Archived Manipulating The Call Box...

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Wish I could do that with the call box but its not possible in electronics. Ap always checks electronics cameras when a call button is on for electronics. I think yall are lying or your AP isnt in their office watching ever if they can just clear it and AP doesnt say shit. Or you clear it yourselves and AP doesnt says shit. Worst AP ever or yall are friends.
I hide the call button for electronics if I know I'm not going to be available to get it in 60 sec. Pulling an item for a guest? Hide it. Quick pee break? Hide it. Opening the electronics stock room for someone? Hide it. No one else is gonna answer it so ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯

No one's complained yet and the ETLs are aware I hide it.
How do you hide it?
I didn't know they were removable. Cool.
I didn't know they were removable. Cool.
All of the non phone units can be moved. The ones attached to the sides of endcaps slot into either a bracket that holds onto the backer frame or a base.
I found a call button in the TL office and set it to meat.

Fast forward a year from that and someone thought it was actually supposed to be for meat smh.
Before the one in our fitting room was in use, I considered switching it to "wine" (whatever the specific message is) for giggles... since we don't have wine in our store.
Communication ia walkie is required when you can't get a call box. Electronics call box is most popular one at my store. It drives me crazy when a guest times me to the box. Oh, 52 seconds you made it, stated by the guest. I did check on the same guest before I had walked away first time..grrrr.
Or when kids do it then run off before you get there.
AP was watching them on camera one time & told the Electronics TM where they were hiding.
He was down behind the boat the next time they came up, jumping up as they reached for the button & sending them running.
Those were the days.....
LOD had me work a pets CAF aka halfway across the store so I tried getting out of it by bringing up the distance and the call box l, but when that didn't work I was like "I'm hiding the button" and she was just like "dont tell me that" "i mean the button is in plain view on the boat" "good"

Hiding it is a good option 10/10 do rec
Also for reference

targetcallbuttons -

thank you @StaticSun for posting this ages ago

I'm debating changing the call button that's on the endcap in pfresh to say "produce" instead of "meat".
Pmt is responsible for having a certain number active in the store. I believe they have a list by priority to add them. I wouldn't just change it though, as they also maintain and test them regularly.
Talked to my STL. Apparently, we ARE allowed to manipulate the call boxes, as long as we're "suspended from mid-air like Tom Cruise in the first Mission: Impossible. Please note, this could also include III, Ghost Protocol and maybe Rogue Nation. It definitely does NOT include II."

So, take that with a grain of salt.
I know for a fact that an ETL in my former store would tell team members to push and then immediately clear call boxes multiple times if they exceeded. She said on the walkie one night "(TM) Can you push that call box and clear it five to ten times? We need the score to be green." Unethical? Maybe. Effective? Seems like it.
This only works at 15 minute intervals.
I hate the one at GS when you have a line and are on the phone and can't reach the call box to respond. Guests think you are multi-tasking very well. LOD, not so much.
60 seconds is not enough time. In Target's mind someone is always available but lets be realistic not everyone is gonna know how to handle an electronic question or know where to find electric can opener.
60 seconds might have been plenty when Target had TLs and specialists in every department. Now you have to run across the store constantly just to juggle box toggles. It may have worked a long time ago, but now it's just ridiculous. Agreed, not worth the hassle.
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