I have a full-time “day job” in healthcare that I love, but with all the price increases, I decided to go ahead and get a second job. I’ve worked at several different Targets in the past and enjoyed my time there, so I decided to start with applying at my local store and seeing what happens.
I was quickly hired for Style, which was perfect because it’s exactly what I wanted. (I used to be a Level II in shoes back in the day, so I’m comfortable with softlines.)
That was less than a month ago. I have never, NEVER wanted to quit a job so badly. Style is a DISASTER. The reshop is out of control. The amount of items coming off the trucks is insane. We have to force what feels like 75 items on a single rack, to the point where if someone even causes a slight breeze to hit the item on the end of the rack, there’s a sudden cascade of clothing and hangers falling down. Guests are angry with the mess and often make snide comments close enough to me that I believe they want me to hear it, even though I’m very clearly sweating to death (seriously, WHY is it so hot???) while I run around trying to knock out 6 carts of reshop while zoning at the same time. I’m folding clothes at what feels like the speed of light at this point. But none of it matters. It doesn’t make a difference. I just come in the next night to the exact same situation.
I know pretty much every store has a Style department that is falling apart right now, so I guess my question is this — people that have been with Target for awhile, or just know more than I do; is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Is this nightmare going to end soon? Is there a day coming where there will be a reasonable amount of reshop and freight and I can actually get the floor looking nice? Or is it expected that it’s going to be like this for a long time and this is the new normal? I’m so overwhelmed and I think I just need to know whether to jump ship now for the sake of my mental health or if I should somehow figure out how to hang on because it’s going to get better soon. This is…rough. And not what I thought I was signing up for.