Archived New GSA Hire

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Oct 27, 2017
Hi, everyone! I applied to Target recently for my first job and got hired as a seasonal GSA (I originally applied for a cashier position). I heard it's not the best job but I needed a one badly.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, tips and tricks, that they can share with me? Advice for getting hired on after the season and such would be nice too. 🙂 Also, is there any way you can see your shifts online?

Thanks everyone!

was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, tips and tricks, that they can share with me?

There are some threads about being a successful GSA/GSTL in the Leadership forum

Advice for getting hired on after the season and such would be nice too.

Show a desire to grow in the company. Show up for your shifts. Be composed even when it's stressful (expect equipment issues q4)

Getting lots of Red Cards on your shift used to be a way to impress leaders but that is no longer a main focus (hasn't funneled down to every store yet) and it doesn't hurt.

Encourage your cashier's to be friendly. The big metric now is NPS score (a high rating on a guest survey) if your cashier's are not friendly and getting low scores you will be held responsible

Also, is there any way you can see your shifts online?

There is a web site but it's up for some people and down for others. I believe it's
There are some threads about being a successful GSA/GSTL in the Leadership forum
Show a desire to grow in the company. Show up for your shifts. Be composed even when it's stressful (expect equipment issues q4)
Getting lots of Red Cards on your shift used to be a way to impress leaders but that is no longer a main focus (hasn't funneled down to every store yet) and it doesn't hurt.
Encourage your cashier's to be friendly. The big metric now is NPS score (a high rating on a guest survey) if your cashier's are not friendly and getting low scores you will be held responsible

I just recently finished with my week long training as GSA. There are some confusion with my trainers with what I can and cannot do as GSA since they changed up some responsibilities. Overall, I like it so far and my team is pretty great (aside from a couple people with an attitude). RedCards are still a big deal for my store so I'm a little nervous about not being able to drive up RedCards during my shift. But I'll try my best. Thank you, HRZone, for all the advice and for the welcome! 🙂

Welcome to The Break Room.

Welcome! Bienvenue! Bienvenido! Willkommen!

Thanks everyone!
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