Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

Someone posted on reddit that we are cutting ties with Marketsource and will be doing all phone sales and activations. I know this rumor pops up every year but since some stores actually do this now, I wonder how much truth there is to it. Can anybody confirm/deny? If it’s true, I’m demoting to cashier or either guest 😂.
I can't speak to this happening soon, but I know Spot's looking to expand it. The newest pilot I've heard is expanding Plus Mobile to do Xfinity and services. Only official word for my plus mobile store is that we're cutting ties with one of our carriers in the next couple months.
I can't speak to this happening soon, but I know Spot's looking to expand it. The newest pilot I've heard is expanding Plus Mobile to do Xfinity and services. Only official word for my plus mobile store is that we're cutting ties with one of our carriers in the next couple months.
Probably Sprint.
We now according to leadership Cooperate wants Tune in to be done only during store hours on Monday’s & Tuesday’s but they are on us about not making sales or having truck finished on those days back when we were a 4am/6am start we exceeded on everything every week.
At my store I'm usually the mid on Tuesdays, so our opener can focus on Tune in. Its vern kinda working
We now according to leadership Cooperate wants Tune in to be done only during store hours on Monday’s & Tuesday’s but they are on us about not making sales or having truck finished on those days back when we were a 4am/6am start we exceeded on everything every week.
ASANTS, but one person on Monday nights in Electronics should be able to work on the entertainment revisions. Depending on the size of your entertainment department and the number of new releases, it’s entirely possible for one person to get it done in a single 8 hour shift. Try and get your TL to fight for the hours to do it. The only exception is if there’s a full transition and weeks with the focal. Especially the Dr. Seuss focal and the post-Dr. Seuss Easter focal.
ASANTS, but one person on Monday nights in Electronics should be able to work on the entertainment revisions. Depending on the size of your entertainment department and the number of new releases, it’s entirely possible for one person to get it done in a single 8 hour shift. Try and get your TL to fight for the hours to do it. The only exception is if there’s a full transition and weeks with the focal. Especially the Dr. Seuss focal and the post-Dr. Seuss Easter focal.

The 8hr shift is key to be able to get everything done but the last 2 tune in and 1 upcoming week they only schedule the electronics opener on mondays & Tuesday’s who is in charge for all tune in responsibilities 5 hours. Then then mid comes in and per leadership must start truck no exceptions. The closer is strictly in charge zone/audit all night since according the leadership by then all tune in including pull/backstock is complete as well as the truck is pushed/back stocked. The TL all you will hear is about toy this toy that but nothing about the other part he’s incharge of
The 8hr shift is key to be able to get everything done but the last 2 tune in and 1 upcoming week they only schedule the electronics opener on mondays & Tuesday’s who is in charge for all tune in responsibilities 5 hours. Then then mid comes in and per leadership must start truck no exceptions. The closer is strictly in charge zone/audit all night since according the leadership by then all tune in including pull/backstock is complete as well as the truck is pushed/back stocked. The TL all you will hear is about toy this toy that but nothing about the other part he’s incharge of
Then your TL isn’t paying attention to company directives and needs to reorientate their priorities. Electronics can and should be the primary focus of whichever TL is over it; while entertainment is only a small part of electronics, the weekly entertainment revisions also encompass video game resets. We’re specifically making some big bets with launches there. Your leadership is screwing yall and themselves over.
Entertainment is still apart of Electronics for all of you guys? I know my store is a pilot store but Entertainment got shifted over to Hardlines' job to handle zone and do new release for.

Electronics job is Electronics, not books and movies.
Entertainment is still apart of Electronics for all of you guys? I know my store is a pilot store but Entertainment got shifted over to Hardlines' job to handle zone and do new release for.

Electronics job is Electronics, not books and movies.
I mean it would free up time for Electronics but seeing how payroll is pitiful, it makes sense to have Electronics do Entertainment
Definitely Sprint. It's in the March Addendum and set direction for Electronics that they're being dropped. Consumer is taking their space on the adjacency for most stores.

Very sad to hear but it is their own fault. They need to be way more aggressive in marketing.
Do any of you know if there's a way to find the Visual Adjacency for the Heyday set anyway? My VM never set the revision for it so I kind of just tied it awhile ago and made it look like what I think the VA would have called for lol.
Do any of you know if there's a way to find the Visual Adjacency for the Heyday set anyway? My VM never set the revision for it so I kind of just tied it awhile ago and made it look like what I think the VA would have called for lol.
Check on workbench for the Heyday set. There should be a resource there that breaks down what DPCIs go where and such.
Probably Sprint.

Correct. We're getting rid of some Sprint phones, you can read this in the electronics transition guide for March.

Definitely Sprint. It's in the March Addendum and set direction for Electronics that they're being dropped. Consumer is taking their space on the adjacency for most stores.

Wikipedia tells me "The company offers cellphones, no-contract cellphone plans, and accessories with a focus on users age 50-plus."

With the "Plus Mobile" or whatever great it's more phones to set up for old people.

The contract display island things with the heyday are going to change to have new colors. Watch we not get black or white... that would be too logical. Bet we'll get doodoo brown, khaki, or throw up yellow...

But those are spring colours uWu so pretty so fashion
Very sad to hear but it is their own fault. They need to be way more aggressive in marketing.
I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the pending Sprint/T-Mobile merger.

Edit: Nevermind, T-Mobile isn’t even offered at Target anyway except some prepaid phones.
I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the pending Sprint/T-Mobile merger.

Edit: Nevermind, T-Mobile isn’t even offered at Target anyway except some prepaid phones.
We haven't even offered the prepaid ones in my store in like 2 years.
Heyday actually made a black color. Still expecting doo doo brown and another shade of purple.
Well, pretty sure the purple exists. I think I'm on my third or fourth ridiculous shade of purple while backstocking.
What's worse, hearing songs played constantly on the 2x4 or hearing those same songs but by kidz bop?

Having to listen to songs played over and over is a special kind of hell.
Hearing the kids from Glee do them over and over would be some next level shit.
And Kidz Bop would be reserved for the most evil people of all time, we're talking serial killers, Hitler and the people who yell at you for not knowing where something is in the store.
We had Headquarters come fix our jumbotron thing because no matter who they sent could not fix it, I was there when they were fixing it, and said "shouldn't you be able to hear peoples conversations?" and its been really quiet ever since, very peaceful.
By the way, anyones sales been funky? We keep missing sales by an extreme amount in electronics, and today we actually made negative sales, what gives? What was going on this time of the year last year that causes these extremely impossible goals?

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