Archived Make the call or no?

Call the hotline or no?

  • Just make the call

    Votes: 30 52.6%
  • Talk to the stl

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Talk to the etl hr

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • Just leave it alone

    Votes: 10 17.5%

  • Total voters
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Jun 19, 2014
I have been suspicious of my redcard queen for a looong time. For over a year now she gets 15 to 20 redcards a shift. I've always found that fishy.
Before yesterday I've never had evidence that she was doing anything wrong. She was talking to another cashier; who asked her a question, if a guest gives you an id that you know isnt thiers what do you do?. Her response was just type the information in. She then admitted to doing all the time.
This leaves me in a sticky situation literally no one can say anything bad about her. She gets away with murder, because she gets half the stores red cards. The gstls have probably known about this for awhile.
So now i need some input on whether to let store management take care of it, call the hotline or just leave it alone
This is something you should call the hotline for.

15-20 red cards a day is highly unusual. I question how she's even able to get that many IDs handed to her throughout a day.

Guessing she may have friends who do ID fraud get a fake id, get new red card buy a bunch if stuff, real owner cancels it, go to the next one.

Watch the people coming through her line. Bet you will see same faces a lot.
We have a TM who tricks people into getting a red card and our ETL doesn't care. If the store is making numbers, they don't care if we threaten little old ladies, as long as we sell the damn cards.
We've had people come in and complain that they thought they were getting a rewards card, not a credit card, or that they thought it was for 5% off that one time and that it wasn't coming out of their checking account. When asked, they always describe her or mention her name.

People who legitimately sign up never feel tricked but her guests often do feel tricked. She makes Target look bad.

I can't talk to any TL's or ETL's, they just don't care.
If the management are already looking the other way then I would call the hotline. I've been hearing our management pushing the cashiers to have the guests open two accounts, one debit and one credit. If they already have one then it is meeting the metric of having a loyal guest. Yes, sometimes having both works for some, but to push cashiers to then have them open the other card that they don't already have.
Talk to AP but maybe also frame it as concern about her selling alcohol/age restricted meds to underagers if she's ignoring fake ids? AP is supposed to investigate suspected illegal activity, and though it doesn't mean s/he won't turn a blind eye to red card identity theft if it benefits them in their position, I'd say they're probably the least likely of the bunch to care about red card goals.
Getting that many PER SHIFT is a red flag that all of your stores management is ignoring because it keeps the DTL off their backs. Call the Hotline and when they ask "Have you gone to your store leaders about this?," be honest and say no, because you think they are turning a blind eye to it. If you go to your store's ETLs first, and then have to call the Hotline, you've lost any chance of anonymity.
15-20 a day? Lol our store goal is 8 per day.

I would start with AP/ETL HR actually. The hotline is only going to notify your ETL HR and STL who may not care since she is making the store look good.

Definitely agree with this- I'd go to AP since it sounds like this is an identity theft problem and therefor a legal issue. How that one lady is attracting so many people like that looking to open cards is pretty bizarre and I highly doubt it just happens without her setting it up somehow. I don't see what the payoff for her is- why would you put your job in jeopardy just to get your store redcards when the only payoff is some annoying walkie celebration and maybe a cheap prize at the end of the week/month...definitely not worth doing anything like this over!

Like others have mentioned, it's unfathomable that 15-20 RCs a day hasn't already set off red flags to leadership, unless they're all playing dumb because they like the inflated RC numbers (but seriously...that is insane as well if that's the case. RedCards are NOT worth turning a blind eye to identity theft!!! 😱😱)

This schtick can only last so long, and if your store's leadership continues to ignore it I'd imagine they could find themselves in some pretty deep water as well. Props to you for keeping an eye on out stuff. It can be hard to speak against a TM like this- especially if everyone loves them...but think of all of the people that cashier is screwing over by doing what she's doing.

I'd love to hear a follow up on this when it gets resolved!
Getting that many PER SHIFT is a red flag that all of your stores management is ignoring because it keeps the DTL off their backs. Call the Hotline and when they ask "Have you gone to your store leaders about this?," be honest and say no, because you think they are turning a blind eye to it. If you go to your store's ETLs first, and then have to call the Hotline, you've lost any chance of anonymity.

I mean, I can kind of agree with this, but honestly, how is the DTL not seeing the crazy numbers and noticing the red flags? Like...I could understand choosing to ignore a slightly small increase in RCs, but if this one person is getting 15-20/shift then that store's RC number has to be blowing all of the others in their district out of the water...I just don't understand how people haven't taken a closer look at this yet, and if all of these are fake then there's VERY little incentive for Target to care about getting those card sign ups!

Maybe it's because I just got off a crazy busy shift so I'm thinking this is crazier than it is, but this just seems like absolute madness to me and perfectly epitomizes the insanity that goes on at Spot lol
I would start off with talking to the ETL-HR/STL.... If you speak with them and they don't look into it, thats when I would call the integrity hotline... I would try to exhaust your options in store first and trust me, I know that not normally easy if you have an ETL/STL team that is just results driven... But Thats your best course of action, in my opinion.
Are you a fellow cashier, GSA or GSTL?

If your GSTL, then you can direct it to the ETL-GE and AP to keep an eye on her.

If GSA, you need to report to the GSTL.

If you are a cashier, then Hotline.

The Hotline record not only goes to your STL but it is also delivered to the District office.

Tricking guests to signup for the RedCard claiming its a rewards card or for some other reason is mail fraud and identity theft. And can land the store and Target in a lawsuit.
We have one of those cashiers too. Other Targets will get complaints about this cashier as well, they'll name them by name even. The fact that my leadership just turns a blind eye to it and has the attitude of "well we're meeting goal so that's all that matters" makes me so frustrated although I honestly shouldn't be surprised.. my store is in shambles & it's just going further and further downhill.
Until it affects you, I would stay out of it. If your leadership ever compares you with her and you're getting coached or whatever, that's when you should bring it up.
Until it affects you, I would stay out of it. If your leadership ever compares you with her and you're getting coached or whatever, that's when you should bring it up.

I kind of lean toward this. My rules for reporting are if it hurts the store I will report it. If it's something like this, I figure it's not my issue to fix.

While Target does do cash rewards for catching theft. I am not sure this would qualify so there's a part of me that would wonder what do I benefit for outing someone?
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