backstocking by brand doesn't really matter if the puller sorts when he does his pull(which he should).
We have ours separated by nail polish, lipstick, then everything else. 3 dpcis per waco and we have waco dividers that divide the lipstick & nail polish into 3 sections.
I will let slide up to 5 dpci's in a waco. If I see 6 or more in 1 waco, I will view the location report and see who was the last one to backstock into it.
If it is a really bad case like someone did it to many wacos, then they get punished by backstock + zoning all of hb01, hb02, and cosmetics.
To be fair, when pulling the cafs, you don't really have time to sort the wacos as you full
What if every waco is like that? I mean, it's good to follow up on backsotckers but in out store, every single waco is will with 20+ items in COSM lol. Maybe I would get with my Flow TL or the instocks TL and see if we could get like 3 people to super zone it. Our section is really small with only a A and B section with about 6 wacos on 4 shelves each. They have this stupid divider in each waca to where you need to pull the entire thing out scan what's in the back of it.
There is so much wrong with that. 1st off there should be more shelves with wacos on them, with cosmetics there should be only 1 or 2 shelves for boxes. The dividers are not stupid when things are backstock to best practice(3 dcpis per waco). 20 dpcis in a single waco ruins you pull times and prob creates alot of errors when scanning through.
I did not mean sorting the wacos as you pull, I meant sorting your pulls as you pull, instead of just throwing them into a cluster.
Personally, I would sit down and write down all the cons of having that small section for cosmetics. Write-down possible solutions. Get some feed-back from your fellow team members. Ask them " Do you encounter and trouble pulling/stocking cosmetics?" and "Do you have any ideas on how to fix the problem?".
After a week or so, of carefully planning what to say then go ahead and ask your TL for a conversation. Now you have to plan, UNLESS your teamlead trusts you very well. For example, I can go to my teamlead and say "The chemical wall looks like shit," and it will be zoned the next time I come in. Or I can go " Hey Yesterday it took joe smith 30 minutes to push a tub of toys," and next time you bet joe smith is pushing toys faster next time. If your team lead doesnt trust/like you then you got to plan for his rebuttals.
You- Hey team lead, most of the wacos have 10+ dpcis per waco
TL- Well, we do not have the room for more wacos
You- You say we do not have the room, but we have 4 cosmetic shelves for box stock yet we barely have 1 shelf full. How about if we change 2 of the shelves into waco shelves. That gives us 12 more wacos in which we can fit 36- 60 more dpcis. I will even partner up with another team member and get it taken off when we have an extra 10 mins one day.
TL- That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually. I will follow-up with you when we have some extra time.
You- Thanks and i wont let you forget