Archived If you could have a fast food joint replace Target Cafe. Which would you choose?

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In my homestate, Pal's Sudden Service. Depending on the location, its a burger walk-up or drive-thru on a lean system. The menu is simple; no combos, just burgers, sliced ham or chicken and hotdogs. The food is quick, and the sweet tea and milkshakes are to die for.

HyVee Chinese/Pizza/deli

I didn't mind the old grill/fryer FA setup at times. But damn...they just kept adding stuff. It should have been kept simple. Use a flash fryer system. Then just burgers, chicken breast, and hotdogs...thats it. Breakfast should have been scratched or simplified. No elaborate salads/sandwiches. With the amount of stuff Food Ave's had when the grills were taken out, no wonder Food Aves were losing money.

Just went to my first Sheetz last year. Too bad the closest to me is 65 miles, if I could only justify the ride.
Just make the café better.

Won't happen. Spot has been gutting Food Ave for years. The selection now is nothing compared to what we used to have. Burgers, soup, eggs/bacon/hashbrowns, muthafucking Cheddarwurst alongside the hot dogs, etc etc.

Target's model for perishable foods has become "buy frozen prepackaged garbage that's dirt cheap because we think all departments should have the same gross margin as stuff bought from China" and then watch the sales volume for those areas plummet.
I know on the Wikipedia for Target at one point there were Taco Bell Express. Was that small lived?
Won't happen. Spot has been gutting Food Ave for years. The selection now is nothing compared to what we used to have. Burgers, soup, eggs/bacon/hashbrowns, muthafucking Cheddarwurst alongside the hot dogs, etc etc.

Target's model for perishable foods has become "buy frozen prepackaged garbage that's dirt cheap because we think all departments should have the same gross margin as stuff bought from China" and then watch the sales volume for those areas plummet.
When I started at FA, we used to make salads, sandwiches, yogurt parfaits, fresh-baked cookies. Also had an awesome breakfast burrito.
First they sent us pre-made yogurt cups: smaller cup, higher price, no more prep so hrs were cut.
Then they sent pre-made salads: more variety but smaller bowl, higher price & hrs were cut again.
Pre-made sandwiches were next: smaller, higher price & again hrs were cut.
Thaw & wrap cookies (later replaced w/packaged): smaller & .....well, you know the rest.
Soups, nachos, breakfast burritos were all dropped.
Outside of pizzas, breadsticks & popcorn, the majority is heat-n-serve.
Won't happen. Spot has been gutting Food Ave for years. The selection now is nothing compared to what we used to have. Burgers, soup, eggs/bacon/hashbrowns, muthafucking Cheddarwurst alongside the hot dogs, etc etc.

Target's model for perishable foods has become "buy frozen prepackaged garbage that's dirt cheap because we think all departments should have the same gross margin as stuff bought from China" and then watch the sales volume for those areas plummet.
Back in the Day Food ave had a great hamburger and fries
I wish they'd open a Sonic near me. Everything sounds so good in the commercials, but the closest one is about 200 miles away. They would do so well near my store.

Those commercials are such a tease, Sonic is the next town over so its not convenient but everything looks so good.
In-N-Out would be a good choice. But then when I really think about it, there could be long lines and the selection is pretty much limited to burgers and fries. No thank you
I love sonic. I quit drinking soda, but if I'm at sonic, watermelon sprite ftw! So good.

I love popeyes, but I don't think I'd want it at the cafe. I kinda like that our options are lame because I'd be huge if we had something I loved.

Wait, but a Cups or Red Mango (or the local frozen yogurt place) would be dooope, too.

Watermelon sprite? I might try that next time!
Not a huge fast food fan anymore, but DQ would be swell. They have pretty good chicken and who doesn't love ice cream?

I heard of DQ, but never been inside one. I was under the impression that all they sold were ice cream.
You can't throw a cat without hitting a sonic in my state. They are everywhere. Likes seriously, you can't go two miles in a city without passing a sonic. All my California friends rave about In-N-Out. Give me a Fuzzy's Taco Shop. I would eat there every single day.
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