Archived If you had to be an ETL

What ETL position would you most hope for?

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At my Target ETL of HL, SL, and GE are all combined in one position. I can see why that bitch is always in a cranky mood! pardon my language!
I would want to be an ETL-GE because the whole "guest experience" thing will look good on my resume for what I want to do in the future.

Except I don't have money to go to college at the moment.
I said ETL HR because it's the one job that has the most transferable job opportunities outside of Spot and it seems like you could actually make the TMs lives a little better all across the board in that position but that's just me.
Though any of the positions would be fine for $50k a year.
(Except AP because I belong in the weenie hut jr. and I'm the least intimidating person ever)
When I stopped being GSA and moved to cart attendant temporarily I got a bunch of TMs to refer to me as Executive Team Lead-Cart Experience. I even used the label maker to print that out and it was on my mailbox until irrelevant people got butthurt about it and ripped it off.
I will say, I was quite concerned about the carts and their respective experience during that time. I'd like to think I made a difference in their little cart lives.
The carts are the Life Blood of Spot...

Just think if they weren't there!

See: Saturday afternoons when the cart attendant pulls a NCNS.

Except AP because I belong in the weenie hut jr.

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