Is this Real Life? (A Market vent thread)

Well today was fun...C&S didnt finish(or rather even start) Freezer, Bakery or Meat on Friday so i did all of it by myself today and I was only scheduled til 12...what a fun day
I don't understand how your ETL-LOG gets away with that! When I was an ETL-LOG the food truck was pushed and backstocked EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Even if it meant the ETL and STL team had to push it ourselves. Which we did a few times when it was late and we couldn't afford the payroll to keep the team late. Not pushing the truck was not an option. The PA helped, but it was never just left for them. That is crazy!
We had a big team today and got all 700 peices of the truck done today. 230 Freezer, about 350 Fresh, and 180 Produce.
We get another truck tomorrow, Sunday and it is 890 peices, about 230 Freezer, about 500 Fresh, 160 Produce, I am very confident that the pfresh, logisitcs zone, team will get it done.
There is always some backstock left in the freezer, but the truck push and most all backstock is done on truck days.

Anyone else selling "A LOT" of the Market Pantry Turkey Breasts that have been 99 cents / lbs for about 3 weeks now. We are selling about 18 of these a day, i put them in the bunker and 2
days later it is empty.
I order 6 boxes to come in each truck day, the only thing I hate is that they ALL need re-weighed, cause they come in at $1.19/lb. So, I have to weigh 36 turkey breast every other day.
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We had a big team today and got all 700 peices of the truck done today. 230 Freezer, about 350 Fresh, and 180 Produce.
We get another truck tomorrow, Sunday and it is 890 peices, about 230 Freezer, about 500 Fresh, 160 Produce, I am very confident that the pfresh, logisitcs zone, team will get it done.
There is always some backstock left in the freezer, but the truck push and most all backstock is done on truck days.

Anyone else selling "A LOT" of the Market Pantry Turkey Breasts that have been 99 cents / lbs for about 3 weeks now. We are selling about 18 of these a day, i put them in the bunker and 2
days later it is empty.
I order 6 boxes to come in each truck day, the only thing I hate is that they ALL need re-weighed, cause they come in at $1.19/lb. So, I have to weigh 36 turkey breast every other day.
Nobody has put then our at our store yet. We have nop chicken tenders flexed there...are they in ad? My mother old people will buy them two to four at a time.

We often don't prioritize food trucks either. They will break them down onto metros but not push or backstock. So then I can't get to anything around the racks. But I get my produce/meat/bakery done. Just dairy/deli/frozen sits.
No ad for turkey breast just saw a 7X11 sign there around march 1 and it goes to march 28. So I just have been ordering 6 boxes for each delivery snd using half of one side of the bunker.
You all should see our coolers and freezers. Our freezer is especially horrible. Everyday, a p fresh team member has to go into the freezer to pull whatever bakery we can get our hands on just to keep the bakery table full (at least look full), Most of it is now flexed out. We shouldnt have to do this. If the freezer was pushed from the truck properly and backstocked properly, we wouldnt have to search every vehicle for potential bakery push. We have at least 4 green metro racks, 4 red three teirs, 2 tubs and a flat in our freezer. All the vehicles backstock is not organized at all. Even if backroom wanted to backstock, it would take them a while since the flow cant organize their backstock. Now, after what feels like 2 months without being clean from a food truck, no one even cares. They just accept new freezer pallets when we have lots of vehicles in the backroom with backstock. What is even worse, if you go into our freezer and look left under 4 green (stationary) green racks, you will piles of product just sitting on the floor. No one in logistics give a $hit.
I don't understand how your ETL-LOG gets away with that! When I was an ETL-LOG the food truck was pushed and backstocked EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Even if it meant the ETL and STL team had to push it ourselves. Which we did a few times when it was late and we couldn't afford the payroll to keep the team late. Not pushing the truck was not an option. The PA helped, but it was never just left for them. That is crazy!
Prob because the STL doesnt care either...if its an option between backstocking flow product in the main stock or sending someone to actually help with PFRESH Backstock its 100% NOT Pfresh
You all should see our coolers and freezers. Our freezer is especially horrible. Everyday, a p fresh team member has to go into the freezer to pull whatever bakery we can get our hands on just to keep the bakery table full (at least look full), Most of it is now flexed out. We shouldnt have to do this. If the freezer was pushed from the truck properly and backstocked properly, we wouldnt have to search every vehicle for potential bakery push. We have at least 4 green metro racks, 4 red three teirs, 2 tubs and a flat in our freezer. All the vehicles backstock is not organized at all. Even if backroom wanted to backstock, it would take them a while since the flow cant organize their backstock. Now, after what feels like 2 months without being clean from a food truck, no one even cares. They just accept new freezer pallets when we have lots of vehicles in the backroom with backstock. What is even worse, if you go into our freezer and look left under 4 green (stationary) green racks, you will piles of product just sitting on the floor. No one in logistics give a $hit.
Stritech visit will fix the food on the floor...if nothing else.

I often have to pull vehicles and organize the backstock to help br decide to backstock. Getting bakery onto it's own racks helps me push it and then I can backstock if I have time at night, not just on truck days. It sucks, it's not my job, but it's what needs to happen.
Stritech visit will fix the food on the floor...if nothing else.

I often have to pull vehicles and organize the backstock to help br decide to backstock. Getting bakery onto it's own racks helps me push it and then I can backstock if I have time at night, not just on truck days. It sucks, it's not my job, but it's what needs to happen.

There are alot of things I do that "arent my job" that lately I have spent more time doing than my actual job
Question about Easter Sunday... I know we are closed.
So, if I normally get a FDC truck 4 days a week, Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun....

Does anyone know if I will get my FDC truck for Sunday before Easter, say Friday, so that week it would be Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat or after Easter making it
Monday, Tues, Thurs, Sat ??

There is no way that we could get both the Sat, and Sun truck on the same day say Sat, cause we get 18 pallets between Sat and Sun and they wouldn't even fit into the Freezer and dairy coolers.
We are just selling way too much food, some day down the road, I bet soon, we get a FDC truck every day .
There are alot of things I do that "arent my job" that lately I have spent more time doing than my actual job

Yeah, I only do what makes me and my department look good. Screw helping logistics out. They make my job that much harder, I am not going to waste the valuable time I have to help them. Also, screw any ETLs or TLs that ask us P fresh workers to do non p fresh stuff when we are already busy.

Stritech visit will fix the food on the floor...if nothing else.

I often have to pull vehicles and organize the backstock to help br decide to backstock. Getting bakery onto it's own racks helps me push it and then I can backstock if I have time at night, not just on truck days. It sucks, it's not my job, but it's what needs to happen.

Steritech wont fix that. We have not gotten a green score in over a year and a half. We barely got yellow last time. During our previous steritech visits, we has multiple violotions of food being on the freezer floor and nothing getting done. We also had multiple violations of meat being backstocked/stocked wrong in our meat cooler. They did put up signs but no one listens to them. Flow organizes their backstock based on timing and not quality.
Question about Easter Sunday... I know we are closed.
So, if I normally get a FDC truck 4 days a week, Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun....

Does anyone know if I will get my FDC truck for Sunday before Easter, say Friday, so that week it would be Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat or after Easter making it
Monday, Tues, Thurs, Sat ??

There is no way that we could get both the Sat, and Sun truck on the same day say Sat, cause we get 18 pallets between Sat and Sun and they wouldn't even fit into the Freezer and dairy coolers.
We are just selling way too much food, some day down the road, I bet soon, we get a FDC truck every day .

I forgot directly where this is but on workbench, you can check the p fresh truck schedule. If I remember correctly, I have mine on the list on the left of workbench when I first log on.

You could also check redwire.
I forgot directly where this is but on workbench, you can check the p fresh truck schedule. If I remember correctly, I have mine on the list on the left of workbench when I first log on.

You could also check redwire.
Red wire had a pdf of stores effected and the schedule...we get sat truck not sun so no change for us.
But it will affect those who order on Sundays. My guess those who do order on Sundays will have to order on Saturday
You know, I thought about that when I read it, and promptly forgot again...schedule shows no change, and we're not on the pdf list. Redwire says place it a day early.
You all should see our coolers and freezers. Our freezer is especially horrible. Everyday, a p fresh team member has to go into the freezer to pull whatever bakery we can get our hands on just to keep the bakery table full (at least look full), Most of it is now flexed out. We shouldnt have to do this. If the freezer was pushed from the truck properly and backstocked properly, we wouldnt have to search every vehicle for potential bakery push. We have at least 4 green metro racks, 4 red three teirs, 2 tubs and a flat in our freezer. All the vehicles backstock is not organized at all. Even if backroom wanted to backstock, it would take them a while since the flow cant organize their backstock. Now, after what feels like 2 months without being clean from a food truck, no one even cares. They just accept new freezer pallets when we have lots of vehicles in the backroom with backstock. What is even worse, if you go into our freezer and look left under 4 green (stationary) green racks, you will piles of product just sitting on the floor. No one in logistics give a $hit.

If your bakery table isn't full because you have that much outstanding backstock, it sounds like it's time to have a re-pushing party. Your STL needs to spend some hours.
If your bakery table isn't full because you have that much outstanding backstock, it sounds like it's time to have a re-pushing party. Your STL needs to spend some hours.
I have a repushing party every couple days. It's like in the Muppet movie-party of one. LOL.
If your bakery table isn't full because you have that much outstanding backstock, it sounds like it's time to have a re-pushing party. Your STL needs to spend some hours.

I believe my STL doesnt give a $hit about p fresh since he arrived last year. So unless he is given a directive from HQ/some higher boss, will get in trouble or if inventory is coming, we will remain messy.
I believe my STL doesnt give a $hit about p fresh since he arrived last year. So unless he is given a directive from HQ/some higher boss, will get in trouble or if inventory is coming, we will remain messy.

here is one sure way to get things done, every day and every night pile all the carts right up to the freezeer door, start in the back pull out all carts and pile them in one at a time, in a way to get them right up to the closed door.
In a way that they cannot push them back, they have to pull them all out to even get into the freezer, this worked wonders for me.
I did this twice and somehow several BRTMs were in there backstocking and now it has been clean for 2 weeks.

you gotta do, what you gotta do, to get things done around here, lol.
here is one sure way to get things done, every day and every night pile all the carts right up to the freezeer door, start in the back pull out all carts and pile them in one at a time, in a way to get them right up to the closed door.
In a way that they cannot push them back, they have to pull them all out to even get into the freezer, this worked wonders for me.
I did this twice and somehow several BRTMs were in there backstocking and now it has been clean for 2 weeks.

you gotta do, what you gotta do, to get things done around here, lol.

I just dont understand how Pfresh isnt a priority at every store and how HQ isnt hounding stores to give attention to it. Shoes dont expire, towels dont expire, pair of jeans dont know what does expire..FOOD. If im busy spending half my time pushing out CS product or backstocking or setting POGS or whatever else, thats less time spent actually going through everything to make sure it isnt expired and we have fresh food on the floor.

My store wants to complain about finding expired food I just say, well we dont do freshness friday, market gets lower hours than ever before, and I have to constantly help with C+S push, C+S backstock, and backstock from normal pulls. Literally my Monday and Fridays are SDA, Morning Pulls, Process QMOS, Huddle + Break, Backstock, Milk and C+S push...order if its friday and a lunch both days

Also question for everybody...our produce cooler is so tiny we have to put the apples in the ambient room..anyone else do this or do they cram all the apples in the produce cooler? The fillgroup is supposed to be the cooler but if we did that there wouldnt ever be room in there.

Also do you guys have it stoed so the backroom pulls eaches from casepacks or will it just pull the whole casepack.
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Everything in my produce cooler is open stock except for one metro. That metro has upper and lower casepack locations and open stock wacos for dips, juices, kombucha, that kind of stuff.
Everything in my produce cooler is open stock except for one metro. That metro has upper and lower casepack locations and open stock wacos for dips, juices, kombucha, that kind of stuff.

Our produce cooler is bigger than lots of stores, but it's definitely full to the top shelf most days.

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