Archived If you could have a fast food joint replace Target Cafe. Which would you choose?

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Anything but the greasy slime that we have would be an improvement. I get sick whenever I have to cover food ave and have to make breadsticks. I want to say no, don't get that to the guests. I want to tell them how much lardy grease is put all over them.

I would like it if they had soft serve ice cream and or yogurt, but I'm sure they would search for the cheapest brand.
I would also like fresh food, or better choices in the refrigerator..

I feel like lard would make them flavorful, but the bread sticks just taste like nothing to me. Haven't used lard, but I have toasted sandwiches in bacon grease and it is heaven, I tell you, heaven! If they were cooking the bread sticks in lard, I'd prob like them. Bacon grease also upgrades popcorn. And vegetables lol.

Glad you don't actually follow through with discouraging people from eating it, though. One of my pet peeves is when people try to tell me about how bad my food is when I'm about to eat it. I stopped eating with certain friends because of it. If I'm eating fast food, my expectations about healthfulness are already low.
i say lard being nice. i believe its more like liquid oil byproduct that comes out of a 5 gallon can, that sometimes doesn't smell very fresh. Brush it on with a large paint brush on both sides then sprinkle the garlic cheese flavoring, loaded with MSG or some derivative...mmmmm

I do tell tm's not to eat them if they value their life at all.

I am sure, eating a few teaspoons of Crisco would be healthier for you - Don't even include bacon or bacon grease - that's sacrilegious. Bacon grease is one of the best things on earth, but I wouldn't make a steady diet of it.
Ooh. Also, Panera! It attracts the same snobby guests so there wouldn't a problem 😉

Most shocking thing in that whole post is that there's any alleged cheese flavoring going on those things. They just taste like dry garlic-ish bread. I thought the granules on em was just more bread... Like a bread crumb breadstick or something. I'd be annoyed if I liked the breadsticks and someone warned me. I mean, because I'm not expecting you guys to like roll out dough, churn butter, grate fresh parmesan and mince fresh garlic lol. When you buy food that sits under a light, you can't possibly be expecting the best ingredients. Real lard wouldn't bother me, though.

My food ave people actually do eat the stuff from there, though haha. And I always see them with breadsticks. That's how I ended up tasting them to begin with, actually. I wonder if it's a difference in mindset, or if we magically have fresher oil that doesn't scare them.
People that eat pretzels crack me up. A big hunk of greasy, salty bread! Da fuq???
Hey, I love soft pretzels for that very reason. Mmmm, buttery salted bread....
Granted I haven't had the FA ones, I get them in bulk frozen from the local restaurant supply store.
If Five Guys moved in we would all be fat as fuuuuuuuuuuu

If anything I would say Panera. Only because we sell their products, and their full Italian Combo mine as well be a sick fantasy I may or may not have.
My food ave people actually do eat the stuff from there, though haha. And I always see them with breadsticks. That's how I ended up tasting them to begin with, actually. I wonder if it's a difference in mindset, or if we magically have fresher oil that doesn't scare them.

They have their special ingredients that they use for theirs.
Anything bad from food ave I eat gets cancelled out by the cigs I smoke while eating the food lol prob the only reason I'm still alive
Why hasn't anyone mentioned that Subway already has shops open in Walmart? McDonald's also but not in my state. I would be happier with a Dunkin Donuts than Starbucks because their coffee is terrible.

My bowels would never be the same.

Chipolte (or the more local variant, not saying because it would give my location away.) would be my choice.
Anything but Pizza Hut Express...such garbage and I can't fathom it bringing in more money than literally anything else.
Roy Rogers. I don't remember what they sold, but I remember going there as a kid. Yes, I moved.

We sell microwavable White Castle burgers.

Now that I think of it though, it's hard to think of anything in the area that isn't already nearby. Elevation Burger, Five Guys, Chipotle, all down the road. McDonalds in the Walmart across the shopping center.

The more I think of it, it would probably be more profitable to turn the Food Ave area into a beer/wine selection. Team Members Guests come up and ask for what they want, we never miss sales again.

That said, I'd still die for Chipotle. Or Subway. Either one works. It's hard to run a successful restaurant around here. Some go in and out of business every few months.
I would love a Qdoba (like Chipotle but a million times better) if it wasn't so damn expensive these days. I just can't afford to spend over $8 for a burrito.

Taco Bell would have to be my pick. It's cheap, tasty, and filling.

I know on the Wikipedia for Target at one point there were Taco Bell Express. Was that small lived?
My store apparently used to have one, but it is now used for storage. Everyone still calls that storage room Taco Bell, which is pretty amusing when new TMs hear it and wonder wtf they are talking about.
One of the stores I did support help at had it. I don't remember the selection being much and it wasn't very good.

Everyone still calls that storage room Taco Bell, which is pretty amusing when new TMs hear it and wonder wtf they are talking about.

Stores in my area have that with E-Trade. At one time, they had space at the front lanes. Even though they pulled out over 10 years ago, people still call it the E-Trade room.
I don't get how people can eat the same thing from food ave everyday. It's the equivalent of my old customers at the gas station who would come in everyday and buy crap everyday.
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