Archived Limit on $/hour reduction when demoting?

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Nov 27, 2012
I've considered demoting as the expectations for team leads continue to become more absurd in addition to the stress not being worth the pay. My question is, is there a limit to how much you can lose per hour when stepping down from team lead? I've been told one can't lose more than $3 per hour when demoting. Obviously, you would lose the team lead increase which I would expect.

I'm in a unique situation in that I received a promotion to team lead before transferring to a new store. I was a floating team lead not designated over any area for a few months before transferring to the new store after they found me a position. I initially complained that I wasn't receiving any type of compensation for the increased travel distance which was my own fault, I suppose, for not thinking through the decision to transfer. Upon arriving at said new store, I received an additional $_/hour increase to bring my pay to be more in line with the other team leads in the building. I was told I couldn't receive an increase in pay for travel but that the increase was to level me out with the others that had been in position considerably longer. Didn't make sense to me, but obviously I didn't argue. Didn't feel I should be brought closer to their pay just because mine was considerably less than everyone else's in the building who had been leads for 5 + years. However, I digress.

My main concern is, would I lose the $_/hour pay bump to bring me in line with other TLs in addition to the $/hour increase for team lead promotion? If so, that would be well over a $6/hour decrease which would certainly not be worth demoting.

Any help from anyone with HR knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

I would assume that you wouldn't be able to be above the top of end of whatever pay grade you would be demoting to. And at that, if you were at the top end of that pay grade, you'd never see another raise again.
I don't think that my demotion would leave me at the top as there are several team members I know that make as much or a little more am hour than I do right now. I work with a team member that used to be a TL and is now a team member making 15 an hour which is roughly what I make as a TL. I don't know. I don't feel comfortable talking to my HR because I know it wouldn't be kept confidential. I know even if I whispered of demoting it would spread like a bad rumor amongst the ETLs which is exactly what I don't want. Need someone to talk to in confidentiality. They may preach open door policy but I know better. Been there long enough to know how the politics work.
it depends on your hr/stl. our tls that have demoted only lost $1, but i have seen other locations that lost $2-$3. they've said it's the best thing they've ever done. you can still get raises. they'll just be tiny, and only if you're an outstanding or excellent. i had this exact conversation with a former tl yesterday. he makes almost as much as i do, and isn't responsible for jack. he loves it.
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