Archived My store doesn’t provide safety vest for people who grab cart?

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i've seen these





and my favorite


Jesus as a cart attendant
Thats a good way to avoid getting carts. I wouldn’t stress it.
Lets say a CA does get hit in the parking lot and is not wearing a reflective vest. It would be the best thing to happen to HIM (thats right no females can do a CA’s job)
Anyway the hit wouldn’t be life threatening or anything, cars in parking lots drive slow.
The owner of the car can sue target as well for having dangerous property (the CA without a vest) in the parking lot.
And Target can have the person arrested for tresspasing in Texas too.
The six months I did CA after flow ( yes I did both) I got the front end etl order me a new vest because I wore the oldest one they had over my red and khaki.
The internet says no cart attendants have been injured by not wearing a reflective vest, I think you're safe.
The internet also said that sharknados exist and that George Soros is having secret meetings with Democratic leadership in the Hague. I dont trust anything on the internet.
Get with the PMT. They can order them through Granger and all of those orders come in next business day. If your PMT isn't there have someone email them. We usually have a stack of them and actually assign one to a team member to keep for themselves because the communal ones can get quite nasty.
Get with the PMT. They can order them through Granger and all of those orders come in next business day. If your PMT isn't there have someone email them. We usually have a stack of them and actually assign one to a team member to keep for themselves because the communal ones can get quite nasty.

you have stack of PMT’s ? wow that could be handy
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