Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

Hi guys I have a quick question. I recently took over and my past experience as a PA has made the transition pretty simple but something one of my PAs said today caught me a little off guard. Does product that you tell the system is bad during SDA still need to be marked out through the toss functionality? Back when I did pfresh, you did SDA on the PDA then QMOS'd it. Did I miss something?
Hi guys I have a quick question. I recently took over and my past experience as a PA has made the transition pretty simple but something one of my PAs said today caught me a little off guard. Does product that you tell the system is bad during SDA still need to be marked out through the toss functionality? Back when I did pfresh, you did SDA on the PDA then QMOS'd it. Did I miss something?
The new check dates ask you like something how many are bad or tossing. Then it will ding you should see the garbage can and they are good to throw away. It's been awhile since I've seen anything in the check dates.
ive noticed on the mydevice, when you do the check dates function a trash can icon shows up when you DO toss something. so i assumed it was QMOS'd right then and there.

Man I wish I had the confidence that bad PA has.

there is a difference between bravery and stupidity. and he doesnt think he is a TM or a PA. according to him, he is the CATL. Consumables Assistant Team Leader. when we get a new TM for market, and they come over to work with us he'll greet them as the TL which makes the new TM ask about the 'actual' TL. he says no he is the market TL and they are the TL of hardlines/sales floor. he tells this to the vendors too! which caused some confusion, and via the vendors did THAT get back to our TL which he was in the office. he still calls himself the TL of market mind you, but just of PFresh. he has on his FB page that he is a TL and added her, and tags her in posts showing his "good work" these posts get taken down within a day and he in the office before said take down. he will shamelessly use TLs names to get his way, which BY NOW! we know he is full of shit. so we dont listen to him. in fact were at a point where we laugh at him when he tells his tales.

on that note! this is how the interview process works according to the PA, all the TLs he has named have out and out said they havent interviewed him. but! here goes ...
step 1:
to get on the bench he marched into the STL office and asked to be benched for market TL. the STL said sure! and quickly interviewed and BOOM! on the bench.
step 2:
get interviewed by your own TL.
step 3:
get interviewed by the regional TL, or who ever is above DTL as thats who he named.

thats how you get to be and a quote, "next in line to be a team leader for consumables!" as he goes around telling everyone this. the ETL LOG and the ETL SF were questioned if they interviewed him they said "no." and "hell no."
ETL HR? she has a folder she's started with pages xerox'd from his communication book, pics taken of his work, and im sure more. i only know of the first 2 because i supplied some of the pics. dont get me started on AP watching him too for sticky fingers.
lazier than you think, he wont climb the ladder to get anything if its up high and guess where we had all the betty crocker cookie mixes? yup!

the second was a horrendous version of a diagram, that he tweeked to his liking.

this morning i came in and saw in the communication book that he needs to sit down with the other PA and the TL as our STL was furious with whoever was changing endcaps without permission. lol our STL wasnt in store thurs or friday. sooo ... how did they say anything to him? was it another imaginary phone call? but i took that notebook and put it right into the TLs mail box, as the TL AND the bad PA work tonight. when i was leaving we spoke for a bit about the nonsense, and they pretty much said WTH?

and is it just me or is it between 11 and 2 the worst time to push in the store?
Does anyone feel like sharing their truck unload/push/backstock process to me? I'd love to hear all about the flow team and PA's role in the process and what works for you, or what you feel isn't working and needs a change. Especially lower volume stores (I'm in a C volume). Need tips on how to get it fresh and full more efficiently.
I've been a PA for a month or two, my routine is by no means perfect...but it's apparently better than what was happening before. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. FDC truck 7 days a week, Frozen every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Non frozen truck size 250-350, Frozen truck size 350-600.

We struggle with backstock in dairy and the freezer is a constant mess. There's currently 4 green metros, 3 tubs and a pallet in the freezer that need to be pushed again because they've sat there so long.

Typical opening shift
Between 6:00 and 6:30
Check RWT for truck size and RedWire for arrival time and loose truck breakdown (fresh, produce, frozen). I also look at/get a copy of the grid so that I can see what my team looks like.
Walk the U and endcaps and make a quick plan for the first two or three hours. Looking for critical lows, outs and any opportunity to make it look a little better.
Check the coolers for left over truck push, autofill carts, get a feel for backstock and space for the incoming truck pallets. Go in the ambient room and read closer notes and grab the QMOS bin

Between 6:30 and 9:00
Cull the U, check dates, rotate, coupon meat, zone as I go. (My focus is on berries, meat, salads and the produce table. Everything else gets spot checked.)
Fill produce table, berries, bananas and milk. If I have time/have a lot to fill I'll pull a fast mover from the back with produce/berries or I will take a cart and pull just what I need to fill. Zone as I go.
Zone whatever I didn't touch (usually the yogurt, almond milk/creamer and the bake table)
Call the LOD for the walk

Between 9:15 and 10:00
First break.
Truck arrives (the truck can come at any time, this is the perfect window though). Unload the pallets, fill out the paperwork, and put the pallets into the appropriate coolers.
If the truck came early sometimes I'll push bulk produce pallets early.

10:00 and 11:00
Break down pallets onto vehicles for team to push. Flat for juice/milk, flat/U-boat for produce, U-boat for meat and cheese, U-boat for yogurt.
If I have extra time I'll push bulk or eggs.

Team arrives, starts pushing

11:45 to 2:00
Push with the team
If it's a day that we receive frozen, I'll go and break down the frozen pallets while the team pushes dairy. When that's done I'll pull out a flat of freezer and bowl it. Bowl/stock freezer until complete, return to produce push.

Last break

Typical Consumables schedule:
1 opener (PA or TL)
1 to 3 pushers (3 pushers on a frozen day)
1 mid/backstocker (sometimes it's a pusher with a full 8)
1 closer

3 pushers for RDC push (sometimes split between RDC and FDC)
1 opening backroom TM
1 mid backroom TM (sometimes)
I've been a PA for a month or two, my routine is by no means perfect...but it's apparently better than what was happening before. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. FDC truck 7 days a week, Frozen every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Non frozen truck size 250-350, Frozen truck size 350-600.

We struggle with backstock in dairy and the freezer is a constant mess. There's currently 4 green metros, 3 tubs and a pallet in the freezer that need to be pushed again because they've sat there so long.

Typical opening shift
Between 6:00 and 6:30
Check RWT for truck size and RedWire for arrival time and loose truck breakdown (fresh, produce, frozen). I also look at/get a copy of the grid so that I can see what my team looks like.
Walk the U and endcaps and make a quick plan for the first two or three hours. Looking for critical lows, outs and any opportunity to make it look a little better.
Check the coolers for left over truck push, autofill carts, get a feel for backstock and space for the incoming truck pallets. Go in the ambient room and read closer notes and grab the QMOS bin

Between 6:30 and 9:00
Cull the U, check dates, rotate, coupon meat, zone as I go. (My focus is on berries, meat, salads and the produce table. Everything else gets spot checked.)
Fill produce table, berries, bananas and milk. If I have time/have a lot to fill I'll pull a fast mover from the back with produce/berries or I will take a cart and pull just what I need to fill. Zone as I go.
Zone whatever I didn't touch (usually the yogurt, almond milk/creamer and the bake table)
Call the LOD for the walk

Between 9:15 and 10:00
First break.
Truck arrives (the truck can come at any time, this is the perfect window though). Unload the pallets, fill out the paperwork, and put the pallets into the appropriate coolers.
If the truck came early sometimes I'll push bulk produce pallets early.

10:00 and 11:00
Break down pallets onto vehicles for team to push. Flat for juice/milk, flat/U-boat for produce, U-boat for meat and cheese, U-boat for yogurt.
If I have extra time I'll push bulk or eggs.

Team arrives, starts pushing

11:45 to 2:00
Push with the team
If it's a day that we receive frozen, I'll go and break down the frozen pallets while the team pushes dairy. When that's done I'll pull out a flat of freezer and bowl it. Bowl/stock freezer until complete, return to produce push.

Last break

Typical Consumables schedule:
1 opener (PA or TL)
1 to 3 pushers (3 pushers on a frozen day)
1 mid/backstocker (sometimes it's a pusher with a full 8)
1 closer

3 pushers for RDC push (sometimes split between RDC and FDC)
1 opening backroom TM
1 mid backroom TM (sometimes)

jesus fuckin' christ that's a lot of food
You guys getting ample amounts of bread? We have three full tubs in frozen and the bread table is full, we usually donate excess but that just means the same amount or even more comes off the truck. Any solutions to this and might as well just ask about plants we have two full pallets of those that just sit there cause no one wants to buy them
Merch poinsettias throughout the store. Make sure to keep them watered. No one is going to buy a dead plant.

Our bake table is kinda sparse at the moment but I'm making some changes that'll hopefully change that.
You guys getting ample amounts of bread? We have three full tubs in frozen and the bread table is full, we usually donate excess but that just means the same amount or even more comes off the truck. Any solutions to this and might as well just ask about plants we have two full pallets of those that just sit there cause no one wants to buy them
Your counts are probably wrong. If you have unlocated bakery sitting in the freezer to be backstocked and someone researches without counting that, you'll have issues.
Also I found if you keep your bakery table looking full, it sells better. I've seen PA's think they are reducing waste by only putting 1 or 2 of each item out.
If you have a lot of holiday items dumped on you because the fdc or c&s is purging, just put them on sale for 10-15% off or whatever it takes.
Last year we had a couple poinsettias at every register with a drink fridge. Not sure how Brand that is, but it got them out of the back and into guests' hands.
Edit: That and an endcap or two at the front lanes.
Yeah our DTL didn't like us having the poinsettias all over the front last year so now we just have endcaps all throughout the store with a ton back in seasonal.
not market related but sort of, i had to come in for 4am ad set as ours was huge. as 330am ... we had a line outside for those damn hatchamals! wtf?!

im glad i changed the front produce endcap to salsa/guac were really moving the avacados/tomatoes/sweet onions.

our poinsettias are dead on the endcaps. so no wonder they arent moving lol we got them before thanksgiving so .....
You have to mist the points they seem to really sell well and pull the plastic off.

And its a Steritech violation for them to be on top of the coolers, now if you had your visit - put them out! If not, I would go end cap route. and keep them full. We have the very first end cap in promo stacked with the points and we can't keep it full but we try cause they do sell really well there.
Putting ice in the base of the poinsettias is a great way to keep them going. Prune ugly leaves/broken branches to maintain a healthy appearance(box cutter!) No one is going to buy a poinsettia that looks beat up, especially at a Target.

I went into my local Target this morning. Their poinsettias looked like they were trampled by a horse. I get that they might not sell that well, but not caring at all is going to generate a chunky loss for your department.
Putting ice in the base of the poinsettias is a great way to keep them going. Prune ugly leaves/broken branches to maintain a healthy appearance(box cutter!) No one is going to buy a poinsettia that looks beat up, especially at a Target.

I went into my local Target this morning. Their poinsettias looked like they were trampled by a horse. I get that they might not sell that well, but not caring at all is going to generate a chunky loss for your department.

Who exactly is attending to these poinsettias..we had/have like 100+ of them. They tried to make me do that crap other years but havent mentioned it this year. Yes I can add FLORIST to my job title too in addition to being the CTL without the CTL title or pay
omg it snowed! quick! buy ALL the gallons of milk zomg will be snowed in this will be the big one!
not! last blizzard we had we were snowed in MAYBE half a day. but because it snowed last night today our lunch meat was wipped out as was all the gallons of milk. sure this good but still. oddly no eggs were touched.
omg it snowed! quick! buy ALL the gallons of milk zomg will be snowed in this will be the big one!
not! last blizzard we had we were snowed in MAYBE half a day. but because it snowed last night today our lunch meat was wipped out as was all the gallons of milk. sure this good but still. oddly no eggs were touched.
too cold outside to egg houses and i don't think the eggs will stick to the windows.

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