Archived Make the call or no?

Call the hotline or no?

  • Just make the call

    Votes: 30 52.6%
  • Talk to the stl

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • Talk to the etl hr

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • Just leave it alone

    Votes: 10 17.5%

  • Total voters
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Don't be a Snitch. If your leadership doesn't care why should you? No need to draw attention to yourself
Just what I'd expect from someone who brags about how much on-the-clock time they waste in the Mens Room, and who hides high demand items so they can buy it themselves and sell it on-line.

It seems, unlike you, most of the posters on this thread have a well developed moral compass.
Just what I'd expect from someone who brags about how much on-the-clock time they waste in the Mens Room, and who hides high demand items so they can buy it themselves and sell it on-line.

It seems, unlike you, most of the posters on this thread have a well developed moral compass.
Nah. Don't snitch if it doesn't affect you. This is target, not the FBI. No one cares and it takes too much effort to worry over things you can't control
YOU don't care. Please don't presume to speak for any of us. You've consistently presented your moral compass in your posts, which is the polar opposite of mine.
OP shouldn't care either. It's a he said she said situation. It's a waste of effort. Ploting on how you can get someone fired that's not affecting your job is stupid.

It has nothing to do with morals. It's a waste of effort
There's quite a bit of EJ data on credit apps so it's hardly a 'he said she said' & it's easy enough to verify fraud.
As to not affecting your job, guess you haven't read all the threads about being threatened with termination for not getting red cards.
We have limited info. With document info, will help op on this issue on calling the hotline. Then, the stl will ask op, why didn't you come to me?
There's quite a bit of EJ data on credit apps so it's hardly a 'he said she said' & it's easy enough to verify fraud.
As to not affecting your job, guess you haven't read all the threads about being threatened with termination for not getting red cards.
Don't be a cashier

plus someone else getting redcards isn't really affecting you. if anything, meeting that quota gets the etls off everyones back
My store had a TM who got 250 cards in a year. It was a GSA and he did all sorts of questionable things to get the cards.
While many of you have said something to the effect of "if it doesn't effect you, don't report it." Well, quite honestly this DOES EFFECT EVERYONE! How? Well,

1) TM gets cards fraudulently they are breaking the law.
2) The whole thing ends up getting people pissed-off ( TMs, guests who are mis-lead, and anyone who hears this story) and then people STOP shopping at Target.
3) Fewer guests....bad for Target.
4)Target makes less money.
5) Stores close.
6) No store, no job, no money in your pocket!

There are some things that a person can choose to ignore, but there are some things that CANNOT be ignored. If you discovered that someone was sexually molesting a child....would you say something? Would you really say "it doesn't effect me?" Sadly, there are those that would turn away and not say anything.

When I was aware of the situation I spoke to my HR ETL and she said "we're working on that issue." When a couple of weeks went by and there seemed to be no action I sent an email to my STL (who was clearly turning a blind eye) with several specific issues listed. Having written an email, the STL now had written documentation of an issue (written documentation is hard to ignore.....and has to be addressed.) I saved my email message just in case I needed it later. However, in just a few short days that TM was fired.

If my STL didn't seem to be do anything then I'd have called the hotline.

And a few days later that same former TM came to TBR and complained about his unfair treatment.

One thing that TMs have learned is that Target is very strict with DOCUMENTATION. So, write things down so you have specific examples and go from there. In fact, when you call the hotline they'll ask if you have any specific examples....make sure to have some examples ready.
So, be patient and do what is right.
If going with the Hotline, make sure you have some documented instances to give statements.

How exactly is this TM pushing the RedCard?
Are they accurately representing the RedCard, benefits, and Target?
Are they giving any misleading information about the card?
Nah. Don't snitch if it doesn't affect you. This is target, not the FBI. No one cares and it takes too much effort to worry over things you can't control

When you eventually end up dealing with some level of identity theft because a cashier wanted to commit fraud, then tell me how it doesn't affect anyone. Then you will wish someone had stepped up and brought attention to the situation.
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You should call. If none of the other reasons in this tread get to you, think about this: next year at this time, if this cashier leaves/gets fired, your RC goals will still be sky high and the pressure will be on to be green.
There are some things that a person can choose to ignore, but there are some things that CANNOT be ignored. If you discovered that someone was sexually molesting a child....would you say something? Would you really say "it doesn't effect me?" Sadly, there are those that would turn away and not say anything.

While I agree with most of your post. You are being a little dramatic comparing this to being quiet about child molestation.
Not when they compare your performance to theirs, or, you are told how others are making goal and you need to step up and carry the load.

This is when you "ask for suggestions" then, "give of examples of what you see other people do", ask if you should do the same. If they say yes, then report it. Worst comes to worse if they fire you for it you have a good case for unemployment and a good talking point at a new Interview.
Not when they compare your performance to theirs, or, you are told how others are making goal and you need to step up and carry the load.
Leaders who uses other to compare you to are shit and you shouldn't worry about them anyway. As long as the quota is reasonably you should be good. If you are seriously getting coached because one TM is good at getting red cards and the rest of you aren't, you should switch departments
If you are seriously getting coached because one TM is good at getting red cards and the rest of you aren't, you should switch departments
Easier said than done.
You find yourself getting talked to at the end of EVERY shift you don't get a redcard.
You try to move from the front end to salesfloor, backroom, softlines, consumables, ANYTHING to get away from cashiering only to be told that your performance has to improve before they'll let you even crosstrain in another work area.
BUT......if you improve enough that you keep them off your back, you're now considered a 'Redcard Rockstar' & they'll NEVER let you leave the front lanes so it's a Catch 22.
As long as the quota is reasonably you should be good.
It's not; check the numerous redcard threads.
Leaders who uses other to compare you to are shit and you shouldn't worry about them anyway.
Spoken by someone who is on their way out & who doesn't really need this job.
BUT......if you improve enough that you keep them off your back, you're now considered a 'Redcard Rockstar' & they'll NEVER let you leave the front lanes so it's a Catch 22.

Yep. I'm crosstrained in hardlines, softlines and GS but when I asked if I could get more shifts in areas other than cashier/GS, I was emphatically told "no." Why? Because I'm really good at getting Redcards. Sucks, really.
Yep. I'm crosstrained in hardlines, softlines and GS but when I asked if I could get more shifts in areas other than cashier/GS, I was emphatically told "no." Why? Because I'm really good at getting Redcards. Sucks, really.
For a cashier to move to a different work center they have to hit that moving sweet spot: Get enough Red Cards to show you are trying and competent (and that you would be able to get some when backing up), but not so many that they can't afford to lose you at the Front End.
Cross train at sbux. No Reds, and I always like when baristas work multiple areas--great for break coverage and backup.

You are one of the better ones. Our Starbucks TL only accepts early 20s girls who she can boss around.
For a cashier to move to a different work center they have to hit that moving sweet spot: Get enough Red Cards to show you are trying and competent (and that you would be able to get some when backing up), but not so many that they can't afford to lose you at the Front End.
They can also do what I did and complain endlessly about how badly they want to switch workcenters bcos cashiering is too stressful and it's a waste of payroll to have them on a register than whatever department they want

Results may vary
They can also do what I did and complain endlessly about how badly they want to switch workcenters bcos cashiering is too stressful and it's a waste of payroll to have them on a register than whatever department they want

Results may vary

We had someone get out by explaining they simply aren't good at getting reds. We needed a cart attendant so it worked out.

If you are good at getting reds there is almost no way out.
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