Nope, not unless they don't put dumb shit in it. Mp 4ct yogurt has sucralose. Fuck that stuff.
Better living through chemicals!
🙂 😛
That is why I purchase MP mac n cheese in the box! Some one recently purchased the "real blue box" stuff, and gawwwddd.. disgusting... their lack of chemical orange stuff.... ICCKK!!! Disgusting! I wouldn't purchase the real stuff, but I didn't shop that trip, and when it said mac n cheese they got that blue box thing.
I'll stick to my Cabot plain full fat
As long as it is REAL YOGURT, ie: FULL FAT. Bring it on!
0,1,2% NO DITCH IT!
Nope. ditch.
Meh, I'd kill for Italian bread
Me too, if it IS FRESH. NO FROZEN.
, but so long as it's defrosted that day I don't complain.
Once frozen, no thanks! Other than for pizza bread or bread pudding its useless once frozen... ick disgusting.
I sell organic regular and nut milk over most other things. Followed by skim milk, 2 percent, then whole in conventional. I could add raw and maybe goat but it's not killing me.
The whole oragnic and nut juice is a fad, a fad that will go away. The basics, eggs, milk, breads, meat will still be here when the next fad starts.
Also alot of this nonsense is driven by people with too much idle time to dream up issues that they or their "little prceious things" have! When in reality they don't. For 99.99999% of the guests they don't need gluten free, or even probably know what it is. I don't, and don't care! It is like all the stuff labeled HOT! Ya think that cup of coffee might be hot!?!?! You don't say! Ain't no "PC" here! You want that hippy mart down the road!
Premade burgers are so overpriced. We carry them in the summer when they sell which is fine.
We had them full time for 1-2 years, then yanked, now it is as above. Guests are IRRITATED BEYOND belief with this cycle. "Hey you got them back! Great!" Then when they get yanked "What the )*(&*(&^*&% where is the burgers!!" They then drop the buns all over the place and go to the plaza next door to the local chain and get said burgers. LOST SALES, and leads to guests not coming back due to items getting cut all the time.
I'd vote for that! Although I can take the strip steak and cut it up....
Nope! Too narrow... and disgusting!
🙂 😛 I can smell the stench via the net... shudders... ick.......
but otherwise the meat selection is fine for the price.
Too limited... and not enough cuts. T-bones, more sirloins,
Nobody is buying that at my store. I don't miss donating it.
HUGE loss for us...and me.
The fancier mom's best are bad enough.
I think those bit the dust here last reset... good riddance...
I like the granola choices and we have plenty in 8 ft to choose from.
That is 7.99 feet too much. The SB Blueberry granola has went from a nice big can to a itty bitty little pouch...URRGGHHH
😡 Thats all we need. Blueberry and plain granola....other wise hippy hut next plaza.
🙂 😛 Even better nice big bulk bins! Let me scoop it out!
I sell lunchable's and the fancier version. They can stay.
These things are vile from disgusting taste to just annoying to deal with all the way around. My team would have a huge bonfire with the things if I let them.
If you want nicer the HF snack trays are great.
These are fine.. its the lunchables that are vile! Me I would just prefer some pepperoni, some chesee sharp chedar, provolone or mozz, and some MP saltines. I can much that down by the ton.
My local grocery sells plenty of those things. I see no need to buy them at with where they may or may not be in stock.
And this is what is driving guests away from TGT grocery, especially at Pfresh! It is NOT in stock regularly. Doesn't matter how much I research it, IS researches, or we order it. If it is not consistentnly in stock guest don't come back. Along with the quality issues. When you toss 90% of a bag of onions as they are pre-molded.. or the bags of veggies with BUGS! YES BUGS! Thankfully my rock star FDC team caught that as they stocked it!
I buy more local brands that target would never carry. Also more locally raised meats and dairy.
I couldn't really care less about the "brand" more specificaly I am 99.9% unlikely to purchase national or local brand of anything, unless an equal private aka store brand like MP doesn't exist. I purchase private label, period. Always have, always will. I also don't care where it comes from in the US, but obviosly not everything is can/is grown in the US full time. But beating this local grown thing is just another fad, and barking up the wrong tree with me. Small to big farmers can get by fine, just sell the stuff to the wholesalers.... If my beef comes from TX or my state, I don't care.
This is one thing that is a huge problem, pop! No private label pop!!! We need MP cola!! This alone is a purchase at the competition item for me.
Besides there are plenty of people who eat butter, grass feed meat and whole foods than you realize.
I eat butter, nothing else.. no fake butter stuff allowed here. Never have, never will.
Grass fed premium meat, key word PREMIUM.
Whole foods, is not a part of it... That is the type of stuff that is an immediate turn off. Not interested, and neither is the majority of my guests.
IF the super/pfresh grocery re-invention goes the way some of the pilots are headed, TGT may as well just get out of grocery, period. Especially around me! The local chains and the store that shall not be named will eat them alive! NORMAL EVERYDAY food, and IN STOCK and QUALITY.
The only reason they send us more of those cut up vegetable things is so I can QMOS more of them! Same with the fresh herbs in the clamshells. 1-2 guests wanted them, we got them now... no where to be seen, and they are QMOS leaders! My FDC team may as well just QMOS them as they come in! Strawberries I could take a whole 53ft truck of them each delivery and they would sell. Not my thing, but I don't eat fruit at lest not like that. Put it in a pie we can talk. Raw.. forget it.
It's a diet, which is defined as a way of eating-not a way to lose weight like Americans mean...
And some of this "diet" stuff is causing a rise in food allergies example, peanut allergies have risen astronomically. To the point of having nannyment laws about it. All because of these whack "diets!"
I eat meat, BEEF its what for dinner!
We need to service the MAJORITY BASICS and then service the niche areas like no fat, free this, organic that, and the higher end like me who want premium stuff like Kerry and Plugara butter, weygu (US Kobe), Angus and other premium beef, more basic meats like veal and lamb. I love veal parm! More premium stuff fits more into the higher niche TGT was aiming at before.
Servicing the FAD of now, will only lead to a bigger mess when that fad resets again. The BASICS don't go out of style, regardless of what the media is trying to push.
Empahsis to the BASISC, with offerings to the higher end ie: lamb, veal, the goat cheese and brie we have, along with "accomodating" the fad du jour ie: organic, gluten free, hippy dippy stuff. Aint nobody going to purchase those Egglands organic and cage free eggs! They don't purchase the SB ones! Just more QMDS, and watch the loss report grow!
Grocery in my area versus where I lived a good majority of life lacks a lot of things! Soup n salad bar, fresh pizza by the pie and slice. They do have hoagies to order and pre made at least. I would kill to have a Wegmans in my area, followed by a Kroger or a Giant Eagle. The last two would eat the local regional chain alive! And for those that don't know Wegmans it is simlar to a store I used to shop at, but about 1000x more premium.
My meat department carried veal and lamb through the holidays. No one would buy them outside of me putting $5 on them. Other wise QMOS/Donate they go. They discontinued the veal and kept lamb. But that is still getting QMOS if it didn't have a coupon on it.
A reasonable amount of it, will sell. I and a good number of my guests will purchase it. I have to go to the competition to get it now. Beef, Lamb, Veal, and if I didn't have to go to special meat market out of the way, buffalo/bison, and venison. Not a chance I am going to get them, but NOT all guests are hippy dippy organic nutballs. Some of them and myself, EAT MEAT, other than chix...or turkey (blech!)
You want to know useless! Lara ground beef! No one purchases that unless it is ON SALE for and/or coupon'd. $7/lb for no fat, thus no flavor meat. NO! MARBLEING! Meat should have fat, thats called FLAVOR!
Pre-made burgers don't sell. We have small patties already. They don't bloody sell. I'd get rid of them if I could.
Bfore they were yanked, they FLEW out the door! When we get them back for a limited run in the summer/4th etc. they FLY, can't keep them. When they go away, guests bitch about where are they! I just go them!
Almond mik and soy milk are not "health nuts" it's an alternative for the lactose intolerant. My almond milk sells pretty well.
Health hut is down the street. Target is not store for this.
Granted, not nearly as well as the MP gallons of 2%.
I don't know why people purchase this white watery stuff... looks like you added water to milk... shudders....blech...
Diversity definitely leads to more waste. Hell, the turnips don't sell much,
Wrong diversity, turnips are to narrow a niche...
the jalapeno peppers don't,
Mold collection devices... QMOS!
and the bagged avocados sure as shit don't.
Hmm.. they sell here... I have no use for them... but others use them and the singles for something...
Lunchables sell amazingly at my store.
🙂 I don't care how much they sell... VILE! Annoying to stock, fifo, and too munch of them! BTS rolls around and the bunker plus a 4.5 foot cooler full of those annoying things. Biggest headache around. More packaged lunch meats and cheese like the local chain(s) have would sell just as well, if not better.
We picked up a ton of whole milk yogurts with the last set and they're really good. Chobani and stuff is good too.. Makes a great breakfast.
I like yogurt, BUT.. in the US it has been/is sold & marketed as "diet - health" food... And thus in the us is ZERO FAT, or 1-2% fat.. REAL YOGURT has FAT about 12% on average. That is what I want.To get that I have to go to Whole Foods... Fruit flavored ones, are near impossible to find..
I kind of want to agree with you more on this. On the whole, we have a pretty good produce section but I occasionally have to go to a competitor for more rare things like persimmons or kumquats. Just keep in mind that more diversity leads to more waste.
We need more, I am constantly cornered about do you have this or that, basic fruits, that they can get at Aldi, or the regional chanins. Pineapples? Really!?! They are QMOS'd faster than they can come... total waste. We have enough waste due to the WRONG varties of things.
I could get behind this idea! It would mean more hours for my store (well, probably not) so we can bake for all the PFreshes 🙂
You catch on quick!
🙂 Each SUPER with a bakery should be assigned x number of Pfresh stores to back for, breads, donuts etc... And offer ONLINE CAKE ordering, and then it gets put on the truck to deliver to that store with its bakery run.. Bakers at the supers get hours, Pfresh get better bakery selection, and the guests hounding our store for better and more. Plus a driver gets a job to delivery to the Pfreshes... More jobs.
How much of this do you actually sell? I'm a super that sells a ton of the stuff but I literally have only 30" of the stuff. 1 door. That's it! For some stores, it's a great seller and it was a tough 6 months when they tied it in with organic milk.
Not enough to warrant the space we have of it! We have 5 coolers full of this nut juice stuff! RIDICOULOUS!Then add in all that DHA this or the other milk... Good grief!
This reminds me of something I missed... MP Chocaolate milk! Another thing I have to get elsewhere. Even with the discounts I am not purchasing the Nestle stuff we carry. OVERPRICED, funny taste. The local chain has it, along with Sweetened Ice Tea...anohter thing we need..
While I'll apprehensively agree to this since I had to go to a competitor to get lamb, I have to say that they're incredibly expensive and we'll likely be throwing a ton of it away.
I want to quit going to the competition, period. Beef, Veal, Lamb are prime choices for me.. Pork, and the ground pork. Which I can't believe we have that after the various resets. Then chix, maybe, and turkey.... Well lets just say that falls into one specific weekend of the year, then I don't want to see it again!
Our Deli makes pizzas now and they're fantastic! They work very well in the FA TurboChef. Other stores are picking up take in bakes (the brand is something like Aztya) but I don't know how they are.
We got TnB pizza to start, then they yanked it!
😡 They FLY FLY FLY! Out the door. or FLEW FLEW FLEW!
We have 10 varieties of bagged cereals and Colossal Crunch (with berries) is the shit!
Myabe the supers in my area still have them.. they are too far to travel to, regularly, ours were yanked. I only purchase MoM or private aka store aka MP cereal. The berry one has the wrong flavored berries for me, be it MoM or the real stuff, I've never liked it....I have bags of this stuff on hand in various varities at all times.. it makes for dinner on lazy days and snacks late at night with or with out milk.
Huge huge seller at my store.. They can stay 😉
It is not about selling to me... They are annoying for the team to stock, fifo, and then sending near pallet fulls of them to stick in that bunker... but they are vile disgusting things... I don't care how much they sell.. vile! The entire team would have a bonfire with the things.... Everytime they get put on promo I get gobs of them... I wouldn't serve these things to my worst enemey. Let alone some one I like. Just vile.
The fact is that the healthy stuff is what is selling right now.
In my area it doesn't sell. The population is not looking for that stuff. They want the basics. Period. Which in our Pfresh setup we lack a lot of the basics. We are not a super, B Volume nearly A, Pfresh, and to compete as the regular grocery destination, then we need to change inventory. Even if the plan for Pfresh is to get draw in more sales ie: went for leggings got milk, eggs etc.. We still lack some of the stuff we need for OUR GUESTS.
I can count on one hand the number of guests who are looking for and purchase what little of that hippy dippys healthy stuff. One is a regular, ONE (1). The rest are not looking for that. That $6/lb SB "organic" butter.. 99% of it will be QMOS'd! Now you add another variety!
😡 What does sell is the LoL spreadable butter, but we need the BIG TUBS, not those itty bitty things. The Irish Kerry butter sells. As does LoL regular. And the uky "margarine" stuff.
It's disappointing that your store doesn't carry a variety of the things that are in the supply chain
I know of some of the stuff that we had and lost, and that supers in my area (when I can go snoop) still I still get some of this stuff as MSPK's. I actually am to the point of going to one of the better supers and making a list of DPCI's of what WE NEED.
but also possible that no one in your area is providing this feedback.
Possible as well, but when the produce we get and it looks like remmnants ie: the buyer took the left overs that every one else passed on... Or more like the buyer is not even at the market, just buys on price. I whine, aka MySupport, about the down right crappy quality we get on every delivery. The responses are well, non responses.
Make sure you're in communication with HQ so they know this stuff is in demand so they can begin to work it in. As a food TL in a store with a 65% based in food, I need a lot of this stuff to survive. The important thing is to analyze what is selling at your store and what guests are requesting and send that info to corporate! I make A TON of mysupports for things people want and my STL is on board and often passes my notes to our group director.
It feels like Target has been promoting a big culture that just sits back and waits for stuff to change but to drive sales and be successful, we have to be there with them helping to make these calls.
Market is not my "primary" WC, we don't qualify for a "dedicated" CTL so our setup is split up amongst myself and another along with the market teams PA and FDC. Further description would out the store, as the setup is rather unique.
I have been since having market added to my responsabilities been DRAGGING, KICKING AND SCREAMING people to see the vision and light as it were. It causes/caused a huge dust up due to exactly the above. Some don't want to rock the boat so to speak. I and my team have to face the guests and/or the WRATH of the guests when we don't have x, y, z. Due to TM's who just have rolled over and are playing dead! Getting buy in further up the chain as well is an issue.. as again they don't want to rock the boat. If we change Pfresh to what guests want then they will go to get what every else they might need and vice versa.
Which again, when a guest walks into a store like Target, if you have GROCERIES you ARE A SUPER to them! Period. Trying to explain, no we are not a super.. BUT YOU HAVE GROCERIES! But we don't have ALL the GROCERIES. Because in the area they don't have a comparison as to what a super has versus us versus the other store that shall not be named. Guest education is a HUGE ISSUE. Like Bananas at per piece v. per pound and the tomatos . There is a saying I like "An educated consumer is our best guest." Those familar with a certain store in an area will get it.
Committing to and implementing a stragety for grocery from Super to Pfresh needs to be done quickly, and based on pilots I've read about.... sigh.... organic this and that, hippy dippy... BZZTT! Not going to work in my store!!
😡 Again I can count on one hand the number of guests who want that stuff, of which only ONE is a regular. They are vocal about what they want, and it is probably the only reason we got that SB $6 butter. Which only they buy, and we QMOS out the rest! Shoving stuff down my store and making us take the loss via QMOS is not nice!
The changes needed to get our Pfresh BACK ON TRACK are massive from dry to fresh. Example. getting the bagged cereals back, since it appears that others got to keep theirs, to returning the canned veg and fruit that was stripped away to adding more basic fresh fuits and veg. Kumquats or what not, I do NOT need. Oranges, pears, peaches, stuff that they can go to the next plaza over and get. When we don't have these they put down the rest of the stuff and walk out! Reshop of stuff to go back, and lost sales because we didn't have some basic item but we have pineapples! They will leave even the leggings etc. they came in for, and go to that store that shall not be named to get the stuff they just had in their hands!