Archived New Flow face

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Aug 27, 2017
Hey there!
I was just hired at Target after being out of the retail game for almost 8 years. Cant wait to get out from behind the desk! I am currently in school working towards a bachelors (and then a masters...hopefully) so i needed something with a flexible schedule. Just wanted to say Hi and thanks! I have been lurking for the last few days and have learned a lot already ☺ I will be working as a flow tm. Any suggestions before I start would be much appreciated!
Are you going to be 4am flow? Overnight?

Get comfortable shoes. Seriously. I cannot stress this enough.

Thank you! 🙂 I will be coming in at 4am, our store doesn't have an overnight crew (HR said it is a lower volume store)
Hey there!
I was just hired at Target after being out of the retail game for almost 8 years. Cant wait to get out from behind the desk! I am currently in school working towards a bachelors (and then a masters...hopefully) so i needed something with a flexible schedule. Just wanted to say Hi and thanks! I have been lurking for the last few days and have learned a lot already ☺ I will be working as a flow tm. Any suggestions before I start would be much appreciated!

Whoop that trick...
This will be more useful after your first day, but it's incredibly helpful....the third post in this topic (the pick label) - Logistics - PICK LABEL: IN DEPTH ANALYSIS

That whole topic is useful too though. Lots of good info.

Your first day, ask questions. Hopefully you have a good, informed, trainer.
Thank you, StockerAce! The 1st guy who interviewed me was my TL, super cool dude, and I believe they said he would be training me so I think it should go well. I had orientation yesterday and really liked the vibe of the logistics team they have in place right now. Always helps ease newbie jitters
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