Archived Instocks changes coming...again

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So looks like instocks will be going through a big revamp in May. Some select stores are now starting to test, ours starts 4-13. No more instant substitutions will be done, set up rain check and that's it. This should help cut down time with RIGS since you wont have to print signs, scan them in and hang them.

We've been testing this at my store. Way it works is we will shoot RIGs daily (no more than 25 RIG tasks each day). The new process is more focused on 4x4 zone walks of all the aisles (ensuring good zone, label maintenance, brand, etc). You would do 4x4 walks on non-scan days (there is a schedule for which department gets walked each day). Research in full is split up into two all-store scan days. Tuesday is Grocery/Softlines and Wednesday is the rest of Hardlines. The rest of the week (including Saturday/Sunday) you will do just 4x4 walks and PTM tasks. The overnight flow team will shoot and push OUTS batches on non-scan days. Rain checks are definitely affected because thanks to the4 reduction in RIG tasks, we are not setting up rain checks to the extent we were before (Suggestion: Take your Store-Specific Ad Guide on Sundays and walk the ad and create rain checks). I have not heard anything about Instant Subs... although if those go bye bye I wouldn't be upset...

It will depend on how your store leadership wants to work the 4x4 walks in deciding who does them. In our store, my Instocks team is super-detailed and our STL decided to use them for the 4x4. Other stores it depends. The test has been mildly successful over the past few weeks... definitely been some bumps in the road but hopefully it will come together in the end.

Instocks team no longer does 4X4's, at least in my area (this is group direction from what i got). The sales floor now has the responsibility of doing the 4x4's since POG is doing all pog's and sales planners. There is supposed to now be 1 3-tier cart for lod and 1 for 4x4 team. Everyone on the sales floor is doing it but there is actually like 2-3 people assigned to do the 4x4's.
On scanning we were doing whole store with 1 scan day, then certain departments a day, and now were back to whole store scan every day for new outs and 1 total rescan day of everything. They have said they want stand alone but still have to wipe out the task list, so its unproductive to wipe the list when you can just scan as you go in the task list. I dont know maybe that makes to much sense for Target.
Detrashing before pushing a pull is much cleaner and makes sense, except for when what's in the pull doesn't go out and you bring back open stock when it would've still been a full case if you had pushed it out still in a casepack. Also, this is more time spent off the floor (if only marginal) which is the opposite of what corp has been preaching with vibing lol.
Ugh, I hate the direction that Target is taking Instocks. As of about a month ago, we no longer use the task list, not even RIGS, instead using Stand Alone Research. The 4x4 were shoved on us too, a team of 3. We used to scan the store every day for new outs/rainchecks and have an all store rescan day on Tuesdays. Now we have specific blocks we scan each day.. monday do Market and Toys.. Tuesday we do chemicals plastics and pets etc etc. We scan every day... no off days for us. No time for PTMs.. its ridiculous..
Ugh, I hate the direction that Target is taking Instocks. As of about a month ago, we no longer use the task list, not even RIGS, instead using Stand Alone Research. The 4x4 were shoved on us too, a team of 3. We used to scan the store every day for new outs/rainchecks and have an all store rescan day on Tuesdays. Now we have specific blocks we scan each day.. monday do Market and Toys.. Tuesday we do chemicals plastics and pets etc etc. We scan every day... no off days for us. No time for PTMs.. its ridiculous..

We still use the list but there is no time for anything but scan and push. People really hated us this last week cause easter candy PTM was not done by us. And the team leads and ETLs on Saturday were struggling to get the last out while it was packed with shoppers. Cause they asked me how we used to do this. I told them "we would have had it done by now, and never on a weekend day. Now you understand why we don't PTM on weekends. Cause that tub took you what? Two hours?"
So looks like instocks will be going through a big revamp in May. Some select stores are now starting to test, ours starts 4-13. No more instant substitutions will be done, set up rain check and that's it. This should help cut down time with RIGS since you wont have to print signs, scan them in and hang them.

This is not a bad idea. Many people have no clue how do do subs anyway. I've seen subs signs on a kids' bedding set placed on a king sized comforter. No way near a similar item replacement.
So looks like instocks will be going through a big revamp in May. Some select stores are now starting to test, ours starts 4-13. No more instant substitutions will be done, set up rain check and that's it. This should help cut down time with RIGS since you wont have to print signs, scan them in and hang them.

This is not a bad idea. Many people have no clue how do do subs anyway. I've seen subs signs on a kids' bedding set placed on a king sized comforter. No way near a similar item replacement.

Well if they wouldn't put all of kids bedding on sale at the same time we could sub the correct thing, but when the entire dept. is on sale sometimes you have work with what they let you work with. What you can do is group stuff, start working a comforter, sham, bedskirt and hopefully pull some sales that way by catching a different shopper. I just wish when they do put entire departments like adult or kids bedding we could sub say the pillow covers and mattress pads, I could sell through those if I could sub them.
So looks like instocks will be going through a big revamp in May. Some select stores are now starting to test, ours starts 4-13. No more instant substitutions will be done, set up rain check and that's it. This should help cut down time with RIGS since you wont have to print signs, scan them in and hang them.

This is not a bad idea. Many people have no clue how do do subs anyway. I've seen subs signs on a kids' bedding set placed on a king sized comforter. No way near a similar item replacement.

Well if they wouldn't put all of kids bedding on sale at the same time we could sub the correct thing, but when the entire dept. is on sale sometimes you have work with what they let you work with. What you can do is group stuff, start working a comforter, sham, bedskirt and hopefully pull some sales that way by catching a different shopper. I just wish when they do put entire departments like adult or kids bedding we could sub say the pillow covers and mattress pads, I could sell through those if I could sub them.

When I had the instocks process, I'd instruct the the team to sub a kids' beanbag in place of the bedding item. It's still an accessory for the child's bedroom. But that was when you could crossover into other departments.
^^ Yep I would love to still be able to do that. But lately subs are getting harder to write, to the point of us not putting up the rain checks to avoid the hassle..
So far the only thing that I am seeing here as a change is no instant subs. Is that the big revamp or did I miss something?
So looks like instocks will be going through a big revamp in May. Some select stores are now starting to test, ours starts 4-13. No more instant substitutions will be done, set up rain check and that's it. This should help cut down time with RIGS since you wont have to print signs, scan them in and hang them.

Heard something new did come down today but wasn't given any details.
So looks like instocks will be going through a big revamp in May. Some select stores are now starting to test, ours starts 4-13. No more instant substitutions will be done, set up rain check and that's it. This should help cut down time with RIGS since you wont have to print signs, scan them in and hang them.

Heard something new did come down today but wasn't given any details.

I saw it on my TL's desk but it was to crowded for me to actually read it without looking like I was snooping, since I had other admin stuff I was doing.
Heres the changes:
System led task will change to new system. Actual research will only be 3 days a week, followings task list. 1 day will be either grocery & aa or hard lines. Day 2 will be the other, last research day is top selling departments. 3 days will be scanned outs, yep you heard right outs not research on sidecaps, endcaps, check lanes.
Research days are tuesday, wednesday, and Friday. Outs will be monday, thursday and Friday as well. Sat and Sunday will be entire store old and new outs.
Gray dots only used for items with 0 on hands. Rigs will increase by 15 additional items. Subs are still being tested at this time so that info comes later. Starts may 24.
Heres the changes:
System led task will change to new system. Actual research will only be 3 days a week, followings task list. 1 day will be either grocery & aa or hard lines. Day 2 will be the other, last research day is top selling departments. 3 days will be scanned outs, yep you heard right outs not research on sidecaps, endcaps, check lanes.
Research days are tuesday, wednesday, and Friday. Outs will be monday, thursday and Friday as well. Sat and Sunday will be entire store old and new outs.
Gray dots only used for items with 0 on hands. Rigs will increase by 15 additional items. Subs are still being tested at this time so that info comes later. Starts may 24.

Sounds incredibly complicated again...
This will be interesting. Our instocks team is not scheduled on weekends. The gray dots for 0 OH will make scan times longer since the screen has to be read between each scan, but totally makes sense. I don't think it sounds complicated at all. I think this may be better - more outs, less research - for my store since they are scheduling fewer backroom people so they don't come clean as early as before which kept us from scanning. With outs it won't matter since counts won't change and if it's backstocked it will still come out to the floor.
Instocks hours are supposed to be shifted to sales floor since Instocks is responsible for less.
After reading the communication today, I have to say it sounds like an improvement. It seems a little convoluted at first, but it is actually a step in the right direction. More value added work, less work overall.
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