the manager didn’t do their job by approving or denying it, they let it auto-deny.

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