Archived Longtime TM, First Time Poster

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Sep 7, 2018
I've been Flow, Dairy-Frozen team at a SuperTarget, Presentation, and now Consumables. I'm trained in other areas as well. Total of eleven years (with a year and a half in between where I worked at something I actually went to school for).

I've got much to say. Some things I'm sure I can't say due to forum rules, but I'll try to keep things on the up-and-up (yeah, I know...)

Husband works at a different store and is having a very difficult time, but I don't know how much I can say.

Outside of TGT I am a member of a pipe band (I'm the bass drummer), volunteer at the humane society, have three guinea pigs, do living history occasionally, and knit warm things. I'm also trying to pay down student loans so I can go back and finish my BS-Medical Lab Science.

Welcome to The Break Room.
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