Archived Layoffs at HQ

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Internship coordinator for my district called yesterday clarifying this announcement to me, he said that for this summer interns are not affected. Does that mean next year they will be? I understand most interns aren't the smartest but a few really provide the company with innovative, young leaders.

Interns are free as in they do not cost the store any payroll, but they cost the district. Expect the internship program to lower or even stop all together do save payroll.
Internship coordinator for my district called yesterday clarifying this announcement to me, he said that for this summer interns are not affected. Does that mean next year they will be? I understand most interns aren't the smartest but a few really provide the company with innovative, young leaders.

Interns are free as in they do not cost the store any payroll, but they cost the district. Expect the internship program to lower or even stop all together do save payroll.

They still cost the company money which means they don't work for free. The point of cutting positions is to save money so I agree with the second part of your statement.
i started when ulrich was the ceo back then we had people in the store no matter the time day or season people were shopping target. the christmas gift assortments were nicer back then now its junk. now its you are luck on a good mid week day to see a rush at 12. at one time they used to have decent clothing for larger sized women then that went out the door. then the economy hit and they cut back on the stuff in softlines i was shoes and we were still using the metal shelves i had a big shoe department larger than most, and i remember we had to take 2 shelves from each run and slant them down to cut down on facings because people were not buying that year from corp down to the stl/etl they gave up the bonuses that they normally got. and us tms got hours no matter what there was always work and we were always busy

now you are lucky if you have hours or your store is filled with guest, hours are not replaced and they are really micromanaged you cant go over this we need to cut here and there. so that the bosses can get the bonuses.

its sad what target has turned into and what it once was. my store had an orginal food ave we had the fryers the grill lunch brakes were fun at target you could get a burger fries and cheese sticks as some of the menu items. now its all frozen stuff that gets reheated in a flash oven
Time for all tms everywhere to start buying up Target stock!

Worker stock opens doesn't mean workers will have control of the company. Owners will fight to prevent that from happening. Also all the Target workers in the company simply don't have the capital to take over a super majority of shares. A revolutionary take over is what needed.

fly your banners high my bretheren for tonight we storm the gates and reclaim what is ours! THIS IS TARGET! sorry guys couldn't resist
What's funny (or scary) is Gregg, tina, et al were TMs at one point.
According to a source I was reading earlier the cuts yesterday only account for about a fourth of the savings they are trying to make, another fourth will come from suppliers in the form of lower cost. So that still leaves about one billion in savings that they are planing for over two years. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some DCs close/use more temps as well as a closing of under performing /consolidation of stores.

On a related note, TGT hit a new high in stock price. 78$
We reached out to Target spokesperson Molly Snyder and asked whether yesterday's layoffs are the end of the "several thousand" cuts the company said were coming primarily among Twin Cities corporate staff last week.
Snyder didn't directly answer that question, but sent us this statement.

"We see Target's transformation as not a moment in time, but an ongoing journey," Snyder wrote. "As a part of that, we will continue to review opportunities to fuel our growth. Yesterday we detailed difficult decisions we made that impact our team, but don't have anything additional to share at this time."

Target officials say the job cuts are part of an effort to realize $2 billion in cost savings.

Alright guys, prep up for the journey of opportunities!
  1. 2:54 PM - qmosqueen:
    #targetlayoffs check it out on twitter for all those who got laid off
  2. Today at 3:05 PM - qmosqueen:
I'm a little upset because I was signed off to work at an investigation center, which is technically a base level hq position, but before my transfer was complete they shut down 75% of the IC's and now I'm stuck until something else comes up
The best news always comes from the Star Tribune

Next comes a massive restructuring. By the end of the week, many Target corporate workers will be assigned to one of seven new “centers of excellence” in an effort to streamline and centralize work.

No one seems to understand yet exactly what that means and how the centers will play out. Katie Boylan, a Target spokeswoman, said conversations are underway this week to better explain to employees what these centers are and how they will operate.

Not everyone will be assigned to a center. But those that do will work will work directly with employees from other departments — something that wasn’t always easy in the previous configuration of headquarters staff.
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