Archived Is Walmart really Cheaper?

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I hate going to Wal-Mart because if I can't find what I'm looking for, I can't find someone to help me find it. I try to give them as little of my money as possible. I shop at Target and other grocery chains not to be 'hip' or 'trendy', but because I'm not about to help the Walton family line their pockets. Wal-Mart only gets my business if I have to go with someone else there, and even then, they don't have much that I can't get cheaper at a different store or Target.
On top of not being able to find someone to send you in the right direction, Wal-Marts are purposely laid out in a convoluted manner. The biggest thing that pisses me off is that the aisles in each block are turned in perpendicular directions (except for grocery) in order to force you to wander more. The ONLY thing that saves me from Wal-Mart's horrendous lines are the self checkouts, but I also never do heavy shopping there, so I only end up with one or two bags.
I just don't get the hate or disgust. Is the hate or disgust just something that people say to be hip or cool? It's a store. A store. Haters make it sound like a place of torture and pain.
I watched my mother and husband work there. My mother opened a local store on third shift receiving. When we moved she transferred stores-still on third shift receiving. She ended up suing walmart for shorting her pay after the young guy who got hired four years after her was making almost $5/hr more for no real reason. They timed her throwing the truck. Yes they timed everyone but she was always given dog food and bird food pallets or water. And no pallet jack or powered jack to offload that. She hurt her back doing this and after having to take medical leave and PT they gave her another month off to "think about whether she wanted to come back". Which was when she had enough time for that lawsuit.

My husband worked the remodel at the store my mom helped open. When they expanded it to a supercenter. He was then offered a position in electronics-he's a tech geek extradonaire. Two months later they termed him for not fulfilling his new role as the film kiosk person...which was never offered to him and worked by a 3rd party vendor back then. He promptly just found a new job.

Yes retail sucks, but Walmart is known for some of the worse crap even in a crappy industry. Remember when they got slammed for having a "made in the usa" product count hung over the entry? Because they were using a country with the initials USA that wasn't the United States of America?

Add in the tighter staffing then we have, bigger stores, no red phones to help find a possible employee (let alone one with a soul left to help) and you've got a place of pain and torture. Oh yeah, and their huddle had a cheer. Mandatory. Even more than "work safe"
At the end of the day. Wal Mart is a store. Nothing more, nothing less.
At the end of the day. Wal Mart is a store. Nothing more, nothing less.

At the end of the day Hitler was just a person.

I'm not saying Walmart is Hitler. But you can't really say "Walmart is a store, nothing more, nothing less." Simplifying things does not mean we can forget about the context and god-awful shit business practices that Walmart does.
At the end of the day Hitler was just a person.

I'm not saying Walmart is Hitler. But you can't really say "Walmart is a store, nothing more, nothing less." Simplifying things does not mean we can forget about the context and god-awful shit business practices that Walmart does.

Not only that they do but that all the other stores now do because they felt they had to in order to keep up with them.
They are the basis for all the sickness and problems.
I've never seen a Walmart huddle and I've been there 7 million times.
Not only that they do but that all the other stores now do because they felt they had to in order to keep up with them.
They are the basis for all the sickness and problems.


"just a store nothing more nothing less"

more like the epitome of evil

let's just ignore the fact that I'm currently using this really nice glass and metal desk I bought from them.
I've never seen a Walmart huddle and I've been there 7 million times.
I've been to four. One each year for "take your daughter to work day" where my mom would work a day shift so that they could tout that they were encouraging women in business and actually getting someone old enough to think about applying for a job instead of just cute kids that wanted to color.
If you shame Wal Mart then you must shame all retail chains that do bad shit.
Wal Mart is cheaper and has a better food selection and more things you can do but you still have to go to Wal Mart. 😛. It would be cool if you could get a ceiling fan, spray paint, oil change and/or tires, and burgers from McDonald's at Target.😀

Luckily I don't eat at McDonald's. *Shudders*
Wal-Mart is just nasty. I've only been into one Wal-Mart in my life and thought to myself "Boy, this is clean." Ontop of the rude customer service, the prices are rarely better than what I find at Target or the local grocery store. I'd never buy anything electronic or automotive related from Wal-Mart. I haven't been in a Wal-Mart in two years. I should get a healthcare discount.

The closest I ever get to shopping at Wal-Mart is ......Sam's Club. 🙂
I feel like every time there's a Walmart thread everyone has had the worst dirtiest Walmart experience ever possible lol. Except me.

But basically just like we say all stores are not the same when it comes to how our stores are run, the same is true for wally.

Wally still has khakis out this time of year apparently. I bought some last week for $15. $3 red tees too. It's funny when the guests are looking for khakis and I have to tell then we don't have any and that I got mine from wm lol. Oh well. Idk how to save that sale because we don't even have khakis on the website for women last I looked.

I think we should just start wearing men's khakis because there always seems to be ample supply in their section lol.
Walmart is way cheaper on certain things like grocery and clothing. They also have a larger automotive, sporting goods, and electronics section than any Target I've been to in over 100 miles. I've also been to their prototype stores which Target has seemed to copy with P-Fresh but Walmart just stuck with more affordable food. Do I shop there? Of course. When my discount + Redcard are still higher than the base Walmart price you have to save money somehow.

Does Wal-Mart carry Organic Food?
Walmart is cheaper because they control their supply chain. Target has a contract for theirs. Walmart also buys more in bulk which lowers the cost per unit price.

There are three states where I would pick Walmart over Target: PA, GA, and TX. The Walmarts in these states are way better than Target. I miss those Walmarts. The Walmarts here are dirty, small, and full of crazies. I'd rather pay the Target premium.

Yes. The Wal-Mart's in TX are nice!
I just don't get the hate or disgust. Is the hate or disgust just something that people say to be hip or cool? It's a store. A store. Haters make it sound like a place of torture and pain.

For me. I just have always seen really nasty and weird people who don't care shop there.

I guess if you don't care how you look, or what garbage you feed your body by all means by the cheapest crap you can find. Cancer rates are high for a reason you know.
Isn't that being a little judgmental? Maybe the less fortunate shop at Wal Mart because Target isn't exactly nice when it comes to food stamps. I'm not saying Wal Mart is perfect and I've been to Wal Mart before and most of the time, the stores are dirty and busy but that's part of the experience. 😛
The Walmart near me is clean, huge (over 200k sq ft), and slightly cheaper on most things. But even though there is more selection and its a bit cheaper, it is a few miles out of my way so I don't go there unless I need something in the middle of the night.
Its true. Walmart consistently tries to push companies to make products over seas for cheaper labor costs.

And I can tell you don't use the Walmart Tire & Lube. Their quality tires and batteries are far less than what you get at your standard garage. You might pay $50 more in labor, but the garage product will last 3-5 times longer.
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My sister in law used to work a few Walmarts. Anything listed as organic is not always true. Organic produce shipped right next to regular products. Organic meats ground along with standard meats.
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