COVID-19 Masks and gloves

My county just imposed mandatory face masks.

I don't understand my reaction to it. I lost my job, but I can understand it. Hate it, but understand it. I can no longer eat out with my daughter, which was a fun activity, but I can understand. I can't continue whittling away at the things I planned on doing at least once before leaving, but I understand. I hate shopping for toilet paper but the fault lies solely with the hoarders, I can understand the non-hoarders and business' frustrations and the inability to prevent hoarding from people that will hide their identity for round two and three and four of the day.

But masks? Now they are mandating that I put something over my mouth and nose? That I have to have the icky feeling of having something there, and it be ugly to boot (since when is anything covering a face not ugly)? And it's not even to protect me, a mask actually heightens the risk. If I absolutely need to go out, I have to cover half my face because it protects the rest of the world. The rest of the world gets protection in case I'm too stupid to know I'm sick while at the same time my risk is raised slightly. That I'm being forced to wear something I can't stand the thought of. What's next, burqas?

The intellectual side is understanding. Normally when intellectual side and emotional side are in disagreement I can hear both sides and muscle past emotional side. This time though intellectual side is whispering and emotional side is screaming so loud I have to force myself to listen, normal day I can't hear past the screaming.

It makes me so mad at the world it feels like when I have a cold. A cold, I'm mad at the world for catching it and a perverse part of me wants to pass it on as revenge at the world, so I live my life with the usual touching of things to sate my feelings of anger.

Seriously, put stuff over my mouth and nose, inherently ugly since nothing should cover the face, binding the breathing and make it icky wet feeling...the emotional side says that's way too far to demand. The emotional side says that social distancing and isolation is a failure because people are doing fake social distancing and no isolation, if I doing it correctly there would be no need for me to wear a mask.

Why am I so knee jerk that a mandatory mask is way, way too far past what is reasonable?

I totally understand what you are saying. I have no desire to wear a mask either, but then I think What if I had covid and didn't know it. Buuuut what's the likelihood that would happen so I do nothing. I really feel like I would touch my face more with a mask on because I'd constantly adjust it. I keep my hands clean, if I need to sneeze or cough (allergies as the trees are budding here) I cover with my elbow, I minimize touching my face, and keep my distance from all the guests best I can.

If it becomes mandatory here in MN, I will deal with it. So far, our infection and hospitalization rate is pretty low compared to the rest of the states which is good. But as we know, anything and everything could change so quickly.
I feel a lot of the restrictions/mandates have been knee jerk and without a rational, logical endgame in place.

I try and wear my mask at Target when I'm doing Drive-Ups bc guests appreciate it but take it off in the store bc it's just too much for that length of time. Between that and the plexiglass partitions, it's very hard to hear/understand guests. I realize I look at faces (and lips) a lot to decode what guests are saying and the masks are definitely getting in the way of communication.
I feel a lot of the restrictions/mandates have been knee jerk and without a rational, logical endgame in place.

I try and wear my mask at Target when I'm doing Drive-Ups bc guests appreciate it but take it off in the store bc it's just too much for that length of time. Between that and the plexiglass partitions, it's very hard to hear/understand guests. I realize I look at faces (and lips) a lot to decode what guests are saying and the masks are definitely getting in the way of communication.
I have to disagree that this is knee-jerk, if so it would've been implemented a long time ago.

Things are getting worse, not better. Steps are getting more and more stringent because this thing is not going away and now we are at a point where we must do absolutely everything we can to help get this under control. Governments are clamping down because PEOPLE ARE NOT VOLUNTARILY HEEDING THE ADVICE AND THE WARNINGS AND THE PLEADING FROM LEADERS TO BE CONSIDERATE AND HELP PROTECT THEMSELVES AND OTHERS, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE STUPID AND SELFISH AND ARE ACTING LIKE BIG FUCKING BABIES AND DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES AND THEIR OWN SELFISH WANTS.

Yeah I find it so aggravating that people are literally GIVEN masks and they don't want to wear them. The masks are not to protect you, but to protect everyone else. By not wearing a mask you are putting everyone around you at risk. You would hope they wore masks around you. So do the same for them.
I actually wish they don't wear masks around me. I cannot look anyone with a mask in the face, it is gross and ugly, too ugly for my brain, and I can't stop thinking about how they must be struggling to breathe. Just keep 6 feet away and don't be sick and show your face, and I'd feel more comfortable.

I do find it strange that in March the CDC said don't wear masks, because it increases risk, and April they did a 180. Like who bribed or threatened them?
I actually wish they don't wear masks around me. I cannot look anyone with a mask in the face, it is gross and ugly, too ugly for my brain, and I can't stop thinking about how they must be struggling to breathe. Just keep 6 feet away and don't be sick and show your face, and I'd feel more comfortable.

I do find it strange that in March the CDC said don't wear masks, because it increases risk, and April they did a 180. Like who bribed or threatened them?
Why would you think they were bribed or threatened?

If you hate masks that's your prerogative, but they do provide some measure of protection, and we need all the help we can get. Stay home if you don't want to wear one. I'm not saying this doesn't suck, but it's where we are and we have to be respectful and make the best of things.

The problem with "don't be sick and show your face" is that some people are asymptomatic or presymptomatic. They are out and about with no mask and spreading germs. It's really not hard to understand.
Unfortunately I have to go out for toilet paper.

The CDC is like other government agencies such as the EPA and the FDA, they sometimes have to twist their findings and determinations to fit politics or suffer consequences.

Once I'm on the computer I will pull up where wearing a mask hurts the wearer. It's on the CDC's site still and I also found it on the National Institute of Health online library. Think about that, you are sacrificing your health to protect Karen's health.

And masks are disturbing. Having the face covered is icky. And it's wrong to accuse someone of deliberately going out when sick (the official reason for the mask). And it's wrong that you are forced to put Karen's health over yours. Your family's as well, since using a mask when well means a heightened risk and you'll be bringing the virus home with you.

And covering the face is just a horrible act, visually. It evokes something primal. I'm surprised masks havent increased arguments and fights, the effect it has on emotions.
I actually wish they don't wear masks around me. I cannot look anyone with a mask in the face, it is gross and ugly, too ugly for my brain, and I can't stop thinking about how they must be struggling to breathe. Just keep 6 feet away and don't be sick and show your face, and I'd feel more comfortable.

I do find it strange that in March the CDC said don't wear masks, because it increases risk, and April they did a 180. Like who bribed or threatened them?

It increases risk if you are going to continually touch around your face and adjust it. It also wouldn't be necessary if everyone kept 6 ft apart from those they aren't living with but as you know groups come into Target all the time who probably aren't living together. I still hear mothers let there 5-6 year old children browse in different aisles. As a cashier I can't take someone's money staying 6 ft away. Closing less essential/non essential areas wouldn't be necessary if people did quick grabs instead of browsing for something to do.
Unfortunately I have to go out for toilet paper.

The CDC is like other government agencies such as the EPA and the FDA, they sometimes have to twist their findings and determinations to fit politics or suffer consequences.

Once I'm on the computer I will pull up where wearing a mask hurts the wearer. It's on the CDC's site still and I also found it on the National Institute of Health online library. Think about that, you are sacrificing your health to protect Karen's health.

And masks are disturbing. Having the face covered is icky. And it's wrong to accuse someone of deliberately going out when sick (the official reason for the mask). And it's wrong that you are forced to put Karen's health over yours. Your family's as well, since using a mask when well means a heightened risk and you'll be bringing the virus home with you.

And covering the face is just a horrible act, visually. It evokes something primal. I'm surprised masks havent increased arguments and fights, the effect it has on emotions.
A mask is a good visual cue to remind people to keep their distance.

Masks and gloves help but they must be used properly and disposed of properly, and hand-washing after removing is still necessary. Obviously if you take your mask off by touching the front and then don't wash your hands, or put the mask down somewhere where it will contaminate surfaces, that's not a good thing.

Many of the proper behaviors are second nature to me, but I can imagine how hard it must be for those who don't practice them regularly. My husband must touch his face a dozen times during a brief conversation. OY!
But seriously they can't expect me to sneeze into the mask. I have to wear the fucking thing all day and I'm not doing that with sneeze in it.
But seriously they can't expect me to sneeze into the mask. I have to wear the fucking thing all day and I'm not doing that with sneeze in it.
That's entirely the point of the (non-N95+ filtering/"standard") mask though: To prevent droplets coming from you - via breathing, coughing, or sneezing - from going out into the air around you. If it becomes replace it.

Once I'm on the computer I will pull up where wearing a mask hurts the wearer.
N95 (or equivalent or better) masks will help protect you if they fit properly. N95 masks w/o exhalation valves, surgical/procedure masks, or cloth masks will protect others *from* you.
A properly worn mask will not hurt the wearer. However, "typical" use of a mask is entirely improperly done - from putting on a reused mask, taking off a worn mask, and actions done while wearing it - which is one reason why it was recommended against at first.
However, even if you're basically doing it wrong, it will still help protect those around you if you're sick, visibly or asymptomatic, and it seems like it has gotten to the point where that is more overall beneficial for society.

Masks and gloves help but they must be used properly and disposed of properly, and hand-washing after removing is still necessary. Obviously if you take your mask off by touching the front and then don't wash your hands, or put the mask down somewhere where it will contaminate surfaces, that's not a good thing.
It increases risk if you are going to continually touch around your face and adjust it.
It's exactly this. People touch the mask and adjust it or whatever and then continue to touch other things that will now be contaminated (like the rest of your face, for instance)
It's a similar issue with glove use where people use them improperly and cause massive cross-contamination. (Hint: If without gloves on you'd wash your hands before doing/touching something else: change your gloves to a fresh pair)
Many businesses in may area have had the plexiglass up at registers for several days or more than week, yet at Target which made a big announcement we have nothing. Don't make big announcements. Just do it.
My store had had plexiglass almost 2 weeks now.
That's entirely the point of the (non-N95+ filtering/"standard") mask though: To prevent droplets coming from you - via breathing, coughing, or sneezing - from going out into the air around you. If it becomes replace it.

I think I'll just take it off and sneeze into tissue like I always do.
Yeah I find it so aggravating that people are literally GIVEN masks and they don't want to wear them. The masks are not to protect you, but to protect everyone else. By not wearing a mask you are putting everyone around you at risk. You would hope they wore masks around you. So do the same for them.
I do agree with your message the days pass by I become very aggravated at the 99.6 percent of purchases that come through my lanes and contain not one item that’s deemed essential, ( need it to survive) what’s even worse? I am supposed to protect them?? Why? They are well aware of risks.!! I have to be at work in order to SURVIVE, you don’t need to come to target for bikinis, patio furniture, books/organizer shelves, AND it’s definitely not essential for me to call for a backup which at my front end is absolutely violating the practice of social distancing ... BUT the guest demands it... done! Lately the interaction with guest tells me they are CAPABLE of protecting themselves when they are screaming about not getting entitlements; examples....4 pack of toilet paper guest has 9 of them in cart.. ma’am I’m sorry but we’re limiting quantities to 1 package per guest due to high demand... I want a MANAGER, the guy in front of me had a 36 pack of angel soft thats not fair!!! How about you rope off the non essentials target? How about my company protecting me??? Or we could all just relax, try to be kind, help each other STAY HOME FOR 14 days so we can all get our lives back???
Unfortunately I have to go out for toilet paper.

The CDC is like other government agencies such as the EPA and the FDA, they sometimes have to twist their findings and determinations to fit politics or suffer consequences.

Once I'm on the computer I will pull up where wearing a mask hurts the wearer. It's on the CDC's site still and I also found it on the National Institute of Health online library. Think about that, you are sacrificing your health to protect Karen's health.

And masks are disturbing. Having the face covered is icky. And it's wrong to accuse someone of deliberately going out when sick (the official reason for the mask). And it's wrong that you are forced to put Karen's health over yours. Your family's as well, since using a mask when well means a heightened risk and you'll be bringing the virus home with you.

And covering the face is just a horrible act, visually. It evokes something primal. I'm surprised masks havent increased arguments and fights, the effect it has on emotions.

It sounds much more to me like your issue is cultural than anything else.
In Asian cultures it is considered rude to go out without a mask if you might be sick.
The idea of inflicting your germs on other people is socially unacceptable to a serious degree.

The mask stands for being considerate of the people around you and aware of the risks they are taking for you.
The person working to stock the toilet paper doesn't need your germs even if they aren't Covid-19.
I suspect that after this we will see masks becoming much more in common use in American culture too.

I thought it was funny that the one group that had a lot of experience already wearing masks seems to handling this well.
Antifa has been making hand sanitizer and using their gas masks for protection.
The only thing I see the fascist groups doing is blocking the entrances to hospitals.

Portland anti-fascists are making hand sanitizer for essential workers, homeless residents -
Just wear this face mask and be done with it


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