Archived Looks like SPOT updated it's anti-union video.

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If unions TRULY wouldn't benefit TMs, all spot has to do is let one store unionize. Just one.
If TMs didn't feel they got anything out of it, its failure could be far more effective than any cheesy video.
yeah but they already did that. and when the vote failed they closed the store canned all of the employees and came at them with a fleet of B 52 bombers and blew them all to hell. Im exaggerating but only slightly. target knows that if we unionize they would have to treat us as humans not cogs in a cash machine. that's why their so terrified of them
My questions for those complaining are:
1. How are you specifically being victimized by your store leadership/corporate?
2. What would a union do to fix this?

There was once a time when the only union that a person needed to be successful was the union of their hard work with a positive attitude. And if you truly are being treated like sh-t, then you leave and find a better job.

I, for one, am grateful for my minimum wage job. I know I'll have to work weekends. I know that despite the fact that I am cross trained in five different departments, when payroll is down, I will probably end up with 12-16 hours a week. I know that raises and reviews are based just as much on sales and forecasts as they are on job performance. But in spite of all that, I know that a job is a job. You work it without bitching about it, and if it's not putting food on the table, you use the experience and the connections to find a better job. You don't go crying to papa union to fix your problems. Call me old fashioned, but that's how I see it.

Let the angry responses commence.

I'm not angry, just confused.

What 'once upon a time' are you talking about? the time when little boys hauled coal and little girls worked in factories? Or when men worked in mines and routinely died of black lung? Maybe it was when people worked six days a week as a standard? Those were just a few of the things that unions changed.

Of course, the video casually brushed those important things off saying there are laws now and so unions aren't needed. What they don't mention is that if the stores in the region are heavily unionized the standard salaries are higher so Spot has to pay more to match.
Yes, the retail union are not as strong as the other unions which makes their entire, they won't let you work certain departments or cross train bullshit, absolutely not true.

What they can do, is have a union representative when you are being coached. That's their whole "you won't have direct contact with management". You can talk to them in a positive fashion all you want but if they call you in, you get to have a rep with you and they can speak for you. It's call your Weingarten Rights.

As I said before I was victimized in a way that a union would have helped.
In the current economy finding a new job isn't very easy as I can also tell you.

So yes, a union might not be perfect but it would help a lot.
well said commie well said
so true that you can almost see it flowing. anyone got a canoe. or maybe an ocean liner
The Red Koolaid is strong on this page.

I swear. Spot has a bots that watches this forum and finds special words like "Union" and send in the propaganda machine.

Did SPOT hire Varys?
Even the nicest, coolest, most understanding SrTL/ETL is, in the end, upper management working for Spot (or whatever employer you work for). Do not be lulled into thinking it is anything but a formal business relationship, because it will come back to bite you in the ass when (not if, but when) they turn on you.
Dawn and Ricardo represent the best of ETLs. I loke how the Ricardo zooms in after the backroom tm can't help the guest in domestics...and then doesn't help her either lol. Propaganda videos are awesome.

LOL! And why isn't the guest coming up to him? You know she would target the next redshirt she saw to complain about the unhelpful union member.
I'm a person, you're a person, Bret's a person, that person over there is a person, and I should be treated like a person. I swear one day I'm gonna do that scene in real life when someone is mean to me. I just wish the koolaid drinkers would be honest on why they hate unions. They hate unions because it takes power away from the higher ups and gives a small portion of it back to peasants.
Would you like to sign this fictional piece of paper that fictional union-supporters fictionally distribute among fictional Targets, in anti-union videos starring AFTRA and SAG union members?

Seriously, has anyone seen unionization happen from the outside? Does anyone think a union is imposed by customers handing us petitions, and ends with us all mindlessly agreeing and losing our jobs to... whom? People who are willing to work for less than we do for the same work? Do you know anyone who would jump at the chance to make less than what you make for the work you do?
Overtaxed in the sense of wiped-out, exhausted, angry, desparate for a chance at life.

Not in the income tax sense, since most of us live below the poverty line and get it all back. Thank you, Spot. 😉
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