Archived Im in a bad situation

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May 29, 2019
Okay lets get to it. I have worked for target for about a year now on flow team. When i started I was getting about 35-38 hours a week, I was happy with that. But right after Christmas of 2018 we got new a STL and also a new Leader and hours were cut almost 60%. Down to 15 a week mostly. This was for a lot of people on flow team It was not just me. Only maybe 3 people stayed at 30 hours or more a week. I was almost flat out begging my new boss for hours because it was killing me financially. He always seemed to say ill work on it or we didnt have enough payroll but then we would get new hires like crazy. I became severely frustrated with this because it just felt like bull. So I started to not care as much, took longer breaks cuz my shifts were at 5 1/2 hrs usually. My new boss then placed me on CA. Which he has since been fired for sexual harassment. I now am in the position of not having anywhere to live currently and cannot afford to get a new place to rent and my only option is to leave the state to go stay with family. The last thing I need is to lose my job so im really wanting to transfer, I know with being on CA that I can only transfer under “limited circumstances” does anyone know if this would fall under those? I mean im homeless and helpless at the moment and dont really have a choice. Please help with advice on how I should go about this in hopes to getting a transfer approved!!
Also almost every manager has told me how much I have improved since being put on CA. So as it stands now Ive been complimented on my work ever since
So Im on CA. Have had nothing but compliments on my work ever since because ive been busting my ass to improve and keep this job. But now im homeless and have to move states. How can I get a transfer approved under these circumstances?
First, go to your ETL-HR and honestly explain your situation and see what they say. Sorry for your misfortune and I hope your situation quickly improves. Good luck.
I am planning on going in and talking to my Store team lead, Its just an embarrasing situation and im just afraid of getting denied and being homeless and jobless. But I guess I have nothing to lose at the moment. Just wondering if anyone had any tips or advice to go about this
Even if u transfer u are still never guaranteed the hrs u want. U can always pick up shifts if hrs are low. If your average hrs were 35 plus like u said then having ur hrs cut with no fault of ur own u can apply for partial unemployment to supplement the lost wages or the other option is cash aid. U can qualify while still employed well out here in Cali u can. Each state is different.
Even if u transfer u are still never guaranteed the hrs u want. U can always pick up shifts if hrs are low. If your average hrs were 35 plus like u said then having ur hrs cut with no fault of ur own u can apply for partial unemployment to supplement the lost wages or the other option is cash aid. U can qualify while still employed well out here in Cali u can. Each state is different.
At this point Im more worried about securing a transfer, Ill worry about hours once I get there ya know. I just cant afford to be without any income
Don't know if Guidance Resources can be of any help with your situation but it is worth a try. They may be able to give you info on resources in your area who can help you. It is a free service provided by Target for TMs. Try using it while you are still with Spot. This is from the website:

"ComPsych® GuidanceResources®
Your GuidanceResources® Employee Assistance Program provides counseling and other services to help you. This program is confidential and free to you and your family members who live with you.

Call: 877-616-0510

Your toll-free number gives you direct, 24/7 access to a GuidanceConsultantSM, who will answer your questions and, if needed, refer you to a counselor or other resources."
Tell them you were taking extra breaks because of the emotional stress of what was happening in your personal life and the uncertainty in your job security with the lack of communication, and apologize. See if they want to deal with that.

But, let's be blunt: you're more than likely not going to get more hours. Your leaders aren't supposed to talk about it, and not all stores are following it (yet,) but TMs are supposed to work 4-5 hour shifts, and stay under 20-25 hours per week. Even if they perform perfectly.
Shifts to pick up are often few and far between, and you're not supposed to even be allowed to pick up shifts across the aisle anymore, because duties have changed and you're not trained (GM/Style/Front End/Etc.)
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Tell them you were taking extra breaks because of the emotional stress of what was happening in your personal life and the uncertainty in your job security with the lack of communication, and apologize. See if they want to deal with that.

But, let's be blunt: you're more than likely not going to get more hours. Your leaders aren't supposed to talk about it, and not all stores are following it (yet,) but TMs are supposed to work 4-5 hour shifts, and stay under 20-25 hours per week. Even if they perform perfectly.
Shifts to pick up are often few and far between, and you're not supposed to even be allowed to pick up shifts across the aisle anymore, because duties have changed and you're not trained (GM/Style/Front End/Etc.)
Like I said Im more concerned on securing a transfer than my hours. My hours being cut just pertained to why I started to extend my breaks
It's not the end for you, I've seen TMs transfer while on corrective actions and even a final and I dont believe it follows you to the new store. How has your performance been since the CA? How long ago did the conversation happen? You put yourself in this situation, it is nobodies fault but your own by taking longer breaks than you're allowed. I'm not tearing you apart here but I think you need to understand that. You should have worked harder, faster, asked more questions, shown that you're an asset to the operation, but you chose to "rebel" and repercussions followed. There is still hope, follow what the others have said and explain your situation to HR. Good luck fella
Or try cross train in the other areas that way when team members write their shifts on the board you can take it🙂
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