Anything but the greasy slime that we have would be an improvement. I get sick whenever I have to cover food ave and have to make breadsticks. I want to say no, don't get that to the guests. I want to tell them how much lardy grease is put all over them.
I would like it if they had soft serve ice cream and or yogurt, but I'm sure they would search for the cheapest brand.
I would also like fresh food, or better choices in the refrigerator..
I feel like lard would make them flavorful, but the bread sticks just taste like nothing to me. Haven't used lard, but I have toasted sandwiches in bacon grease and it is heaven, I tell you, heaven! If they were cooking the bread sticks in lard, I'd prob like them. Bacon grease also upgrades popcorn. And vegetables lol.
Glad you don't actually follow through with discouraging people from eating it, though. One of my pet peeves is when people try to tell me about how bad my food is when I'm about to eat it. I stopped eating with certain friends because of it. If I'm eating fast food, my expectations about healthfulness are already low.