Answered I'm lost:(

Jul 11, 2020
Hello! I go into my first day of work in a couple of hours but I have no idea what to do when I get there. I'm getting trained but I'm not sure how to meet up with the lady training me, please help! who can I ask? I don't wanna be annoying, but I'm genuinely so confused about what I'm supposed to do. I asked this yesterday at orientation and she said to just go clock in but Idk what I'm supposed to do after that!!! Thank you!!!
Lol I felt the same way on my first day of work (they didn’t officially train me until 1 year into the job). Which department do you work at? I would suggest getting a walkie like Jenna said, but if you don’t get a response u should get a walkie for yourself and ask a TL. You may also be able to ask HR because you are new 🙂

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