Archived Lockers & Paranoia

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I hate those lockers they are a pain in the you know what..... At my store we are always having problems with them! I cannot tell you how many times I have had problems with them. I know my locker number I remember the number I punched in but it doesn't work.... Try it again..... Call the Lod.... Wait.Wait,wait.... The worst part is the waiting.... Usually it is my 15 minute..... LOD comes pops open my locker...... Sometimes I used to think it was just my bad luck but then I would see other TM waiting and waiting..... Seriously! I wish we had padlocks with a key those number locks are a nightmare!
I hated lockers when I was an ETL. Every single time I got the call to come open a locker, the person never had the right locker, so I ended opening up four or five of them before they found the right locker. Guess what - now when the user of the locker that I had to mistakenly open for you comes in, THEIR code won't work so now I have to come open up the locker for them as well - thus at least DOUBLING my locker opening work. It wasn't hard to do, but every time I got that call I had to stop what I was working on, tromp up to TSC at the front of the store, get the key, take care of the locker, then return the key and go back to what I SHOULD have been doing.
When you can never get the same locker two days in a row, and you are dead tired at the end of your shift...yeah, I've been known to know the general area of my locker and just punch in my code until my locker opens (and relock any lockers that aren't mine but used the same code).
I gotcha.. If you forget ( if your cell is in your locker) and listening to the ring ( hopefully it isn't on vibrate) that way you will remember which one is yours🙂
Our STL went through and fixed all the broken and missing key lockers after and ETL got an audit report from Spot.
It came out to almost half of them and cost a small fortune.
I don't bother, I keep anything worth stealing with me.

At my store, we used to have an island of lockers that were always broken. After a while, so many of them were deformed (from one of my GSTLs prying them open with a crowbar) that my ETL-HR had a new island brought in.
I gotcha.. If you forget ( if your cell is in your locker) and listening to the ring ( hopefully it isn't on vibrate) that way you will remember which one is yours🙂

Even if it is on vibrate, you can still hear it through the doors...even if it's in a purse 😉
At my store, we used to have an island of lockers that were always broken. After a while, so many of them were deformed (from one of my GSTLs prying them open with a crowbar) that my ETL-HR had a new island brought in.

Half of ours are broken from being pried open....we've been "getting new lockers soon" the ENTIRE time I've worked at Spot~lol!
all the batteries in our locker bay are dead. i've just given up. i just throw my bag in any open (read: no trash in it ) locker. sometimes i come back and its gone but its usually just at TSC from some "good samaritan" saying they found a bag in an open locker. i actually audited all the non-functioning lockers not too long ago and roughly half of them were broken. put in a work order for it but i doubt anything will come of it.

besides there has got to be a better way to power them than the battery system they use. they die so fast.
We're on the quarter system, and 90% of people don't lock the lockers with the quarters. It annoyed me to no end and I always threatened to move people's stuff around, but never did it.

I ALWAYS locked mine, and I'd be the one begging for a quarter if I couldn't find one. Eventually, I just kept a quarter with my nametag, box cutter, pen, and chapstick that were always put in my pocket at work. The last year or so, I started locking my stuff in the big lockers by the stairwell - much easier when I was in the photo lab and there's a time clock right next to it.

I had access to the GSTL office, as well as a lot of non GSTL/GSA folk up front. It was good most of the time when the GSTL/GSA called out (a rarity) because then we had access to equipment, the tax exempt forms, etc. I wouldn't say it's a safe place to put personal items, at least in my store.

I've never heard the promise of new lockers - I figured they weren't important, just like how our fitting room remodel turned into just tearing up the carpet and leaving a hard floor.
For a store in an upscale area, our lockers look absolutley ghetto. Doors bent from being pried open, plates missing off the battery boxes, tilted shelves missing screws (from folks unbolting them to get to their locker above/below), etc.
About a yr ago they replaced 8 locker doors, 6 keypads & fixed a few shelves while promising 'new' lockers. Now things are worse because there's no digital master key that works on them & they're just as torn up as before. Leadership even insinuated that we 'didn't deserve decent lockers because of how we'd treated them'.
I always just find an open locker and then remember the number by pairing it with a hockey player's number- see, there is some advantages to being a complete hockey nerd and knowing a player to correspond to every single number 1-99!
just don't bring anything in you would worry about - I don't carry much money, don't have a fancy phone, don't bring my i-pod. If you are worried about your things - you probably brought stuff to work you should have left at home or in your vehicle.
I always just find an open locker and then remember the number by pairing it with a hockey player's number- see, there is some advantages to being a complete hockey nerd and knowing a player to correspond to every single number 1-99!

Even 84, which nobody wore until the 2006-2007 season?
I need my cell ( emergencies at home etc) but I cannot take it on the floor. It's a Iphone yep it's expensive but heck everyone at that store has one so if someone really wants it..... I have a tracking device on it so if someone steals it I know who has it🙂 The rest of the junk in my purse is worthless.......
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