Archived Inventory for my store will be held tomorrow

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Jun 11, 2011
h, it's that so-called inventory time again. Fortunately for me, I will be off. I can see why ETL's and STL's will fret over this (it comes from corp), but I can't see why team members should. It's something that's only good for the corporation not necessarily at the store level.
Retail comic had some good inventory strips. Pretty much how the carnies are judged by how fast they count, not how accurate they are. Last time some idiot printed one label for Asst cases. That was fun!
Prep is the key.
Prep and keeping an eagle eye on the regis crew that shows up.
Were a month out for Inventory and I was just nominated to be inventory Co-Captian! ugh...........
I've been the co-captain the past 2 years, and this past year I had the fun of running the Backroom Prep. In the end I felt well accomplished with what I did as the Inventory co-captain as well as the Financial captain. If you're a TL make sure to put this on your Leadership Status and Self-Review (come Feb).
I'm always on LOA when inventory time comes around :cray:

I do captain our perishables inventory, though. It's a nice thing to do, as it lets me flex my leadership and organizational muscles every 3 months.
The RGIS crew couldn't count the number of fingers on their damn hands. We had inventory overnight Monday/Tuesday and I audited 20 sections they had finished. Out of those 15, 3....thats right 3 (a staggering accuracy of .2%) I found my counts matched theirs. On top of that, they employ some of the BIGGEST crybabies I have ever had the pleasure of working around.
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