We knew it was coming but....
Got a little flyer in the mail today announcing Target's move to account-based health plans.
The insult was when it stated that, according to the Best Team Survey, "we know these costs remain a major concern for our team."
No, having decent AND affordable health care is a major concern.
"We hear you. As part of our plan to continue offering meaningful benefits to you & your family, we've made changes to control the costs that we can." By following other major companies in further reducing the choices of your employees.
"These plans encourage you to be a more informed consumer of health care, which saves money for all of us."
Well, SOME of us anyway. Once again, we're exected to treat the cost of our personal heath like shopping for a new TV. Sure 'preventative' care is covered but forget about the 'unexpected'.
Thanks, spot.
Once again, we're underwhelmed by your caring & generosity.