Archived K-mart's $200 PS4

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Hell, the website doesn't load properly, forcing me to use my phone. I heavily dislike that.

Yeah! Same for me. Usually I just go to Amazon, and luckily, so far, the Amazon prices have been the same for what the guests found on WalMart. It USED to work though...
What if the item on is owned by a different company but fulfilled by amazon?

Must be sold and shipped by. So for example, if it says, "Sold by BestDeals and shipped by amazon" we don't pricematch that.
I've basically been telling guests to bugger off all weekend (in a nice friendly way of course) that have been trying to PM kfart. No one has pulled the "But the other Target did!" stuff yet luckily.

It seems all the other targets nearby me have been on the ball with their guest service training.
Someone do me a favor and see the unit cost in the Inventory Tracking Application for the PS4s that stores have been price matching. I bet it's a huge loss of money.
Any one who blames SD also has to blame the GSA/GSTL or TL that used their numbers to override. If SD did the price change in PM or any function other than ad substitute, it would require supervisor numbers.
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