6-15-18 Updates
Pushed a backend update for pick label barcodes.
Since pick label barcodes are usually '49' + dpci + 'number 0-9'
i just strip out the dpci and run it that way, whereas before it would return an invalid barcode error
Also, this morning I pushed the version testers are running (1.1.4) to Apple for App Store Distribution.
If all goes well, it'll be released in it's first version by next week. As I haven't heard of any big issues that I couldn't easily fix with a backend change, (nor have I found any myself) I take that as the app being ready to go.
Currently I have no new features planned for addition.
The only thing really on my plate for the app is a redesign based on Google's Material Design. (You think the app looks like Move now, just wait! 😉 ((I don't know, I just really like the dark and orange scheme))), but that isn't for a while.