Archived My TL resigned and their position has not been filled. I think I'd do a great job.

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May 18, 2014
My food ave TL resigned unexpectedly and didn't even fulfil her 2 weeks. So now we're stuck with 4 main people and one other person who is cross trained and maybe has one day a week in food ave. Since my TL left, our Sr.GSTL has been keeping a watchful eye on us and has been making our schedules, and being there when steritech comes, etc., because they used to be the TL in food ave before they became GSTL.

Now I am only 18 and I'm about to graduate high school in a couple weeks. I, as well as my other team members feel that I am the most knowledgable person about every aspect of food ave, even more than our old TL was, and that I could easily take over. The only issue is that I would have to wait until late summer when i start my first semester of college that I could actually be considered for the position.

I am already enrolled in my college and plan to start the fall semester. Is there a way they would make an exception to this and allow me to take over once I graduate? I am the team trainer and have trained several people since I transferred to food ave from cashier about a year ago. Not only do my fellow team members feel that I would be great, but so does the Sr.GSTL and the Starbucks TL. I'm basically already being TL without being TL, having 39 hours per week (more than anyone else on the team) and doing everything minus making the schedule and doing SAP orders.

Wish me luck🙂
What does starting college have to do with whether or not you qualify for consideration? Also keep in mind that TL positions are the killer of degrees, it's hard to work 40 hours a week at a stressful job and be a full-time student.
As a TL who is getting their degree...don't do it unless you absolutely have to. If you need extra cash to help pay for school and miscellaneous expenses then by all means keep your job, but do not try to do TL and full time school. It's fucking stressful. I barely get sleep. I'm running all the time. There is no reason you should try to be a TL and go to school as a freshman. Work a part time job and fucking enjoy your freshman year. Get involved on campus. Get a campus job if you need more extra money. Make new friends. Stay up late because you want to, not because you're getting back to the dorm at 11 and haven't been able to do any homework today because you had to work an 8 hour shift right after you got out of class. Enjoy the 4-5 years in college. You've got the rest of your life to climb the corporate ladder.

Don't do it!
I agree. Enjoy your life the next 4 years; don't waste it away stressing over Target. I am 100% sure you will look back a couple of years after you graduate college and will look between integrity (I had a balanced life in college between work and friends) or despair (I wish I was more social and had less stress in college). Trust me, I worked 40 hrs a week as a TM through the last two years and I missed out on a lot.
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