Archived Just in the news - Target in trouble for overpricing.

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today customers were telling me left and right at the register about the prices being wrong compared to the signs and they were going to call corp. dear lord what's going on.

Between the new ad set/takedown process, poor leadership, lack of hours and poor training of team members the old ad signs are just not being taken down properly. Every time I walk into a Target store to shop I find at least a half dozen expired signs. This is just from casually shopping and it happens in at least a half dozen stores that surround mine.
I think the worse signing/manipulative signing I've seen (at least at my store) was when something is regular price but there is sale sign with the regular price. For instance a shirt was 5.99 regular price and said "Sale: 5.99" like who thinks of that crap?! And the worse part is people actually fall for it.
Don't you love the fucked up clearance tickets that have a little 0 in the upper right corner, saying "was $x.yz NOW $X.YZ..."
Don't you love the fucked up clearance tickets that have a little 0 in the upper right corner, saying "was $x.yz NOW $X.YZ..."

My favorite was when a bunch of product was clearanced by mistake, and after everything was already ticketed, pricing had to cover all the clearance tickets with blank white labels.
My favorite was when a bunch of product was clearanced by mistake, and after everything was already ticketed, pricing had to cover all the clearance tickets with blank white labels.
I love it when returns come from other stores with clearance tickets on them, and we don't have it on clearance...there go my fingernails. I should probably just use a blank ticket to cover it up.
This is why Target allows the Cashier to use the guest challenge option to change prices because they just know it's all messed up.

again today all the spot sale items half of them rung up full price and i had to change them all.
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I have....on paper plates once. The shelf tag said $3.89 and the "sale" (not "As advertised") sign said $3.99. Dpci matched so sign was in the right spot... checked the price & it rang up as $3.49!
Many times this is because the national price is higher than your location. Correction signs for a lower than sign should have come through but may not have been printed. Every Sunday when I print endcap signs there is a huge sign batch for ad prep not printed. One week there were almost two hundred signs missing. Usually it's around fifty to a hundred.

I did hear that tpc was going away as a sales type, but the tl that said it was not very in the know.
Many times this is because the national price is higher than your location. Correction signs for a lower than sign should have come through but may not have been printed. Every Sunday when I print endcap signs there is a huge sign batch for ad prep not printed. One week there were almost two hundred signs missing. Usually it's around fifty to a hundred.

I did hear that tpc was going away as a sales type, but the tl that said it was not very in the know.
I was wondering about TPC because we couldn't find the TPC 3x3 adhesive sign order number. Now I know why.
Many times this is because the national price is higher than your location. Correction signs for a lower than sign should have come through but may not have been printed. Every Sunday when I print endcap signs there is a huge sign batch for ad prep not printed. One week there were almost two hundred signs missing. Usually it's around fifty to a hundred.

I did hear that tpc was going away as a sales type, but the tl that said it was not very in the know.
Granted, it was last summer, so I don't remember the exact price, but I believe they were in the ad for $3.29. I know the price they rang up as wasn't even right, it was still higher than the ad price....
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