Leading Kitchen/Home

Jan 25, 2023
I recently moved from leading toys/sg/entertainment/seasonal to leading stationary/kitchen/home/seasonal and I'm looking for any tips from people who have led in that area or even DBOs. How do you push efficiently? What is your process for keeping 4,578 endcaps full? How do you plan out the big workload weeks? Any other advice?
Always plan workload on a Mondays by looking at Set Workload 8 weeks in advance. I print each week the departments in the area that are setting. Take time to map out SPL'S to your adjacencies for each department. Communicate to who makes the schedule of your upcoming workload, hours needed and who will be setting Transitions, Revisions and SPL'S.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.
Agree with Go2TL, set workload is a make or break process for Home. You'll always have something to set and you'll always need a plan. If you don't, you'll drown in transition freight, half your endcaps will be dead and the other half will be split between clearance bursting through the seams and ancient or redundant SPLs.

For maintaining ECs, walk every day and make note of which ones need attention. Have your team get comfortable with flexing into ECs or knowing when to set new ones early from the future SPLs workload.

Freight flow is also something you just need to expect to be flexible with. Expect to be bombarded with so much of one department once or twice a week that there's no way your DBOs or regular TMs can handle it alone. Kitchen is a bitch in this regard and they'll just decide to hit you with 3 boats of repacks and 120 cases because product hit discontinue at DC or you've got revisions coming up.

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