Archived My three months aren't up and I'm being promoted..

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Jan 19, 2016
I got hired on as a seasonal worker at the start of December. I'm a cashier and apparently I'm decently good at my job, I get a lot of compliments from the LOD's and other leadership, and was kept on after seasonal work ended.

Lately 4 of our GSA's stepped down and asked to just do cashier work, so we are really short staffed on that level. I went into work yesterday and got pulled aside and asked if I was interested in becoming a GSA, I impulsively said yes. I was really surprised they asked me, I've only been working 3 months and I know there were lots of other options for them to choose...

Anyway, I'm terrified I'll do an awful job because there's still a lot of things I don't know how to do.. I usually need help with something 2 or 3 times a night.. I don't know if I should take the job when I'm so inexperienced..
I'd ask those GSAs WHY they stepped down.
It was likely from the pressure of doing the same work as a GSTL (a team lead with all the rank, higher pay & privilege) for a smaller bump in pay.
Also getting yelled at by leadership about why cashiers aren't getting red cards & having to be the next level up in dealing with obnoxious guests.
Depending on your store culture & how well your leadership backs you, it can be a step up or a high-pressure nightmare.
As to the 'other options' from them to choose from, the veteran cashiers probably all passed up the offer.
Training will come. You have cashier training down, the rest will come. A lot of it is learning based on experience - which will come with time. Congrats on your promotion!
Congrats on your promotion! In addition to asking other GSAs why they stepped down, I would ask a GSTL what they think about the position as in what are the pros and cons of a GSA and what they would expect from you. In our store, our leadership has a good rapport with TMs so the GSTLs would freely talk about the pros and cons of the job. (Note-I know this may be atypical).
Congrats to you! maybe you can speak with the former GSAs abut what the job is like, and if they don't mind you asking why they decided to step down. Good luck to you.
GSA is generally not a position you want to be in for an extended period. If they're promoting you this early (even due to extreme circumstances), maybe they think you have the potential to be a TL someday. GSA is a great path to be a TL because you can develop your leadership skills and work closely with the STL and ETLs. The job itself isn't so great because you are basically doing the job of a GSTL, but being paid a hair more than a cashier. If you think you want to be a TL someday and think you have a shot at actually getting it, take the job.
Wow! Thanks everyone for your responses. I'm going to talk to the GSA's about why they're leaving and the pros and cons of the job.
Sounds like you're at a high volume store too, which potentially makes the GSA gig a lot easier. When everyone else has built routines to upkeep the front when it comes to plano,fill, zone, etc. your job becomes mostly responding to blinkers and guest complaints.
In my store 1 girl was promoted to gsa at the end of her probation and they started developing her a TL. Unfortunately the pressure was crazy and she didn't take feedback well so she quit.
Our newer GSA got the position after 5 months and he's handling things a whole lot better.
I guess it really depends on how you handle pressure and how you drive for results.
Personally, I'd say take ANYTHING that comes in your way and when things get bad, it's your cue to show what you can really do.
Keep the updates coming 🙂
If you like a fire made under your seat every day. Because you will hear....
Mr Mean ETL: "We want more RED CARDS FROM YOU!!!!"😡😡😡😡😡😡

You will be 😎🙂😵😳😱😕 within 10 seconds of your first day.
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Don't take it! For what my GSAs do and the standard my GE wants them to be accountable for, they don't get paid enough. She wants them to coach and then let us know so I can type up the PDDs, do everything that I do, and even dress professionally ( button downs for men and nice tops for women and dress shoes are the standard for all TLs and above at my store). Worst position in store for only .50 cents.
Based off of what you guys said, I turned down the position. It just sounds like too much work for too little pay. I just told them I didn't think I was ready. Thanks guys

Wise move. Especially since it sounds like your store is burning through GSAs. It can't be a coincidence, there is a reason why they are stepping down; most likely leadership related.
Glad you passed up the GSA offer. I will echo what others have said and tell you that you'll be better off for this decision. The only thing GSA is good for is consistent hours (typically) and maybe hopefully rising further one day to become a TL, but even that's not guaranteed. Good luck in your Spot endeavors!
They wanted me to be a Hardlines Team Lead like 20 days in to my 90.

Hell. No.

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