Are you saying you agree with this policy, or are you just parroting to your team what your ETL says?
First, this the decision of the ETL, and , YES! I agree, and all but those 4 agree on this.
It was insisted that we take breaks... the team sans these 4 don't want no stinking breaks. Push, GO HOME.
So those 4 get 15 mins free time on TGT, and thus they work 3.25 v. 3.5.
When I was a TM breaks.. what are those..... no breaks were taken here, on Flow... Push, PUSH.. GO HOME!
People do not want to stay any later than they have too... Which for Flow we run people out.. since we now get free STLIT's, free slaves!
🙂 🙂 HAAHA! First day.. with a nice fresh STLIT.. fetch ! Push that flat, get those boxes pushed, tick, tick tick! ! You could tell they couldn't handle the pace... BAWAHAHHAHAAA!!! They got it just like any other new rookie meat TM... My team, nor I care not that your STLIT or about your nice pretty ponte pants you stupidly wore to train on FLOW!
Intentionally scheduling someone for 15 minutes shorter than "the rest of the team" specifically because you know they'll take the break they are entitled to is the definition of retaliation.
We, I, don't agree. The team basically decided at huddle, when still had those, that breaks were not worth it, if they got to go home as soon as the push was done... TM's here look at this as wasting THEIR 15 minutes of time.
Most of the team consider these 4 slackers, and if I had my way they would have been in the purge when I go the reins... One of the only saving graces why they were not purged out is they wouldn't have been replaced.. and they do just just, just, enough to be useful. Plus they work in areas where absolutely no one we hire will stay. Any one who has been a Q4 seasonal in those areas, quits, or in the off change we kept them.. would make it clear they are only staying if they work elsewhere!
Getting people to stay in the event that the truck is big enough or special projects, if hours allow, is a big deal. So long as we don't force them to take a lunch... some will.. they will stay as long as I would let them... they work hard..
The more that teams sacrifice non-working time (whether they are made to or not) and the more leadership allows it to happen, the more workload increases because of the perception that we can get more done in less time. This isn't something we can easily fix, but it starts with TLs who drive for productivity while still respecting guidelines.
You stated that you do not write the schedule or make the policy, which is not abnormal.
May or may not be abnormal. Other stores TL's for the teams do the schedule, here when myTime came along all TL's were removed from the schedule.. and with this new edict about when its posted so that they can "massage" it some more... far as I am concerned its one less thing I have to do... I have enough chess pieces to move around the board daily as it is.
However, a truly exceptional team leader remains accountable to both their ETL AND their team. Accountable to your ETL for results and performance, but responsible to your team to make sure they have a fair working environment that is within compliance with Target guidelines.
They got to voice their opinion on breaks.. My TEAM HATES THEM! Despises them!
While I see and have read that viewpoint here for years... well .... I disagree and I am not sorry. I am here to work, and go home. Some one setting up a bunch of rules on you need to take 2 breaks, and a lunch.. sorry, I got things to get done, and I too have other things I want to be doing at home or elsewhere. And as for it setting the that you can increase the workload.. well.. I would have been long done even with it.. because my butt moves! That is one of the reasons I am where I am at... BUST MY ASS!! From the minute I walk in to the second I leave.
I know for a fact that if my ETL told us to start skipping our breaks to finish the zone, and my TL found out, she would have an absolute conniption fit and fight for the team tooth and nail while holding us to the highest possible standard of productivity. It's all about the leadership culture of your store and how you as TL execute "Challenge Upwards" which can indeed work sometimes. In the long run, it may not seem like it, but the high-higher-ups at Corporate would rather see a Flow team with an extra 2 hours of payroll each truck to make up for breaks than the bill from a labor lawsuit which could cost more than it took to pay the entire flow team for the entire year.
All that may be true, but the 4 who would complain get their breaks... and those 4 could care less about the hours.
And while I agree that it has the potential for said lawsuit, well the ETL and HRETL here are willing to gamble on that, and considering its been that way for x years... I agree with them, breaks are wasted time in my book. I have never taken them, ever period. Lunches are foisted on me by TGT's rules (no state law mandates them for my area) and that is just annoying, and it annoys my team. The first question out of a TM mouth if we ask them to stay... "Can I leave before I have to take a lunch!!?!"
And again, it was put to the team, breaks yes or no, if I forced every one to take break because those 4 voted to take them, the team would probably walk out on the spot. There was loud and voiced grumbling over this. Breaks here are hated with a passion on Flow...
These people come in, they want to do their thing and go home! Taking a break and forcing a lunch on them is 45 minutes of wasted time in their books, of which 30 of it is UNPAID.
While I see and don't disagree this is a ticking timebomb... so be it... my team except those 4 no likey breaks!
This is an area where Target could use some improvement. Pushing a global planogram to ALL the P-Fresh stores will lead to more QMOS shrink. Instead, items carried and space allocated for those items should be based on general sales in the region. In my store and geographical area, Naked juice is a big sales leader, whereas the weird seed-juice things are consistently a QMOS leader. Allocating the same amount of space for each of these items is not as productive as it would be if space were more customized to regional sales trends.
THIS!!!! 1000000000000000x over!!! Quit testing crap in Haight-Ashbury CItyTGT's and think its going to sell in middle America! It don't!